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All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto — Chapter 74 Killing Danzo, Six Paths of Grief and Indignation

“Impossible! How do you know! I have never told anyone, even the roots transplanted to me are dead!”

Looking at Chen Tian in horror, Danzang knew that he was completely finished. His only hope was to use the four seals to die together with Chen Tian!

“So what if you know, as long as you are here, Konoha will inevitably come to an end. I will take you to death today!”

“Wind Escape—a big breakthrough!”

Watching Danzo blow away those flying thunder god kunai, Chen Tian shook his head, even if there is no flying thunder god, what can you do?

Yes, you are stronger now than you were when you were old, but you can barely maintain your level at the Shadow level.

“Useless struggle!” The sword in his hand flashed, and he didn’t know when he appeared behind Danzo.

Danzo looked at the stab wound on his chest and his eyes widened in disbelief, “How could it be so fast!”

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot and appeared behind Chen Tian, ​​stabbing hard with the shuriken in his hand.

But if he had known Izanami’s morning sky, how could he have been unprepared?

The moment Danzo appeared, he left the place with a super-fast teleportation technique.

Watching Danzo attack desperately, Chentian just hung him from a distance, not giving him any chance.

After Izanagi casts it, he will be invincible for five minutes.

Because Danzo is not from the Uchiha clan, he is invincible for only one minute.

Knowing that the opponent would not be hurt, Chen Tian didn’t bother to continue attacking.

After waiting for a minute, there was another flash of sword light. Even though Danzo had already released his defensive ninjutsu, he could not block Chentian’s sword.

Seeing Chentian’s actions, Danzo knew that he was dead. He didn’t believe that the other party was just lucky. He obviously knew his information.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t figure out how Chen Tian knew his information.

Just like this, the surrounding area has been destroyed into ruins, and the last blood eye on Danzo’s left arm has also been closed.

The moment Danzo reappeared, Chentian immediately moved hundreds of meters away and looked at him cautiously.

But after seeing Danzo’s puzzled look, he immediately slapped his forehead and murmured: “Shisui is still alive and well. How can there be any other gods? I am also confused! The original is harmful to people!”

Just as the two were fighting, an old man in white clothes was setting his sights on the interlayer between the Pure Land and the Ninja World.

Seeing that Chen Tian was about to kill Danzo, the man frowned, “This variable has changed too much. For the success of the plan, it is time to eliminate it!”

The next moment, the old man pointed his right index finger, and a ray of white light suddenly crossed the pure land and entered Danzo’s body.

But Chentian didn’t see it. He only noticed that Danzo’s eyes froze for a moment before returning to normal.

But he didn’t think too much, as long as one more blow was needed, Danzo could be sent to the Pure Land.

“Brush!” The same sword light flashed for the tenth time, but this time it failed to produce any effect.

A black ball appeared in front of Danzo, who had run out of gas, blocking Chen Tian’s sword.

The moment he saw the ball appear, Chen Tian’s pupils suddenly shrank and he was hundreds of meters away in an instant.

Others may not know what it is, but he knows that this black ball is the Jade of Seeking Dao!

But why does Danzo have a Taoist Jade?

Chentian’s excessive reaction made Danzo flash a flash of doubt in his eyes. The other party seemed to know Qiudao Yu?

Then he put this thought aside. He was very sure that since the founding of the Ninja Sect, there had been no six-level strongman, and it was absolutely impossible for the opponent to endure it.

Without saying a word, the Taoist Jade in Danzo’s hand flew out at a speed invisible to the naked eye and hit the morning sky.

“Earth Escape – Earth Current City Wall!”

Seeing Qiu Dao Yu running towards him, before Chen Tian’s brain could react, he threw out the ninjutsu in his hand.

He waited until he reacted to realize that Ninjutsu had no effect on the Dao Jade, but it was already too late to dodge.


The next moment, an explosion suddenly sounded, and both Chen Tian and Danzo were stunned on the spot.

“How is it possible? How can ninjutsu block the seeking jade?” × 2

Confused, Danzo immediately looked at Chen Tian, ​​and then frowned tightly.

Although Chen Tian couldn’t figure it out, he still managed to escape and yelled loudly on the spot: “Old man Liu Dao, I knew it was you, an old cunt!”

“How can you keep absorbing natural energy?”

The two spoke at the same time, and were stunned at the same time, looking at each other, not knowing what to say.

Do I automatically absorb natural energy? So my ninjutsu is released using natural energy? No wonder it can resist the seeking jade!

Then I remembered that when the system was upgraded last time, the chakra in my body became strange. This was the operation of the system, “The system is awesome!”.

The Liudao opposite was not in such a good mood as him, and besides being frightened, he was still horrified.

Since he gave up his body a thousand years ago, he has never been seen again.

Even that idiot Hei Jue didn’t know he was alive. How did the man in front of him know that?

What follows is endless killing intent. There is absolutely no room for any flaws in his plan, and all accidents must be eliminated!

But after occupying this body, he can only use a Tao-Seeking Jade. This is a bit difficult when the other party has natural energy.

“If I had known earlier, I would have used more strength!” He sighed helplessly in his heart, but he didn’t show it at all on his face.

“How do you know me!” Liudao was about to ask, but Chen Tian had already arrived in front of him.

If you don’t seize this opportunity, you will be struck by lightning!

“Thunder Release—Raikiri!!!”

? ? ?

In a hurry, Liu Dao could only turn the seeking jade into a shield, blocking Chen Tian’s right hand.

“Haha, have you not fought for too long and your brain is showing off?” Chen Tian sneered and instantly hugged Danzo, who was possessed by Six Paths.

When his body began to be decomposed by the Qiudao Jade, a voice suddenly sounded in the distant woods.

“Tailed beast jade – red flame!”

Seeing the Tailed Beast Jade getting closer and closer, Liu Dao’s eyes widened, but he was hugged by Chen Tian and could not get away!

“This damn body! Damn it!” No matter how angry he was, what was supposed to come would always come.


For a moment, the earth shook and the mountains shook, flames shot into the sky, and a whirlpool of flames swept across all directions, swallowing up the six realms.

After everything subsided, there was nothing left except the scorched earth.

Chen Tian walked out of the woods with a grin on his face, “The feeling of the shadow clone dying is really painful!”


All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

Status: Completed Author:


Chentian traveled through the world of Naruto and became an orphan from three wars. Fortunately, the card pickup system was activated. Cards will drop when others fight, and you will become stronger if you pick them up! "I've learned Flying Thunder God a long time ago!" "Is Wood Release difficult? Don't make fun of me, okay!" "Can Nine-Tails kill people?" Chen Tian put one hand on Nine-Tails' head, confused. Asked everyone. ...Chentian kept picking up attributes like this, until the Fourth Ninja War, Chentian was completely invincible! Subsequent worlds: One Piece, Dou Qi, Holy Soul Village, Dragon Ball Z, Journey to the West, and Zhetian.


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