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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 101. What Is It Called A Magician! Call Me Uncle!

“Come with me.”

Odin left the Golden Palace with Xia Ming.

This is not a place for chatting.

Especially after Odin knows Xia Ming’s ‘real’ identity, his reception of Xia Ming should be improved.

Although Xia Ming still doesn’t know who she is, Odin cannot treat Xia Ming as an ordinary person.

What if Xia Ming Awakens her memory in the future, becomes dissatisfied with Odin and Asgard, and takes it out on Thor?

Especially since Odin had probably left long ago at that time, but Emperor Weishan was always there.

Thor does not have the support of his elders, so he is at a disadvantage!

And Odin also wants Xia Ming. He hopes that Xia Ming can look forward to the past friendship in the future, whether Thor encounters a crisis or Asgard encounters a crisis.


Odin changed into a noble dress and brought Xia Ming to the banquet hall.

“Want to eat again? “923” Xia Ming said subconsciously.

Moreover, this hall is not the place where Odin received him and the Ancient One last time.

Do you need to make it so formal?

“Eat whatever you want and we’ll talk while eating.”

“Let’s eat it later, when the Queen of Gods and my girlfriend come back together?” Xia Ming suggested.

“Oh? That’s okay. Let’s drink something and eat some fruit first.”

Odin nodded and asked the maids to bring drinks and some Asgard fruits.

“What brings you to Asgard this time?” Odin asked casually.

“Oh, my girlfriend is an astronomer. She is very interested in the celestial bodies of the Nine Realms and Bifrost. She wants to study it, so I brought her to have a look.”

“Ahem! That’s it?!” Odin couldn’t help coughing after hearing Xia Ming’s reason.

In order to please your girlfriend, you are too willful!!

Also, what do you think of us Asgard?

“It’s really nonsense…cough, it’s really well done.

Odin opened his mouth to scold this willful junior, but he held back.

You mean, considering your status as Xia Ming, I won’t care!


“Have you often had a bad memory recently, have trouble sleeping, and have a bad temper?” Xia Ming suddenly asked.

“Oh, yes, when people get old, their bodies become useless.” Li Ding sighed.

“I see.” Xia Ming nodded clearly, expressing her understanding of Odin’s strange behavior today.

“Since you have no business, let me talk about mine.” Odin said.


“It won’t be long before I fall into a deep sleep. Before that, I originally wanted Thor to inherit the throne of God King.

But the current Thor is not sensible enough to understand the responsibilities and significance of the God-King. In addition, some people who are spying on Asgard in secret are trying to take revenge, so accidents will definitely happen when the time comes. “

When you go to Earth, I hope you can take care of me more. “

Odin looked at Xia Ming and said seriously.

“But haven’t you already said hello to my teacher Ancient One about this matter?”

Xia Ming knew that the last time the Ancient One came to Asgard at the invitation of Odin, it was probably for this matter.

So, what was Odin talking to him about?

As for Odin saying that he was going to fall into a deep sleep, Xia Ming also knew the reason.

Because the divine power of Asgard people is proportional to their age, when the divine power reaches a certain level, they need to adjust the divine power in the body through sleep. The power of Odin is too powerful, and it will be restored through Odin’s sleep at certain intervals. Adjust yourself.

This is also the reason why Odin left in the end, because his body could no longer withstand the powerful power in his body.

Unless you keep sleeping.

But because of Thor and Loki, Odin couldn’t sleep peacefully.

“I have told the Ancient One that this matter will be left to you when the time comes. After all, you are both young people and should be able to have a good communication.”

Odin also hopes that Xia Ming and Thor can establish a friendly relationship.

“I know, I will pay attention.”

Xia Ming nodded. Anyway, even without him, Thor wouldn’t have much problem.

“As a thank you, I can let you choose any gift from my palace treasure house.”

“Your treasure house? Forget it, there is nothing good.” Xia Ming refused.

These words made Odin’s face darken.

This is his Odin’s treasure trove!

Stored inside are Asgard and various artifacts obtained in countless battles in the past!

You actually said there is nothing good?

Have you seen you?

“Don’t forget it!” Odin looked unhappy.

“However, if possible, I would like to read Asgard’s magic book? Is that okay?”

Xia Ming is not interested in those so-called artifacts, but she is very interested in the magic of Asgard!

He wanted to see the difference between Asgard’s magic and Kamar-Taj’s magic.

“Oh? You want to know Asgard’s magical knowledge?” Odin asked curiously.

“Yes, can’t it?”

“Theoretically, outsiders can’t, but you can.” Li agreed to Suan Ming’s request.

As both gods, Odin has great kindness towards Xia Ming.

“Thank you very much!”

Xia Ming thought Odin agreed because of his status as a disciple of Kamar-Taj and Ancient One, so he didn’t think much about it.

“Why are you here?”

Just when the two of them had finished talking about business and the atmosphere was about to fall into embarrassment, Frigga came back with Jane.

“Xia Ming! Look! These are the clothes the Queen gave me!”

Jane, wearing a white Asgard robe, flew over happily.

“It’s beautiful!” Xia Ming praised.

“Thank you God Queen!”

“No matter how polite you are, we are all one family!” Frigga said with a smile.

“Jian, this is the God King of Asgard, the Father of God Odin.” Xia Ming took Jane and introduced.

“Hello! I am Jane Foster.” Jane bowed respectfully.

“Okay, okay, there’s no need to be so formal.” Odin quickly refused.

This is Xia Ming’s girlfriend!

However, Odin felt that it was a bit inappropriate for Xia Ming to fall in love with a human woman. After all, Xia Ming’s life was long, but human life was extremely short. At that time, Chongming Song was afraid that his wife would experience the pain of love every day.

Odin didn’t know whether he should remind Xia Ming.

“Frigga, ask someone to ask Loki to come over and hold a banquet together. I want to tell you something.”

Odin stood up and pulled Frigga towards the back 4.0.

“You guys sit down first~” Frigga smiled and left.

“What do you think of Asgard?” Xia Ming asked with a smile, holding Jane’s hand.

“It’s beautiful! Very good-looking! The Queen is also very good!” Jane was very happy.

Xia Ming guessed right, and Jane and Frigga got along quickly.

Xia Ming listened carefully to Jane’s story. After a while, Odin and Frigga came back.

Also arriving here was a reluctant Loki.

“Xia Ming!” Loki looked at Xia Ming, gritting his teeth.

“Loki! Didn’t I teach you manners?” Odin suddenly reprimanded.

“I’m sorry, father!” Lu Ji apologized seriously.

“Xia Ming magician!”

“What’s your name magician! You have to call me uncle!”

Xia Ming:???



American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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