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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 106. The Power Of The Supreme Being! Odin's Shock!

[Through in-depth observation, experience, and research of Odin’s power, you suddenly understand the nature of Odin’s power and create your own power of enlightenment. 】

[The power of clarity: the mysterious energy created by you and unique to you. 】

The power of Odin comes from Odin’s own strength. He calls the power in his body the power of Odin.

And it has the characteristics of inheritance and sharing, so that everyone in Asgard can use this power.

Because Odin is the Father of God, the strongest being in the nine realms.

Therefore, as long as Odin lives for one day, all people in Asgard can use the power of Odin to realize various magical means and use them to fight.

And Odin can also let Thor inherit all this power, making Thor the Father of God. Even if he changes his name and becomes the power of Thor, his essence will not change.

The power of Odin is just a powerful, mysterious energy.

Therefore, when Xia Ming combines the dimensional energy and the god of white magic energy in her body from the world of extreme daylight, as well as the dimensional energy and the god of black magic from the world of eternal night,

Coupled with the energy from the small universe in the body, and the light power from Ohit in this divine body, after integrating them all into one, Xia Ming created her own [Power of Brightness].

The power of the Supreme Light allows Xia Ming to use Kamar-Taj’s magic at will, as well as all kinds of magic created by herself.

for example:

Energy manipulation, energy siphon, teleportation, Telepathy, soul projection, distorted reality, resurrection life, real magic, time magic, elemental magic, rune magic, space field, sacred supreme weapon, infinite ring, saint’s law, magic body refining Flow, the source of God Power, the all-knowing eye, space-time exploration, creating dimensions…

Now Xia Ming has truly become a god like Odin.

Moreover, the power of supreme enlightenment can also be inherited and inherited.

Therefore, as long as Xia Ming is willing, he can give his power to anyone.

For example, Thor, Hela, and Loki who gained the power of Odin.

There are also superheroes who have obtained part of Odin’s power in comics. The well-known Iron Man Tony Stark obtained part of Odin’s power during a time travel and used it to create a powerful steel battle suit. .

Another example is Scarlet Witch Wanda Maximov. In a battle with the dark elf, she obtained part of Odin’s power and enhanced her Origin Magic Power.

After Xia Ming unified his various powers, his overall strength was once again promoted.

The most obvious feeling is that Xia Ming feels like she can do anything now!

To put it simply, it is expanding!

The power of enlightenment currently in Xia Ming’s body cannot be compared with Odin, who has lived for thousands of years. What I’m talking about here is ‘quantity’, not power.

If Xia Ming lives for thousands of years, the energy in his body will be unimaginable!

You must know that Ohit is an old god, not a god like Asgard Odin.

At least, before Ohit became an eternal existence, the energy was not too huge and the body could not bear it.

Definitely, perhaps it is also because Ohit went to the supreme dimension and did not affect reality.

But this has nothing to do with the temporary Xia Ming.

Xia Ming is still young!

And based on the age after body reorganization, Xia Ming’s age is actually less than a year… This is a bit outrageous.

Xia Ming, who took back her divine power into her body, used teleportation to return to the library.

When Odin saw this scene, he became more and more surprised.

He could clearly perceive that after Xia Ming’s divine power burst out just now, it became extremely pure and powerful in a short period of time!

And this is not simply the divine power of light, but rather a new kind of power!

Just like his Odin power!

“This…he actually did it?!”

Odin felt extremely incredible!

He, Odin, was able to create the power of Odin because he realized it after many battles!

Moreover, when he named the newly generated powerful force in his body that integrated various other powers [Power of Odin], he could unify the nine realms and completely end the war.

But how did Xia Ming do it?

After sitting in the sky and studying his Odin power, he naturally created a powerful power emperor that is unique to Xia Ming out of thin air!!

And the strength of this power is not inferior to his Odin power!!

This simply broke Odin’s cognition!!

No matter how awesome your magic ability is, it can’t be this bad!

Or are all the children of the old gods so perverted!?

First there was Agamotto, who incarnated into eternal existence, and then there was you. Xia Ming became the new god, right?

How come everyone in this family is so awesome!

Thinking about it this way, Odin feels even more uncomfortable!

Because he thought of his own family0.

Alas, as expected, if you don’t compare, you won’t be harmed!!

Although Odin has never doubted Thor’s future achievements, he even believes that Thor will surpass himself!

But Thor’s growth rate is a bit too slow!

So slow that even Odin was in a hurry!

Besides, his eldest daughter is not a waste of energy either. Hela, who perfectly inherited his power, also inherited his competitive spirit of conquering the nine realms when he was young.

As a result, Hela not only wants to conquer the nine realms, but also wants to conquer the entire universe!!

Therefore, Odin, who was well aware of the crouching tigers and hidden dragons in the universe, had no choice but to seal Hela.

And also left this trouble to Thor.

Anyway, Odin himself doesn’t have time to solve the trouble caused by Hela.

“Well, Thor probably won’t be Hela’s opponent by then. If someone can help… huh?”

Odin was thinking about it and suddenly thought of Xia Ming.

“That’s right! Isn’t Xia Ming just the right candidate?”

Odin feels that as Thor’s uncle, Xia Ming would be rude if she doesn’t help him when the time comes!

“Then should I tell Xia Ming about Hela? Anyway, he saw the mural last time.

“No, I’m not in a hurry…”

Odin thought for a while and decided to wait.

In the library, Jane was still struggling to read the collection of books that recorded the history of the Nine Realms.

Those complicated 3.7 words and obscure nouns made Jane, who had never been exposed to magic, very confused!

“What’s wrong? Are you tired?”

Xia Ming asked, standing behind Jian.

“Xia Ming!”

Jane turned around and threw herself into Xia Ming’s arms.

At this moment, Jane suddenly felt that having multiple boyfriends was good, at least they could recharge themselves!!

“This knowledge is so complicated, some of it is still incomprehensible!”

“This is normal. After all, you have never been exposed to these.” Xia Ming comforted.

“Then when can I finish reading it? Are we going back? Or can I borrow some books?”

“Well, if you’re not in a hurry, you can still have a few more…

As Xia Ming was talking, she suddenly paused.

Because he suddenly remembered one thing, that is…



American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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