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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 108. Banner: So You Did It On Purpose! ?

“So, you want me to beat you up to see if the Hulk will come out?”

“I don’t know, but I think I can try it!” Banner couldn’t help but be curious.

In order to live a peaceful life, Banner wants to know how much stimulation he is receiving before letting Hulk show up.

“Okay, I’ll take action?”

Faced with Banner’s suggestion, Xia Ming thought it might as well give it a try.

“Come on!” Banner, wearing large shorts, clapped his hands to show that he was ready!

Xia Ming nodded and was about to commit the crime.

“Wait!” Banner suddenly shouted.

“What’s wrong?”

“Can you solve it after Hulk comes out?” Banner asked worriedly.

“It’s okay. At worst, I’ll let you and Hulk experience the feeling of weightlessness again.”

“Okay… you increase the intensity slowly, don’t do it violently.

Banner’s cheek twitched. Fortunately, he didn’t have a fear of heights, but even if he did, falling for a whole day would probably cure it.

“Okay.” After Xia Ming finished speaking, he suddenly took action.


Banner, who received a slap in the face, stood there in confusion.

No, you can do it, why should you hit him in the face?

And it’s so powerful!

My face hurts so much!!


After Banner reacted, he felt the pain on his cheek and became angry!

After all, anyone who suddenly gets a big blow would be angry!

Even the honest Banner can’t help it!

“Wait, didn’t you notice that Hulk didn’t come out?” Xia Ming suddenly said.

“Huh? Ah, this…”

Banner paused when he heard Xia Ming’s words, yes! Hulk didn’t come out!

He even took the initiative to get angry, but still didn’t transform!

“It really works!”

Banner found that it was not useless for him to sleep in the air for most of the day!

“Try again! Increase the intensity!”

Banner was so excited that he even forgot about being slapped in the face.

“Okay, here we come.”


Banner felt like he had been hit hard in the stomach, but he barely managed to vomit blood!

“Uh…” Banner fell to the ground, clutching his stomach with a look of pain on his face.

“Hulk didn’t come out this time either!” Banner yelled.

“Would you like a little more banging?” Xia Ming suggested.

“Forget it, I feel this level is not close.

Banner is worried that after Hulk comes out, this effect will be ineffective.

In short, Banner doesn’t want to see Hulk.

“Don’t you want to know the reason why Hulk doesn’t come out?”

“Um… Is he scared?” Banner guessed.

“Do you think there’s anything Hulk is afraid of?”

“Okay, try it. If it doesn’t work, you can send me back.” Banner nodded.


Xia Ming increased her strength slightly this time and knocked Banner away with one punch.

“Poof!” Banner really vomited blood this time.

If Banner hasn’t transformed this time, Banner feels that he can live a calmer life without having to worry anymore.



But unfortunately, Hulk, who felt that Banner’s life was in danger, occupied Banner’s consciousness and appeared directly.

Hulk appeared, first shaking his head, as if he had just woken up, and then he found that he had stepped on the hard floor and became happy!


Then Hulk saw Xia Ming.

Hulk thought for a while and remembered what Xia Ming looked like!

Recognizing this person, he threw him into the air!

Hulk suddenly became furious!

Fortunately, he thought this person was a good person before!


Hulk stepped on the ground suddenly and rushed towards Xia Ming.

“My floor…”

Xia Ming looked at the floor that was trampled by Hulk and felt very distressed.

“Let’s change places.”

call out!

The scene changes and Xia Ming brings Jie Ke to a space full of rocks.

This is Xia Ming’s elemental space – the rock world. The entire space is filled with the only earth element.

“Come on, let’s have a good exchange of feelings!”

Xia Ming said that he would activate the saint’s appearance and transform himself into the same world as Hulk.


Hulk doesn’t care whether the surrounding environment has changed or not, he just wants to beat up the guy in front of him!


Xia Ming also rushed over, waving his fist.

Their File-sized fists collided fiercely in the air, causing a wave of air.


Seeing that he was actually blocked, Hulk stretched out his left hand and tried to grab Xia Ming, trying to pick him up and throw him to the ground.

“Do you think I’m Thor and Loki?!”

Not to be outdone, Xia Ming blocked Hulk’s attack with her left hand.

The two of them froze here, wrestling with each other!


Hulk couldn’t help but Xia Ming, when he raised his head, he gave her a headbutt!

“Don’t think I’m afraid of you!”

Xia Ming said come and see who is the winner!


Under the fierce blow, both Xia Ming and Hulk felt a little dizzy. They let go of each other’s hands, shook their heads and took a few steps back.

Xia Ming hasn’t used all his strength yet. He wants to experience the feeling of using the power of the Ming Dynasty to fight.

He didn’t think about going to Dormammu. After all, Dormammu had many tricks. If Xia Ming was caught in a weakness again, it would be very uncomfortable.

And just in time, Hulk arrived at your door, an extremely strong big sandbag, don’t use it in vain!!

Banner: So you did it on purpose!?


Hulk’s anger level began to rise, and his expression became more and more ferocious!

Xia Ming feels the strength of Hulk, and gradually increases the output of the power of Ming, allowing it to continuously surge in the body, strengthening the body’s strength and defense.

At the beginning, Zhenming couldn’t resist Hulk with his powerful spirit body.

But as Hulk starts to accumulate anger, his power will become stronger and stronger with anger!

Fortunately, Xia Ming can continue to improve, which is totally justified!

Bang bang bang!

In this bare rock world, the two began a most primitive hand-to-hand fight!

Wherever it goes, gravel flies and the earth cracks!

Even hard and sharp rocks cannot hurt them in the slightest.

He was even used as a weapon by Hulk!

Hulk lifted huge amounts of rocks and smashed them straight at Xia Ming.

Not to be outdone, Xia Ming raised a bigger stone and threw it at Hulk!

The two of them go back and forth, and no one can do anything to the other.

Fortunately, this is Xia Ming’s elemental space. All the damaged places can be quickly restored with just a thought from Xia Ming.

After fighting like this for several hours, Xia Ming became more and more controllable about her own power, and her feelings for this new power continued to deepen.

Xia Ming discovered that as long as it is based on the power of Zhiming, other energies can be continuously added to it to enhance its strength!

Even the dark forces are like this.

After all, part of the power of brightness comes from the dimensional energy of the eternal night world and the god of black magic from Xia Ming.

Therefore, Xia Ming no longer has to worry about being contaminated by the power of darkness, but can rely on the power of light to integrate and assimilate with it.

Moreover, the external manifestation of Xia Ming’s power of wisdom is the light that can heal everything.

The external manifestation of Thor Odin’s power is powerful thunder and storm.

Because whether it is the power of Odin or the power of the Supreme Light, they all have the ability to create according to their own preferences, and they can also be transformed at any time.

Very convenient and powerful!



American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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