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All Heavens: Starting from Becoming a God — Chapter 220 Closing the Net (8)

At this moment, Hou Tu was surrounded by Xiantian Wu Tai. Even though he was in countless void turbulences, he could not see her effortless at all.

“Today, I will achieve the fruition of transcendence!”

Hou Tu decided not to hesitate any longer.

It is impossible for her to continue to waste her money. Hou Tu doesn’t know when the Dharma Ending Catastrophe will come.

But once the catastrophe of the end of the Dharma comes, she will no longer have any possibility of transcendence.

Now, in order to defeat the enemy, Hou Tu was forced to combine his powers in advance. If he couldn’t detach himself today, there would be a window of at least several years when the power faded.

During the window period of these few years, Hou Tu could no longer control the power of heaven and earth as he wished.

In the past, this was only a few years, and for Hou Tu, it was just a blink of an eye.

But now, when the catastrophe of the end of the Dharma is infinitely approaching, it becomes extremely precious.

After all, let alone a few years, the world may lose all future possibilities in a few months.

“Today, I have less power than Zi Wei. If Zi Wei can achieve transcendence, so can I!”

With Hou Tu’s decision made, the power around her increased greatly at this moment.

Whether it was Ge Xuan, Zhang Daoling and Maitreya who were fighting in the distance, or all the monks in the entire Fengdu fragment.

At this moment, everyone felt an indescribable pressure, just like a mouse seeing a cat. It was a sense of fear that seemed to be carved into the deepest level of the soul.

Just like Emperor Ziwei that day.

Even though Hou Tu did not manifest a star-sized Dharma form and only showed his ordinary appearance in front of the world, the monks still felt the strength of this divine emperor.

“Houtu, is she really going to follow Zi Wei’s example?”


“How did Hou Tu and Zi Wei master the transcendental method? In the past, the Taoist Buddha could not leave even a few words, so why did the two of them get the specific method?”

“It’s useless to say all this, then let’s see if Hou Tu can take that step.”

Zhang Daoling and others had a quick exchange.

They compared the gap between Hou Tu and themselves at the speed of light, and then gave up interfering with Hou Tu’s transcendence, or in other words, they gave up any action at the moment.

Because Hou Tu, now under the blessing of authority, can indeed defeat six of them.

Unless you really want to harm others without benefiting yourself, it would be like cutting off two ounces of flesh from Hou Tu’s body in order to fight for his own death.

Zhang Daoling and others are not fools.

For now, they will not forcibly interfere with Hou Tu’s detachment.

After all, killing Hou Tu is the key to destroying the Shenting Allied Forces, so Hou Tu’s detachment will also make the Shenting Allied Forces leaderless.

Since the purpose is the same, there is no need to care about the process. It is enough to have the same ending.

However, this was only the opinion of Zhang Daoling and other Taoist leaders. Maitreya and Pharmacist Liuli, who were already in decline, glanced at Ksitigarbha who was lost in consciousness and had to leave first.

“It’s a pity to hide your cultivation, but you can’t keep it after all.”

“It’s such a pity that he insisted on appealing to the will of all the people. When he achieved great power, he should have expected a scene like today!”

Amidst the bickering between Maitreya and Medicine Master Liuli.

The two Buddhist giants suddenly used their strength to repel the offensive of Zhang Daoling and the others, and then directly broke away from the Fengdu fragment.

“I’ll send you off without bothering you. Farewell!”

“The poor monk goes first!”

As soon as the two monks’ robes were displayed, the monks who were directly affiliated with their own camp wrapped themselves around them, and then directly shattered the void. Return to the world of Jambudvipa.

For the pharmacists Liuli and Maitreya who already knew about it, although the plan to establish a pure land based on the netherworld was hopeless, Ksitigarbha did point them in a direction.

In the little time left, create the next pure land that can avoid disasters.

Cave heaven and paradise!

The self-contained cave heaven and blessed land can also achieve the same effect as the netherworld, except that it is relatively vast and about the same size as the world of Jambudvipa.

The upper limit that Dongtian Paradise can accommodate is obviously too small, but this still does not prevent this from being a good way.

After all, since transcendence cannot be achieved, the next best thing is to protect oneself. However, from beginning to end, Maitreya and Pharmacist Liuli have no intention of cooperating with the Taoist sect.

Tell the other party the truth, and then work together to try to capture the Houtu, and then jointly manage the Netherworld and establish the Pure Land?

Are you kidding, completely unrealistic.

Not to mention the price to be paid to suppress Hou Tu, there will inevitably be disputes over who owns the complete Netherworld.

Compared to pharmacists Liuli and Maitreya, who are on the weaker side, there is a high probability that they will not be able to get any benefits.

What’s more likely is that after they worked hard to capture Houtu, Zhang Daoling and others might just turn against each other and add insult to injury neatly.

No one is a fool.

As for finding opportunities to get rid of competitors, that is the top priority. Now that Taoism is dominant, how can they be willing to let Buddhism divide the world equally again?

Don’t even think about it.

As a result, Maitreya and Pharmacist Liuli, who had no intention of telling the truth, directly abandoned the Ksitigarbha lineage and led their subordinates away from Fengdu Fragment.

If this happens, no one can really stop Hou Tu anymore.

Zhang Daoling and others could only let Hou Tu perform detached actions. They could only find ways to observe the key traces and then know the essence of the detached method.

In full view of the public, Hou Tu began her journey to return her power, imitating the Ziwei emperor she had been for twenty years.

Return the earth.

Return the yin and yang.

Return to the underworld.

It’s just that with Hou Tu’s series of actions, she didn’t feel the opportunity in the dark, the opportunity that led her to transcendence!

“What exactly went wrong!” Hou Tu couldn’t think clearly.

“Is it true that I am still a little short of the opportunity to become a saint through merit? Is it because of Netherworld? Is it because of this fragment of Fengdu that I have not yet mastered?”

Zhang Daoling and others also discovered something was wrong.

They clearly observed Hou Tu’s actions, which were almost the same as those of Emperor Ziwei, but they failed to get the same ending as Emperor Ziwei.

Hou Tu was a little crazy.

At this moment, she seemed to want to understand why Emperor Ziwei, who was the first to embark on the road to transcendence, did not make any move until the end of the Dharma was approaching. He was forced to speak out.

“Do you still want to be naive? If it was really that simple, maybe Ziwei wouldn’t have hesitated for ten thousand years.” At this time, Hou Tu had a glimmer of understanding.

Unfortunately it’s too late.

After returning the power of heaven and earth, the aura on Hou Tu’s body suddenly declined, and the five innate ladies around him also disappeared without a trace.

And at this time.

Jizo, who was already unconscious next to Houtu, gave the weak Houtu the most fatal blow before anyone could react!


Everyone looked at the scene of Ksitigarbha’s leader Houtu in astonishment.


All Heavens: Starting from Becoming a God

All Heavens: Starting from Becoming a God

Status: Completed Author:


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