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All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto — Chapter 97 Teaching Ming Zuo

After talking about Naruto, Chentian looked at Sasuke who was full of expectations. Knowing that Chentian was going to give him some advice, Sasuke hurriedly raised his chest and raised his head, making a serious expression.

“Sasuke, you belong to the Uchiha clan, and your blood eye is your greatest advantage, and you must try your best to develop it.

The Blood Chakra Eye has many functions, including illusion, copying, insight, etc.

But in my opinion, the most important thing is insight.

With the Blood Wheel Eye, you don’t have to be afraid of illusions. You can fight in close quarters with your powerful dynamic strength, avoid the enemy’s attacks and then deliver a fatal blow.

Therefore, the development direction of the assassin type is your best choice, and you can play it perfectly all the way to the shadow level.

After you open the Mangekyo Blood Ring Eye, you will transform into a Gundam Warrior and gain two powerful ninjutsu that are unique to you, and the others will have little effect. “

Speaking of this, Chen Tian was also quite helpless. No matter how Sasuke develops, he will definitely become a Gundam warrior after opening the Mangekyō Blood Wheel Eye.

No matter how well he develops in other aspects, it can’t be compared to Susanoo’s advantages.

It is worth mentioning that the Blood Chakra Eye picked up by Chentian seems to be a little special. It is automatically evolving a little bit every day, and now it has a kaleidoscope.

That’s why Chen Tian was particularly familiar with this point, and that’s why he gave Sasuke such advice.

Hearing Chentian’s words, Sasuke nodded thoughtfully, thinking about the development direction Chentian said.

After watching the two little guys finish their meditation, Chen Tian said: “No matter what you choose, since you are here today, I can’t let you go in vain and teach you a ninjutsu each.”

As he spoke, Chen Tian began to think carefully. All his ninjutsu were instantaneous. He had not formed seals for a long time and almost forgot about them.

After a while, he said: “Let’s start with Naruto first. I’ll teach you an A-level ninjutsu – High Fire Extinguishment!”

He demonstrated it to Naruto several times and explained the key points bit by bit.

Naruto didn’t waste Minato’s talent. He only taught him four or five times before he started to figure it out on his own.

After doing all this, looking at Sasuke’s pitiful expression, he pulled him to the other side.

“I will also teach you an A-level ninjutsu – Chidori! This was developed by your teacher Kakashi, and it can be upgraded to an S-level ninjutsu – Raikiri!”

For a time, the sound of thousands of birds rising in the jungle continued, and the thunder in Chentian’s right hand continued to scurry.

When Sasuke knew about the ninjutsu developed by Kakashi, he was a little unimpressed, but when he saw the power of this ninjutsu, his eyes immediately lit up.

As if it was destined, after seeing this ninja, Sasuke felt like he couldn’t take his eyes away.

Seeing how interested Sasuke was, Chen Tian smiled and began to teach.

After finishing everything he had to do, Chentian lay leisurely on the grass to bask in the sun, boredly watching the two of them progress little by little.

At noon, Xiao Linglong came over with three lunches.

“Have you eaten?” Looking at the exquisite food in his hands, Chen Tian still felt amazing even after eating it for so many days.

Linglong shook her head, “Mine is still at home. I’ll pack it up and eat it after you finish eating.”

Looking at Linglong’s cute appearance, Chen Tian touched her head and said, “Let’s eat together.”

After saying that, he divided half of the rice in his hand and gave it to Xiao Linglong. Then he shouted to Naruto and Sasuke: “You two take a rest first and continue practicing after eating.”

This practice lasted all day, and the two of them went home separately in the afternoon when it got dark.

After returning home, he couldn’t wait to tell his parents exactly what Chen Tian said and started discussing it with them.

After Minato returned home, he listened to Naruto’s story and looked at each other with Kushina in deep thought.

There is absolutely no problem with what Chen Tian said. Chen Tian used this routine when he was a child, but later he stopped using it when he became stronger.

They had all witnessed the battle of the morning sky fort-ryu, and the ninjutsu one after another was completely irresistible.

After thinking about it clearly, the two of them no longer hesitated and nodded in agreement.

If you don’t take advantage of such a good innate advantage, you would be a real fool.

The same situation exists in Sasuke’s family, especially Fugaku, who 100% supports Asuka’s point of view.

He turned on the kaleidoscope and knew the advantages of the kaleidoscope blood chakra eye.

Before turning on the kaleidoscope, he was a ninjutsu ninja. Although he was powerful, he could not crush him.

But according to Chen Tian’s thoughts, Sasuke is undoubtedly extremely strong in both the early and late stages.

With their family’s approval, the two little guys happily continued to practice the seals.

Early the next morning, the two little guys rushed to Chen Tian, ​​told Chen Tian the good news, and then began to practice according to Chen Tian’s arrangements.

This training lasted for three days. After the two initially mastered their respective ninja skills, they were taken by Kakashi to do the task.

This mission was to clear out a traitorous ninja. A chunin rebelled against the village and built a cottage.

Perhaps because the development of Konoha gave him inspiration, this guy actually taught the bandits in the village how to practice, adding more than a dozen genin to the village.

This time, he was hired by a businessman who was robbed. Kakashi led three little ones to go out and kill the rebellious ninja on the spot.

After a day of traveling, Kakashi took the three little ones to the outside of the village.

“You have all accepted Xiaotian’s teachings. I will teach you this time and let me see your progress!”

“No problem, leave it to us!”×2

Naruto and Sasuke stood in a row, their voices full of confidence. Only Sakura looked at the three of them blankly, with fear in her eyes.

They all knew the mission goal, which was one chuunin and a dozen genin. With the three of them just graduating ninja, weren’t they going to die?

But before she could refuse, Naruto Sasuke agreed and blocked her words.

After seeing Kakashi disappear, Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other, nodded to each other and said: “Sakura, you just wait here, we will solve it soon.”

As soon as they finished speaking, the two of them rushed out without hesitation and quickly entered the village.

“Enemy attack!”

“Come on, come on, there’s an attack!”

“Kill them, they’re just two brats!”

Within a minute, a large number of people gathered around Naruto-Sasuke, including the traitorous ninja.

The two looked at each other, Sasuke opened his Sharingan and rushed towards the Chuunin, while Naruto formed a seal on the spot.

With the insight of the Sharingan, Sasuke evaded all attacks and soon came to the rebellious ninja.


All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

All Heavens: Pick up cards starting from Naruto

Status: Completed Author:


Chentian traveled through the world of Naruto and became an orphan from three wars. Fortunately, the card pickup system was activated. Cards will drop when others fight, and you will become stronger if you pick them up! "I've learned Flying Thunder God a long time ago!" "Is Wood Release difficult? Don't make fun of me, okay!" "Can Nine-Tails kill people?" Chen Tian put one hand on Nine-Tails' head, confused. Asked everyone. ...Chentian kept picking up attributes like this, until the Fourth Ninja War, Chentian was completely invincible! Subsequent worlds: One Piece, Dou Qi, Holy Soul Village, Dragon Ball Z, Journey to the West, and Zhetian.


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