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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 105. Xia Ming Threw A Super Flash Bomb In Asgard!

The moment Xia Ming ignited the divine fire, the entire Asgard became extremely bright!

It’s like the sun suddenly came over Asgard!

It makes everyone outside feel extremely dazzling!


“Has someone invaded Asgard!?”

“Oh my God! I’m going blind!!”

“Is this the end of Asgard!?”

“Silly dog, it’s your end!”

“Did God King Odin do this?”

“That is…Xia Ming!?”

“Fake! My eyes!!”

Loki held his back to the sky, covering his tear-filled eyes, cursing in pain.

He had also seen Xia Ming’s actions before and didn’t know what he was going to do again, so while watching, he thought about how to make Xia Ming feel weak so that he could succeed in revenge.

As a result, as he watched, Xia Ming’s whole body erupted with a burst of intense light, which almost blinded Loki who was looking directly at Xia Ming!

“Asshole! This guy has become stronger again!”

Loki feels that his revenge is probably far away!


“Fake! Xia Ming!!”

Heimdall knelt on the ground, covering his eyes and cursing loudly!

What the hell, he shouldn’t be surprised to see what Xia Ming is doing!

As a result, Heimdall took tons of damage!

Heimdall’s vision was now so dark that it even made him wonder if he was going blind!

You know, this light also contains Xia Ming’s magical power, not ordinary light, so even Heimdall’s eyes that can look directly at the sun are a little bit unbearable!

But fortunately, Heimdall’s eyes were only temporarily blinded by the sudden stimulation, and he recovered quickly.

“Odin!? Xia Ming that is?”

Frigga wiped her tears and turned away, exclaiming to Odin who was also wiping her tears.

“That is the divine power of light from Ohit!”

Odin’s eyes were red, tears burst out uncontrollably, and he shouted angrily.

Yes, Odin is very angry now!

What the hell, you kid is sitting in the sky and bursting out the power of light, do you want to blind us on purpose!?

What a bastard!!

I really want to shoot him to death!

Ah! My eyes!!

Odin is very uncomfortable!

“What is Xia Ming doing?” Frigga was speechless at Xia Ming’s actions.

If you want to practice, just find a place to practice quietly!

Why are you running so high!!

“Who knows what he does!”

Odin cursed angrily.

If the Ancient One were here, he would tell Odin and the others that Xia Ming is comprehending and creating magic!!

“God King!!”

Suddenly, the voices of a group of soldiers sounded outside.

“What’s up?”

“King God, do we need to deal with the one in the sky?”

As warriors guarding Asgard, they also saw Xia Ming’s actions, but because Xia Ming was a guest of Asgard and Odin did not say anything to stop her, they allowed Xia Ming to go.

But this sudden change forced them to ask Odin if they wanted to continue.

After all, the light is too dazzling!

Many guards were in tears because of their curious behavior before.

At the same time, they all cursed Xia Ming in their hearts!

But they soon discovered that this dazzling light was not only dazzling, but also filled with a warm and healing power!

Under the illumination of this light, they can all feel that their physical strength and spirit are recovering!

Even some people with injuries can clearly feel that their injuries are getting better little by little!

And this is all the function of Xia Ming’s light power!

Just like the divine power Thor inherited, it manifests itself in the form of thunder that can destroy everything!

And the divine power from Ouhit ignited by Xia Ming At the moment appears externally as light that can heal everything!

Definitely, this does not mean that Xia Ming can only heal, he has many other abilities.


“Forget it, don’t worry about him, he will probably stop after a while.”

Facing the soldiers’ inquiries, Odin thought for a while and decided not to stop Xia Ming.

What if Xia Ming was at a critical moment and he interrupted, wouldn’t he become a villain?

“Yes! God King!!” After receiving the reply, the soldiers retreated and went to calm down the Asgard residents and reassure them.

But fortunately Asgard is a martial protoss. After they saw that the light was not threatening, they didn’t pay much attention to it. Instead, they closed their eyes and started enjoying it.

Anyway, since Odin didn’t show up, it’s safe.

Xia Ming didn’t know what she was doing, it was like throwing a huge amount of flash bombs in Asgard, causing everyone in Asgard to fall into temporary blindness.

0Please ask for flowers……

Because at this moment, after he exploded with divine power, he suddenly felt that his divine power suddenly came into contact with Asgard’s divine power!

Through the ubiquitous light, Xia Ming’s divine power directly enters the bodies of the residents of Asgard!

And perhaps because of the healing properties of the divine power of light, he was not rejected by the divine power of Asgard.

Even Odin is like this!

Then, Xia Ming perceived the existence of the power of Odin!

This time, Odin’s power is not like before, it can only be seen but not touched.

Instead, Xia Ming can finally realize the mystery of Odin’s power! It’s magical! It’s powerful!

His all-knowing eye can finally begin to analyze!!

Then as the Omniscient Eye began to take effect, Xia Ming gradually understood the nature of Odin’s power!


The essence of Odin’s power can be understood as an extremely powerful mysterious energy!

The gods of Asgard are called gods because they contain the power of Odin. Whoever becomes the father of the gods of Asgard will have this power named after him.

After Thor inherited the throne of Heavenly Father, this power became known as Thor’s Power.

In the comic book “Thor Thor”, Doctor Doom’s conversation with Thor clearly states the nature of the “power of Odin”.

At that time, Doctor Doom asked Thor to activate the Destroyer Armor, but Thor said he couldn’t do it because he didn’t have the power of Odin.

Doctor Doom said: “The power of Odin? Is it the spark that all of you Asgard people have in your body? Now it’s called the power of destruction. “I have absorbed the sparks in every ten Asgard people.

The spark is the mysterious energy that comes from the power of Odin.

Odin possesses huge amounts of energy manipulation Ability, also known as the Power of Odin.

He can convert huge amounts of mysterious energy into any form for use. He can also temporarily enhance his physical attributes or grant various super powers to living or non-living bodies.

The manifestations of Odin’s power include energy emission, Alter Reality, creating or resurrecting life, decomposing or repairing objects, improving physical constitution, traveling through time lines, opening dimensional channels, applying spells and blessings, reading thoughts, remote brain wave communication, and creating power. Field or shield, teleportation, etc.

Therefore, when Xia Ming understood the so-called ‘Power of Odin’, Xia Ming knew how to create her own ‘Power of Odin’.



American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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