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All Heavens: Starting from Becoming a God — Chapter 221 The Ending (Grand Finale)

what happened?

Even Zhang Daoling and others who were used to seeing strong winds and waves couldn’t figure out the situation for a while when they saw the situation changing again before their eyes.

“What’s going on? Ksitigarbha is not dead?”

“Now it’s interesting.”

“Stop being funny and take action! If we don’t capture Houtu and Jizo now, we will never have such an opportunity again in the future!”

The first one to react was Yin Xi.

The leader of the Taoist sect, who wrote the 3,000-word “Tao Te Ching” for the Supreme Emperor, directly threw a volume of illustrated books at Hou Tu and Ji Zang, who were once again fighting among themselves.

The volume of illustrations unfolded instantly, turning into a golden bridge spanning the heaven and earth, hitting Ksitigarbha and Houtu.

Tai Chi diagram!

It’s not a so-called imitation with a bit of charm, but the Taoist treasure Tai Chi diagram that was refined by the Supreme Emperor himself in the past and passed down to Yin Xi!

The Tai Chi diagram was shaken and unfolded to emit five-color light, and the golden bridge illuminated the entire small world in an instant.

At the same time that Yin Xi made a move, Zhang Daoling and Tao Hongjing immediately reacted, and then each sacrificed their own magic weapons!

Then Zhang Daoling’s sleeves and robes flickered, and a sword, a seal, and a sword flew out from it.

The sword is a three-five evil male and female sword.

The seal is the seal of Yangping Zhidu Gong.

The urn is the talisman of Zhengyi League.

These three magic weapons, which Zhang Daoling had cultivated since the beginning of his Taoism, showed their due power.

Facing Hou Tu and Ji Zang, who were much less powerful than before, Zhang Daoling directly used his strongest method.

At the same time, a scroll of scriptures from Tao Hongjing also pressed directly towards Houtu and Ksitigarbha!

This is the determination from the Taoist sect, even if the three sects are at odds with each other on weekdays.

But at the critical moment, they still showed a unified attitude!

“Kill them, and our three families will divide the world in the future!”

“Rule over all nations today!”

These three Taoist leaders know very well that tangible benefits are the most important. As long as Houtu and Ksitigarbha are eliminated now, the situation in Jambudvipa world will be rewritten!

Faced with the full force of the three Taoist Lords, Hou Tu couldn’t take any action at this moment, because she had to deal with the sudden attack of Ksitigarbha in front of her!

“You are not Jizo! Who are you!”

“If you can really see the situation clearly, stop and stand by my side now, everything can still change, otherwise, this world will become a hall of reference for the three Taoist families!”

Hou Tu keenly noticed something wrong in Ji Zang’s aura.

During the period after she withdrew her authority, some kind of special change seemed to have occurred in Jizo!

Ksitigarbha, who was originally unconscious, may have been directly turned into a puppet!

Facing Hou Tu’s persuasion, Ksitigarbha’s expression did not change at all. He directly burned all his magic power and launched a suicide attack on Hou Tu!


A backlight lit up behind Ksitigarbha, and flames burst out. From three feet around him, to a radius of thirty thousand miles, and even to the entire Fengdu fragments, a raging fire was ignited at this moment!

At this moment, the Fengdu fragments were not only filled with countless spatial turbulences, but also unknown fires. For a time, the Daomen coalition forces and the Shenting coalition forces were unable to resist and had to withdraw from the battle early.

The monks on both sides had no choice but to stop moving, break open the space one after another, and flee directly to the world of Jambudvipa, fearing that they would fall directly into it if they walked too slowly.

In this way, within the fragments of Fengdu, only the five members of the Taoist sect, Hou Tu, and Ji Zang, who had fallen into madness, were left.

While Hou Tu struggled to resist the attack by Zhang Daoling and others, he still tried to persuade Ksitigarbha to change his mind, but to no avail.

“You forced me!”

“Today, if you want to use me as a stepping stone, then let me show you what my one hundred thousand years of practice is like!”

Hou Tu, who was trapped in an unsolvable dilemma, finally made up her mind at this moment. She no longer persuaded Ksitigarbha, and she had no intention of begging for mercy.

She wants to drag everyone with her to be buried with her!

“Want me to die? Very good, then, don’t even think about getting the slightest benefit!”

Before Hou Tu could finish her words, she had already taken the first step. An existence with the rank of Emperor of the Divine Court directly chose to self-destruct!

What will happen if a being with the mass of a star releases its energy in an instant?

“Of course it’s a supernova explosion, a violent explosion caused by a star collapsing toward its center. If you’re lucky, there won’t even be any dregs left of the star. If you’re unlucky, there will only be a corpse left.”

Wang Yu looked at the rapidly spreading shock wave in front of him, shrugged and said, “That’s a black hole.”

However, according to Wang Yu’s current situation, it seems that Hou Tu will not become a singularity.

Because the other party has no scum left at all.

Forty years of painstaking experience and layout of the entire Jambudvipa world finally allowed Wang Yu to complete his plan.

Taoism, Shenting, and Buddhism have all become Wang Yu’s stepping stones.

All this is not because Wang Yu has many great schemes, but because he turned some conspiracies into conspiracy.

“Everyone has desires. The bait is placed in front of them. Everyone knows it is fake, but there is no way. You have to bite the hook, because biting the hook means falling into a trap. If you don’t bite the hook, you will starve to death.”

Wang Yu completed an almost perfect layout in his own way.

Although there were many deviations and even several temporary changes to the plan, the ending was ultimately happy.

No matter from the initial kidnapping of Houtu and Ksitigarbha, they were forced to come forward and asked the Taoist and Buddhist sects to allow the spread of Taiyi’s belief in rescuing suffering.

At the critical moment just now, Wang Yu mobilized those believers in the city who had died in vain to launch an uprising, giving Ksitigarbha the most painful blow.

Everything was carefully designed by Wang Yu.

Wang Yu expected that the six Taoist sects would personally take action, and he also expected that Hou Tu would definitely seize power from him in the face of Ksitigarbha who had lost its use value.


Ksitigarbha will definitely be taken advantage of by Wang Yu, and Houtu will definitely fail.

As for why it failed?

Naturally, because of Taiyi’s priesthood of rescuing Ku Tianzun, when Hou Tu returned his authority, Wang Yu relied on the authority of the Fengdu fragments to cut off the other two Nether fragments in advance.

Therefore, Houtu, who only contributed the power of Yin and Yang and the earth, failed.

I’m afraid she won’t know until her death that she missed the last step before becoming a saint through merit.

Of course, if she had followed her original idea, there was still a chance that this final kick would not come out because Houtu’s path was not entirely correct.

“Hou Tu still had a misunderstanding. After all, she still didn’t understand what Emperor Ziwei meant.”

Wang Yu walked among the fragments of Fengdu.

He looked at the netherworld that had experienced the Qinghua Emperor of the East and the baptism of Houtu. Now it was as easy to break as a piece of glass.

“Ahem, are you the mastermind behind this?”

“It’s amazing.”

“I have never seen you before. When were you born in this world?”

Wang Yu turned to look at the four Taoist leaders. At the moment when the Hou Tu self-destructed, these Taoist masters still resisted by virtue of their ability to press the bottom of the box.

Although the injuries were serious, he survived after all, but Kun Dao of the Qingwei sect seemed to have died together with Ksitigarbha and Houtu.

Faced with the doubts of the four people, Wang Yu shrugged and then took out a volume of atlas.

When the four of them saw this, they all froze on the spot, and Zhang Daoling couldn’t help but ask: “Immortal urn!? Did you get the inheritance from the Qinghua Emperor of the East?”

As Wang Yu took out this atlas, all the truth seemed to be revealed to the four Taoists.

“No wonder.”

“That’s it, that’s it.”

Looking at the few people who were in a state of imagining, Wang Yu actually wanted to tell them that he didn’t hold back on this fairy book for long, and he was not at all the person they thought he would be, bearing the humiliation and bearing the heavy burden of revenge.

Wang Yu restrained his desire to complain.

Facing the four thoughtful people, Wang Yu neatly crushed the album in his hand and said, “Okay, it no longer exists.”

All of a sudden.

Countless real kings, Arhats and Bodhisattvas who were canonized above them all felt that some kind of rules given by heaven and earth on their bodies disappeared at this moment.

The strength suddenly declined to the bottom.

Zhang Daoling and others, who were already seriously injured, were even more depressed now. They looked at Wang Yu in shock.

But Wang Yu just responded with a simple punch.

Together, Zhang Daoling, die!

Lou Guandao, Yin Xi, die!

Maoshan Sect, Tao Hongjing, die!

Ge Zaoshan, Ge Xuan, die!

“I will take over the unfinished business of Hou Tu without any hesitation, and I will teach you how to make merit and become a saint correctly.” Wang Yu lowered his head and looked at the authority in his hand.



Yin Cao.

The three originally broken authorities merged into one at this moment, and once again became what they were ten thousand years ago.

only. Wang Yu did not use this to directly cut off the connection between himself and Netherworld to return his power.

Instead, relying on the authority of becoming one, the three fragments that were originally scattered were gathered together again.

All living beings noticed this movement.

But no one dared to enter the fragments of Fengdu to find out what was going on. Maitreya and Pharmacist Liuli had already decided to escape into the Paradise of Cave Heaven to avoid disaster.

Xu Xun, who sensed the death of other comrades, and whose strength was at the bottom of his decline, was now on his own and did not dare to take any more dangerous actions.

In this way, everyone can only let Wang Yu do whatever he wants, which is also an important reason why Wang Yu deliberately contributed to the current situation.

As Wang Yu carefully puzzled the puzzle, Netherworld became one again. Feeling the power that Netherworld gave back to him, Wang Yu did not show any satisfaction.

“It’s time to test my idea.” Wang Yu stared at the entire Netherworld.

“Emperor Ziwei’s return of power is just a representation. His essence should be to transform this world into what it will be like in the era of law destruction in advance.”

What does the era of law destruction look like? No one can tell about the sentient beings in Jambudvipa world.

But there is one person who knows.

“In Jambudvipa in the era of Dharma’s destruction, there are no gods or ghosts, no extraordinary beings, no mountain gods and water gods, and the stars in the sky should be countless light years away from Jambudvipa.”

Wang Yu muttered to himself.

He began to describe what he saw and heard in his first life, the appearance of the Blue Star where Wang Yu lived.

“In such a Jambudvipa, naturally there should be no underworld, let alone any dark side of the underworld.”

As Wang Yu’s words fell.

He repeated the actions of Dongji Qinghua Emperor ten thousand years ago. However, Dongji Qinghua Emperor failed because he was seriously injured.

But Wang Yu is different.

This time, the Netherworld was finally broken. As for the dead souls and monks still stranded in the Underworld and Mount Tai Underworld?

Who cares?

Feeling the power of heaven and earth blessing him, Wang Yu smiled slightly, took one step, and disappeared into the entire universe.


This brings Wang Yu’s story to an end. This book was not well written. I also discovered many problems myself and learned lessons to prepare a new story.


All Heavens: Starting from Becoming a God

All Heavens: Starting from Becoming a God

Status: Completed Author:


"Sir, could you please take a moment of your time?"
"Please allow me to introduce you to our heavenly father and savior, Zhenyu Tianzun."
Wang Yu promoted himself to passers-by in a serious manner, but unfortunately no one paid him any attention.
Looking at this insincere world, Wang Yu sighed: Since the truth doesn't make sense, he can only take action to rob the faith himself...


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