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American comics: The beardless female super hero, the symbiote is invincible — Chapter 125

Middle Eastern desert.

The climate here is harsh and there is almost no human habitation.

At a glance, the sky is filled with dust.

However, a group of armed men gathered in front of a Gobi cave.

Their name is the Ten Rings Gang, and they are the same group of people who kidnapped Tony Stark.

Originally, the terms negotiated between the Ten Rings Gang and Obadiah were: if Tony Stark was captured, he would be executed immediately.

However, after seeing the new missile [Jericho] tested by Tony Stark.

The leader of the Ten Rings Gang had something else on his mind: he wanted Tony Stark to rub out the [Jericho] missile in this old Gobi cave.

In this backward research and development environment, the [Jericho] missile was created……To ordinary people, this is simply bizarre. but.

For Tony Stark, a recognized genius scientist.

It’s not impossible to do.

But Tony Stark obviously doesn’t want to help terrorists build missiles. On the surface, he agreed to the leader’s conditions, but secretly he was creating something even more unbelievable……

———[Mark 1] individual armor with the Ark nuclear reactor as the core.

The sound of hammers in the cave has been echoing for nearly three months.

Today, Tony Stark is almost done with Mark One.

When the operating system is loaded, he can escape from this damn cave with his assistant Dr. Ethan. only.

Tony Stark’s move to load the operating system finally allowed the terrorists to discover his anomalies in the surveillance.

So, now we have to race against time.


After putting on the Mark 1 breastplate for Tony Stark.

Ethan turned around and looked at the progress of the program on the computer screen:”They are coming, but we still need time…..”

As he spoke, he squatted down and took out a gun from the armed man he had just dealt with:”Stark, I have to buy you some time……”

Tony Stark’s expression changed, and he immediately guessed what he wanted to do:”NO! Follow the plan, Ethan!”

Ethan didn’t stop, adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and rushed out with a gun. A simple research and development room.

Rushing into the cave passage, the muzzle of the automatic rifle in his hand spit out flames crookedly, attracting the attention of the terrorists who were coming here.


Ethan shouted, and with his recklessness and the terrain of the narrow passage, some of the militants who were in the lead were really frightened and turned back.

However, when he came to the more open entrance of the cave, he fell into surrounded by militants……

“you deceived me……”

The leader of the Ten Commandments Gang looked gloomy and raised one hand to order his men to open fire.

But, right now.

A member of the Ten Rings Gang to the left of the leader suddenly had a dark look in his eyes…… pong…..pong….. pong…..(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The tall silver-gray figure took heavy steps and came to the entrance of the cave…

In the metal shell of Mark 1, Tony Stark glanced at the corpses on the ground in confusion.

The situation was different from what he thought.

It is impossible for Ethan to deal with so many members of the Ten Rings Gang.

Moreover, the wounds on these corpses don’t look like gunshot wounds.


A weak voice came, causing Tony Stark to turn his head and look next to the entrance.

I saw Ethan lying on the grain bag, looking seriously injured.


Tony Stark quickly stepped forward, opened Mark 1’s mask, and said with slightly sad eyes:”No……Man, move on, we’ll do it as planned……”

Ethan looked at him weakly:”That’s my plan, Stark…..”

Tony Stark stared at him:”Hurry up, you have to hold on, we will be saved soon!”


As Ethan was talking, his expression suddenly changed and his eyes looked frightened:”Stark, run! it…..”1.7

“Walter?”Tony Stark was confused by his appearance.[]

At this moment, Ethan suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and smiled inexplicably:”This is my plan, Mr. Stark.”…..”

As soon as he finished speaking, black liquid like a tide instantly poured out of his body!

Sweeping towards Tony Stark!

Before Tony Stark had time to react, thick black liquid poured in from the gaps in the armor, gradually covering his face…….

“oh! Damn it! What are these disgusting things! ?”……


American comics: The beardless female super hero, the symbiote is invincible

American comics: The beardless female super hero, the symbiote is invincible



Story of: American comics: The beardless female super hero, the symbiote is invincible

Ron travels through the world of American comics and discovers that he can create symbiotes and copy the abilities of the objects possessed by the symbiotes.

"From now on, let the radiance of the symbiote shine across the multiverse!"

In Marvel.

Iron Man wears an anti-symbiote armor: "Ron, I will never give in to you!"

Spider-Gwen caressed the female symbiote suit on her body: "The greater the ability, the greater the power. Ron is indeed right."

Charles looked indignant: "You lied to me, you are not a mutant at all!"

In DC.

Superman was attacked by several symbiotes, Doomsday, and shouted: "Bruce, Kryptonite!"

The symbiote Batman silently took out the kryptonite spear.

The Flash rushed into the timeline and tried to change the ending, but was chased by the Speed ​​Force symbiotes and doubted his life: "Fuck! Can these monsters also become Speed ​​Force?"

When Ron led the symbiote army into various multiverses, Zi...


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