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All Heavens: Starting from Becoming a God — Chapter 219 Closing the Net (7)

It’s a pity that everything failed to fulfill Hou Tu’s wish, whether it was the long sword that broke through time and space and slashed at the Beiyin Fengdu Emperor, or the short sword that took off the head of Ksitigarbha.

Everything can be considered as a failure.

Emperor Fengdu of Beiyin was dead, but the authority of Fengdu in him did not automatically break away after his death.

What the Houtu Immortal Sword killed was just the body of a real person.

The authority that filled its substance is quietly missing.

At the same time, Houtu’s dagger that cut off Ksitigarbha’s head was also gray on his face.

Ksitigarbha, who fell into a state of confusion, is still a powerful man at the level of the Emperor of the Divine Court.

Although he was inferior to Hou Tu, and even at the moment when all the people were dying, he had to admit that Ksitigarbha’s cultivation was indeed the first among the five emperors of Shenting.

He forcefully received Houtu’s full blow.

The successive accidents caused a lot of ripples in Hou Tu’s heart. She was not worried about Ksitigarbha, because if one sword could not kill Ksitigarbha, then two swords, three swords, a hundred swords!

There is always a sword that can kill you!

After all, Hou Tu is confident that he will have the power of the underworld in Ksitigarbha’s body, but the problem lies in what to do with the power that has gone missing in Emperor Fengdu of Beiyin!

“The Great Emperor of Beiyin Fengdu, who is pretending to be this!” Hou Tu looked a little anxious at this moment.

She did not hesitate to manifest her true form and personally participate in the battle, in order to successfully gather the other two powers of the netherworld in the end, so as to transcend.

But the situation is obviously not right now.

Hou Tu’s spiritual thoughts had previously been firmly locked on the Qi of Emperor Fengdu of Beiyin, ensuring that he could track him no matter where he fled to the ends of the earth.

However, the other party never escaped.

He even stayed in this small world honestly, as if it had nothing to do with him, silently watching the fight between the Shenting Allied Forces and the Buddhist Allied Forces.

Hou Tu did not understand what the other party meant before, but this did not prevent Hou Tu from paying attention to the Emperor of Beiyin Fengdu.

But even so, it still ended up being like trying to draw water from a bamboo basket.

“Who is still hiding behind the scenes!” Hou Tu shouted silently in his heart!

While Hou Tu took action, Xu Xun and others did not watch.

Although they failed to stop Hou Tu’s sword that cut through time and space, they directly broke the five-color light in front of Hou Tu.

The light curtain is broken!

At this moment, Hou Tu faced Xu Xun’s sword, Ge Xuan’s seal, and Zu Shu’s talisman!

These three Taoist True Lords, who are also at the top of the world, do not hold much less power than Hou Tu. Apart from their authority, it can be said that the realms between these three people are quite different.

But Hou Tu is in control!

“Heaven and earth are not divided, but blend into one. The two rituals are initially judged. The yin and yang are positioned so that the clear air rises and becomes the yang sky, and the turbid air falls and becomes the yin earth.”

“. According to the legend of the Five Supreme Beings, the five heavens are positioned, the sun and the moon are given, and there are various mysterious phenomena.”

“.The five yellows multiply together, and the five qi condense, carrying the rivers, seas, mountains, forests and houses, so it is said to be yin in the sky and yin in the earth!”

Along with Hou Tu’s chanting, the authority from the world of Jambudvipa instantly blessed her. Standing in front of Xu Xun and the others at this moment was the former Emperor Chengtian who followed Hou Tu’s example!

The Emperor of the Divine Court who is in charge of Yin and Yang and the Earth!

The five congenital Tais blessed Hou Tu, and Tai Su blurred the existence of Hou Tu. Tai Chu blessed Hou Tu with the fundamental energy, Tai Shi gave Hou Tu a brand new body, and Tai Su provided deeper power.

The last Tai Chi guides the power of yin and yang from heaven and earth to Hou Tu.

At this moment, the power that Hou Tu possesses is truly worthy of being named the Five Emperors of Shenting, and is worthy of the honorable title of Emperor Hou Tu being imitated in heaven!

When Xu Xun’s sword light extending across thousands of miles was added to his body, when Ge Xuan’s seal that covered the sky fell, when Zu Shu’s talisman that shattered all laws burned out.

Houtu smiled.

“Xu Jingyang, Ge Xiaoxian, Zu Suidao, if you want to take my life? You’re still far from it!”

As this cold and sharp shout fell, the light of the Five Innate Gods around Hou Tu suddenly spread, knocking down Xu Xun’s flying sword, Ge Xuan’s seal and Zu Shu’s talisman.

At this moment, Houtu was one against three and still had the advantage!

However, Xu Xun and the others seemed to have anticipated Hou Tu’s move. When Hou Tu took over the power of heaven and earth, they directly turned from offensive to defensive.

“As long as this period of time is delayed, from today onwards, Jambudvipa will have only one voice!”

“Zushu, be careful!”

“I don’t care, if the situation goes bad, I have a way to escape!”

Xu Xun and the other three quickly exchanged opinions. All they had to do was wait for the mighty power of heaven and earth that had been blessed on Hou Tu to dissipate.

Without the blessing of the mighty power of heaven and earth, Hou Tu would just be a being with a higher level of cultivation than them.

There is absolutely no ability to defeat one against three.

Houtu knew the opponent’s plan very well, so in order to break the three people’s joint defense more quickly, she used her strength again to directly kill Jizo and extract the authority of the underworld from the opponent’s body.

Ksitigarbha’s consciousness is completely lost!

At the same time, the Taishan underworld authority that was originally attached to Emperor Dongyue was pulled out of thin air at this moment and blessed Hou Tu.


Hou Tu’s mind moved again, and two fairy swords, one long and one short, cut through time and space again. Ignoring the defense of Xu Xun and the others, he was about to cut off the heads of the three of them.

“Pay for your stupidity!”

If the Hou Tu in the normal state is one and a half to two Xu Xun, the Hou Tu who enforces the rules of heaven and earth is four to five Xu Xun, and the Hou Tu who has gathered back two Netherworld powers is six Xu Xun. !

Xu Xun’s sword light collided with Hou Tu’s sword light, and the space of thousands of miles collapsed into nothingness in an instant. Xu Xun’s entire body was directly knocked down from the fragments of Fengdu to the world of Jambudvipa.

What was worse than him was that Zu Shu was directly killed with a sword, but fortunately, the only Kun Dao leader among the six Tao sects, there was indeed a way to save his life.

By compromising his own cultivation, Zu Shu forcibly avoided this murder that was originally impossible to escape.

But as Xu Xun was beaten away and Zu Shu’s vitality was severely damaged, Ge Xuan, alone and weak, was unable to compete with Hou Tu who was almost at his peak.

However, Hou Tu had no intention of pursuing the victory.

She neither pursued Xu Xun and Zu Shu directly, nor killed Ge Xuan. Instead, with the help of powerful force, Hou Tu wanted to repeat the path that Emperor Ziwei had walked before!

Emperor Ziwei achieved transcendence by returning his power, and then Tu Tu was about to perform such an act again!

She now holds two-thirds of the power of the Netherworld, and has complete Yin-Yang and Earth!

“It’s time to prove the road!”

It’s not that Hou Tu doesn’t want to wait until he has the complete Nether in his bag, but time waits for no one, and the great power she has been blessed with has a time limit.

She must make a resolution before time ends!


All Heavens: Starting from Becoming a God

All Heavens: Starting from Becoming a God

Status: Completed Author:


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