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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 103. The Source Of Asgard's Magic, The Powerful Power Of Odin.

“This is our Asgard library where we store various magic books, history, and records related to several other countries.

Loki, who was ordered by Frigga to bring Xia Ming and Jian to the library, introduced.

“Nine kingdoms? Are they the ones mentioned in myths and stories?”

Jane remembered the Norse Mythology story she had read on Earth and suddenly asked.

“You can find out by reading the book yourself. Here is a detailed introduction.”

Loki kept his face dark and answered casually.

If it weren’t for Frigga asking him to come, Lu Ji would really want to stay away from Xia Ming.

He couldn’t defeat the opponent in the first place, and his seniority had to be suppressed, which made Loki very unhappy!

“Loki, why are you talking to your aunt? If you do this, I will go to my sister to report you.

Xia Ming spoke quietly.

“I’m sorry, uncle! I’ll say it again!”

Loki’s cheek twitched, he lowered his head slightly and apologized seriously!

Damn it! This bastard actually used his mother to suppress me!!

And make a small report!

How old are you? You are not a primary school student anymore!!

Forced by Xia Ming’s power, Loki began to take Jane to find books introducing the nine kingdoms.

Jane’s face was also slightly red, looking at Loki very embarrassed and extremely embarrassed.

The sudden appearance of a 2,000-year-old nephew makes Jian feel ashamed. This is so strange!!

Especially since Loki is a god!

Jane looked at Xia Ming with stars in her eyes!

My boyfriend is so awesome!!

Xia Ming smiled slightly when she saw Loki being obedient.

“This uncle’s identity is really useful~”

The sister Xia Ming refers to is Frigga.

At the banquet just now, Frigga asked Xia Ming not to call her the Queen of Gods in the future. It seemed too awkward and she simply asked Xia Ming to call her sister.

Facing the kind Frigga, Xia Ming accepted it sheepishly.

And Odin actually didn’t object!!

At this time, Xia Ming’s uncle status was completely confirmed.

Loki can disrespect and ignore Xia Ming, but he can’t help but listen to Frigga.

In Loki’s heart, Odin’s words are not as effective as Frigga’s!

Therefore, Loki’s seven inches were completely controlled by Xia Ming!!

“Jane, you can study the knowledge you are interested in here. I’m going to read a book nearby. Call me if you need anything.

“I know!” Jane was immersed in the ocean of knowledge and couldn’t extricate herself.

Fortunately, after knowing that Xia Ming was coming to the library, she came with her, otherwise she would have regretted it!

“Loki, go and do your own thing.”

“Then I’ll leave first!”

Loki nodded and left immediately.

Facing Xia Ming, Loki felt that Alexander had wanted to leave a long time ago!

At the same time, I secretly thought about how to find the handle to Yuan Ming!

After all, it is really difficult to keep Loki calm and not cause trouble.

But Xia Ming is not afraid at all.

Xia Ming walked alone to the area where the magic books were placed and began to read carefully.

There is not only Asgard’s magic here, but also many Kamar-Taj’s magic books.

However, there are no specific magic spells in it, but a separate analysis of the source of the earth’s magic energy and how to obtain the magic energy to “successfully bind it.”

Therefore, Xia Ming has learned all this knowledge and has already mastered it.

To obtain magical energy through dimensional dimensions, Xia Ming said that no one knows better than him!

After quickly reading the books about earth magic, we came to the part that Xia Ming was most interested in.

The magic of Asgard!

Xia Ming wanted to know what the difference was between Asgard’s magic and Kamar-Taj’s magic, and how it was cast.

After all, as far as Xia Ming knows, no one who uses magic in Asgard has ever mentioned anyone they owe a debt to.

Like Thor, as the god of thunder and storms, he can use the power of thunder at will, control the storm elements of nature, and achieve various powerful attacks.

And people like Loki and Hela can even manifest powerful weapons infinitely and use different black magic.

But neither has said to whom they will pay.

Therefore, Xia Ming wanted to understand its meaning and see if she could learn from it.

As time passed, Xia Ming became energetic and read almost all magic books.

I also gradually understood who the source of Asgard’s magic was.

“The power of Odin…Asgard…”

Xia Ming sat cross-legged in the air, closing her eyes and meditating.

Through this magical knowledge, he came to a conclusion.

That is, all Asgardians who use magic rely on Odin to achieve it.

Perhaps it should be said that it is the power of Odin within Odin.

It can also be said that the entire Asgard is the source of their magic.

Like Hela, after being expelled from Asgard, her power was weakened.

But once she returns to Asgard, the lost power will quickly return, even surpassing Thor’s.

The reason for this is because there is the power of Odin in her body.

And Odin’s power can be inherited, just like Thor. After Odin passed away, he inherited Odin’s power and became the new God King, and then Odin’s power also became Thor’s power.

The power of Odin is extremely powerful and mysterious. It also has a name, the so-called “Power of the Father”. It can combine the energy of the universe and the user’s vitality to achieve various unimaginable magical means!

The power of Odin allows the gods of Asgard to possess different abilities including teleportation, shapeshifting, material manipulation, enhancing their physical Ability, establishing powerful force fields, launching powerful energy star explosions, enhancing the properties of objects or creatures, etc.

Representative characters like this include Frigga, Hela, Thor, Loki, and Heimdall.

The second echelon is such as the Four Warriors of Asgard, Sif and others.

Then there are the soldiers of Asgard and other residents.

Everyone possesses the power of Odin to a greater or lesser extent, and with their powerful divine bodies, they become brave and capable warriors!

When Xia Mingming (Qian Zhao) understood this, he drooled over the power of Odin!

.Really want!!”

But because Xia Ming is not an Asgardian, she has not inherited any power of Odin, and cannot use Asgard’s magic.

Xia Ming had to find another way.

Or create a kind of ‘Xia Ming Power’ that only belongs to Xia Ming.

But it’s hard.

Odin became the Father of God more than five thousand years ago and is extremely powerful.

And after more than five thousand years, Odin’s power is unimaginable based on Asgard’s characteristic that strength is directly proportional to lifespan.

Xia Ming cannot realize the power of Odin just by relying on the knowledge in these magic books.

Xia Ming wandered around other areas of the library while thinking.

Not long after, Xia Ming found some books recording runes.

“The runes… aren’t they the runes on Mjolnir?”



American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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