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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 104. Then Let Him Study It. Can He Still Get Your Odin Power?

In ancient mythology, in order to seek higher wisdom, the Father of God Odin hung himself on a tree for nine days and nine nights, pondering the mysteries of the universe.

When he came down from the World Tree, he understood the secret of Rune.

Odin’s self-report says:

Hanging on a tree swaying in the wind for nine nights,

Wounded with a spear; I was sacrificed to Odin,

Sacrifice yourself to yourself, on a tree that no one knows about!

No bread to satisfy hunger, no drop of water to quench thirst.

I looked down and picked up the runes,

He shouted while picking it up, and it fell from the tree.

The original meaning of rune is secret and mystery, so mystics believe that Odin obtained rune – the secret of the universe.

This sacred text can predict the future.

Each word has its own individual power and can protect the human soul.

It can also be used to make guardian charms, record magic, and be carved on stones, wood blocks, shells, or other natural materials to turn into runes.

Xia Ming studied carefully while reading.

After understanding it, Xia Ming determined that the runes engraved on Mjolnir came from Odin’s spell.

“Only those whom Mjolnir deems worthy of being Thor can lift Mjolnir.”

[Through careful reading and in-depth study, you have understood the essence of runes and mastered rune magic. 】

[Rune Magic: You can obtain prophecy, blessing, power, wisdom, divine words, healing, protection, magic and other abilities. 】

Runes mean the secret of the universe, and their rune magic is also extremely powerful!

In the comics, in order to prevent the tragedy of Ragnarök, Thor imitated Odin and hung himself on the World Tree with chains for 9 days and 9 nights, and finally obtained the rune magic.

Later, he integrated rune magic and Odin’s power into each other, surpassing Odin in one fell swoop and becoming Thor.

Thor, who became the rune Thor, easily stopped Ragnarök, and also killed Mangogor, one of Asgard’s old enemies, with one blow!

This shows how powerful it is!

But now, Xia Ming understands the power of Wen Magic without hanging herself on the World Tree.

This has once again raised Xia Ming’s strength to a higher level.

It also allows Xia Ming to give blessings to others through rune magic just like Odin!

Or engrave it on a weapon to make it more powerful.

In addition, Xia Ming also gained the ability to prophesy, see the future, heal, protect, and have great (abbg) wisdom!

There is also an Ability that Xia Ming is more interested in – Divine Word, which has mastered the ability of universal language communication and can automatically understand and speak the languages ​​of all species, just like being able to listen to the words of Chulu Te.

And all of this was achieved by relying on Xia Ming’s own divine power and rune magic without using Kamar-Taj’s magic!

This alone is enough for Xia Ming to conquer the earth!

Moreover, after combining the magic of Kamar-Taj, you can say that Xia Ming is now Level God Father, even infinitely close to Level Single Universe!

It can be said that there is only one step left to reach the multi-universe level!

Although the difference between ordinary Level Single Universe and Level God Father is not very big, the upper limit is higher than Level God Father!

“All that’s left is the power of Odin…”

Xia Ming used teleportation and came to Asgard’s Zhengchen.

Xia Ming sat cross-legged and opened her omniscient eyes. In the golden light, Xia Ming’s eyes began to analyze Asgard.

In the picture Xia Ming saw, the entire Asgard was glowing.

Like a ball of flame, it exudes energy emperor fluctuations.

The most dramatic one is where Odin is.

In other words, it is Odin’s light that covers Asgard and makes it shine so brightly!

Odin, who was resting, felt spied on, got up and went to the balcony, looking at Xia Ming in the sky.

“Those magic eyes?” Odin recognized Xia Ming’s magic.

Last time, Xia Ming relied on it to peek into Odin’s little secret.

“What is Xia Ming doing?”

Frigga came over and asked, looking at Xia Ming in the air in confusion.

“He seems to be exploring the secrets of Asgard… It seems that those eyes can do more than just see someone’s location.”

Odin’s extremely powerful perception can feel the fluctuations emanating from Xia Ming’s eyes, seeming to be spying on the power of Odin in his body.

“Exploring the secrets of Asgard? What’s there to explore?”

“Do you think it’s just that simple? You’re wrong, Frigga.

Odin shook his head seriously.

“What’s the meaning?”

“Xia Ming is studying my power of Odin.” Odin sighed with emotion.

He found that although he already knew Xia Ming’s true identity, he seemed to be a little confused about Xia Ming.

It is normal to have high magic ability. After all, he is a descendant of God.

But what are the strange magics displayed by Xia Ming?

This kind of magic is beyond even Odin’s understanding!

It’s like now, Odin knows that Xia Ming is studying and spying on Odin’s power, but he has no way of knowing what the purpose of doing so is.

It can’t be said that Xia Ming can gain the power of Odin just by looking at him a few times, right?

He’s not an Asgardian.

Even though he is a god, the origin of the god Xia Ming is different from their Asgard.

By the way, what are the attributes of Ohit’s divine power?

Odin suddenly remembered.


Almighty, bright lady of the dawn!

Odin remembered that Ohit controlled the realm of atmospheric elements, reason, and intelligence.

Also known as the goddess of light!

Therefore, Xia Ming’s body should also have the power of light.

“Study your Odin power? Then let him study it. Can he still get your Odin power?”

Frigga said nonchalantly.

“That’s not necessarily true…”

Odin felt that things were not that simple.

Xia Ming used the omniscient eye, just like Tony’s holographic map, to shield all buildings and even the entire Asgard, leaving only the power of the captain.

And just as Xia Ming guessed, all residents of Asgard are shining with the brilliance of Odin’s power.

Xia Ming tried to capture this glimmer of light, but she couldn’t shake it even a bit.

He is bathed in the light of Odin’s power, but cannot possess it, or in other words, he is not qualified.

Unless Odin is willing to share.

Xia Ming felt that if she went to Odin to ask for some of Odin’s power, she might not be rejected.

But after all, this power belongs to Odin and does not belong to him. Even if he gets it, he cannot inherit all Odin’s power like Thor.

You can’t say that you want Xia Ming to be the God King of Asgard.

Do you think Odin is willing?

Therefore, Xia Ming had to find a way to study it herself, then learn from it and create again.

[Through your in-depth observation of the Asgard protoss, you suddenly realized the nature of divine power and ignited your own divine fire!]

[Fire of Divine Power: You have completely mastered the use of divine power and Awakened the divine power of light. 】


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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