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American comics: The beardless female super hero, the symbiote is invincible — Chapter 124

“Then everything will be fine———~”

Be prepared to be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Ron put his hands up and stretched, feeling relieved.

Even, slowly…..The whole person feels refreshed

[Huh? doesn’t seem right…..This feeling is……]

Ron looked at Felicia and Skye.

The two girls had already dipped their toes in.

See him.

They even blinked together and worked harder.~

[Good guy, bare feet and black stockings together……]

Ron’s throat moved slightly, and he couldn’t help but think: [What if Gwen was asked to put on white silk stockings again?……That’s perfect]

“Oh, right!”

Skye was cooperating with Felicia when she suddenly remembered something.

“What’s wrong? Ron asked.

Skye found a resume, handed it to him, and said,”There is a lady with excellent qualifications who wants to be your secretary. Do you want to take a look?” Ron took the information and said,”Didn’t you tell her that I already have a secretary?” Skye smiled slightly: Natalie said…..”An excellent president always needs a few caring and beautiful female secretaries~” I think what she said makes sense, so I gave her this opportunity.”


Ron opened the information and looked at a charming photo of a beautiful woman.

Although her slender legs are a bit out of shape, the flaws are not concealed… the body is also very sexy…….

And this burgundy wavy hair…..

[…..Haha, it is indeed the Black Widow. ]

This aunt actually wants to be a secretary. She must be harboring some bad ideas……

Seeing her boss staring intently, Felicia tangled her toes and said teasingly:”What’s wrong Ron, are you fascinated by the beauty?”

“yes….She is a charming beauty. Ron raised his head and threw the resume back into Skye’s arms:”Tell her to get lost.””

After settling the company’s affairs,

Ron returned home and prepared to say goodbye to Wanda.

Because next, he would have to go out to do errands again, which might take some time.


Open the door and walk into the living room, Ron Before En could take off his coat, a touch of snowy color swayed in front of him……

“Ron, you’re back.”

Wanda, the little house girl, ran over with her bare feet, diligently helped him take off his coat, and hung it on the hanger.

“Um. Ron responded softly, looking at her white feet:”Although the floor is very clean, it’s better to put on slippers.””

“OK, I’ll remember that next time.”

Wanda just moved her toes, and the symbiote covered them, wrapping a pair of cute home slippers on the soles of her feet.

Then, she pulled Ron into the living room and said with a smile:”Ron, You’re just in time, Gwen and Hannah are here today”

“Yeah, that’s just right.”

Ron looked towards the sofa in the center of the living room.

Sure enough, two girls were crowded on the sofa watching TV.

And Gwen and Hannah’s slender feet were also bare.

Putting the two pairs together, it was very pleasing to look at.

“Ron! Come quickly”


Seeing Ron coming home, Gwen and Hannah greeted him together.

It’s just that Gwen is more lively and Hannah is relatively reserved.

Ron sat on the sofa, put his arm around Ge Wenwen’s shoulders, and asked with a smile:”How come you come here so often these days? Weren’t you controlled very strictly by Mr. George before?”

“Dad has agreed~”

Gwen turned sideways, pressed her legs on his thighs, and said happily:”He said that I am already an adult, and it’s okay if I want to come and live.”

Ron said:”Then do you want to come and stay?”


Gwen put her fingertips on her pink lips, raised her eyes and thought about it for a moment, then said loudly:”It’s better not to give it up.”…I will be bullied by you all the time if I live here.

Ron poked her soft thigh and said,”Don’t you like being a friendly neighbor Spider-Woman? Living here with me is much more convenient than hiding from your parents at home.””


Gwen was a little moved:”What you said seems to make sense.”…”


Ron raised his hand on Gwen’s shoulder and rubbed Hannah’s hair:”Hannah, you think what I said makes sense, right?”

“Uh-huh.”The pretty girl with glasses nodded her head obediently:”Yes.

Ron lifted the hair from the curve of her ear, and his fingertips slid across the earlobe:”Then do you want to come and live here?””

Hannah’s ears turned red instantly and she shook her head quickly:”I….I can’t do it….Mom and dad won’t agree…..”

“Hey, don’t bully my Hannah. Gwen stepped forward.

Ron looked confused:”What do you mean your Hannah?””

“Hum, hum~”

Gwen hummed twice, grabbed Hannah’s hand, and raised it:”Hannah is my assistant now, the kind of assistant of a superhero!”

Hannah lowered her head in embarrassment and whispered:”It was Gwen who insisted on me……”


Ron felt amused and said with a smile:”Like Batman and Robin?”” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“I’m not rich like Bruce Wayne.”

Gwen let go of her hand, rested her head comfortably on Ron’s shoulder, and said,”My little boyfriend, comics and reality are still different~

If…..Who in our world has as much wealth and wisdom as Batman?…..I can only think of Mr. Tony Stark from Stark Industries.

But a playboy like him……It’s impossible to become a superhero, right?

After all, you are such playboys, you only think about beautiful ladies every day~”

Ron’s face darkened:”What do you mean by”you guys”?…..”?”

“Um?”Gwen raised her finger and pointed his nose, chuckled and asked:”Aren’t you?”

“Well…..”Ron couldn’t argue

“All right…..How about we make a bet?”

A certain sea king very carefully started to trick the ignorant little female spider:”If Tony Stark becomes a superhero, how about you move here?”

Asking for flowers


Gwen hooked his neck and shoulders and raised his body:”What if you lose?”

Ron said with a serious expression:”I will move in with you”

“screw you~”[]

The girl scolded and said angrily:”Do you want my family to be in chaos?”

“just kidding.

Ron lowered his head and kissed her pink lips, and promptly changed his words:”If I lose, how about I give you a pair of new and improved spider silk launchers?””

“New web launcher?”

Gwen was a little moved when she heard this.

Although the symbiote can also achieve a movement effect similar to spider silk, in order not to scare ordinary people, she usually uses a more normal spider silk launcher.

“Okay, that’s it!

A sly look flashed in Gwen’s eyes:”Don’t say I’m bullying you. Tony Stark has been missing in the desert of the Middle East for almost three months~ You don’t pay attention to the news!” Ron

‘s expression was calm:”Disappearance does not mean death.” maybe…..When he comes back, he becomes a superhero”

“Ha~ Just be tough.”

The girl’s pretty face came closer, and her soft lips touched his face in return:”Remember to prepare my spider silk launcher early.”

“Hey, don’t get bored…..”

Wanda, who had just gone to the kitchen, came back at this moment.

She put the plate in her hand on the table and asked the three of them:”Does anyone want a drink? There is iced one.~”

“Thank you Wanda~” Gwen thanked her sweetly, shot a spider thread from her wrist in the direction of the coffee table, pulled a bottle of juice over and handed it to Ron.

“Come on, the flavor you like. Ron took the drink and glanced at it casually:”Actually, I prefer it now…..

Eh? etc……”

Why is it that the more I look at this drink, the more familiar it feels?……

Under the influence of extraordinary mental power.

Some memories suddenly emerged in Ron’s mind…..

“Portuguese?……Wanda, where did you buy these drinks?”

“It’s just your usual supermarket…….”

Wanda also picked up a bottle of drink and looked at it carefully with her light green eyes.

“Is there something wrong with these drinks? The boss said that these drinks were imported from Brazil and they tasted pretty good, so I bought some……”


Ron frowned and thought:[……I almost forgot about the big green guy. ]

Now that Tony Stark has been hammering away at the Middle East for nearly three months.

So according to the timeline, Bruce Banner should be hiding in a Brazilian slum.

It seems that the Avengers era is about to begin…….


Ron got up from the couch and threw all the drinks in the trash.

Then, he told Gwen and the others:”During this period, please don’t buy drinks imported from Brazil. It may be dangerous.”…..”…..Several..


American comics: The beardless female super hero, the symbiote is invincible

American comics: The beardless female super hero, the symbiote is invincible



Story of: American comics: The beardless female super hero, the symbiote is invincible

Ron travels through the world of American comics and discovers that he can create symbiotes and copy the abilities of the objects possessed by the symbiotes.

"From now on, let the radiance of the symbiote shine across the multiverse!"

In Marvel.

Iron Man wears an anti-symbiote armor: "Ron, I will never give in to you!"

Spider-Gwen caressed the female symbiote suit on her body: "The greater the ability, the greater the power. Ron is indeed right."

Charles looked indignant: "You lied to me, you are not a mutant at all!"

In DC.

Superman was attacked by several symbiotes, Doomsday, and shouted: "Bruce, Kryptonite!"

The symbiote Batman silently took out the kryptonite spear.

The Flash rushed into the timeline and tried to change the ending, but was chased by the Speed ​​Force symbiotes and doubted his life: "Fuck! Can these monsters also become Speed ​​Force?"

When Ron led the symbiote army into various multiverses, Zi...


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