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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 110. Fury’S Good Friday.

After Fury stood there and shouted several times, he finally confirmed that Xia Ming was not there.

It is very possible that he fell into the magic trap left by Xia Ming at home because of trespassing.

Now Fury regretted it.

Who knows if these traps can be fatal!~!

“Sure enough, these damn magicians, whether they are real or fake, are really troublesome!!”

Fury cursed silently.

I was still careless and underestimated the enemy!

Fury found a random direction and walked towards it to see if he could find the exit.

As a result, within a few steps, the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

Then the next second, before Fury could even see his surroundings clearly, his ears heard a roaring sound.


A bolt of lightning as thick as a bowl struck hard not far in front of Fury.


Fury looked up and saw that the whole world was covered in lightning and thunder!!

In the thick clouds above our heads, the thunder is like a dragon in the water, rolling endlessly!

There were constant lightning bolts of different file sizes, falling densely from the sky, splitting the bare earth into craters, leaving no intact place.


“Fake!! Xia Ming, help me!!”

Fury knew not to run around at this time, because he was very likely to be hit in the process of escaping.

But if you stay where you are, your chances of dying are also very high!!

It’s a good thing that Fury has no hair, otherwise even if he wasn’t hit, he would have turned into a Saiyan hairstyle due to the ubiquitous electric ions around him.

But despite this, Fury also felt that his exposed skin was stinging and his body was slightly numb.


Fury kept looking up at the sky, carefully avoiding the lightning.

He thought that since he could come here from that rocky world, he might also be able to leave here.

It’s just that this random teleportation made it impossible for Fury to determine the exact location, so he could only try his best to dodge.

Xia Ming was invisible in the air, controlling huge amounts of lightning to strike around Fury, almost a little bit each time, constantly scaring him.

Fury is a person who doesn’t know how to be honest unless he is frightened.

After running for who knows how long, just when Fury felt that he was running out of energy, the scene changed again.


The violent wind roared in waves!

As soon as Fury arrived in a new space, he was blown up by a strong wind.


Fury lost control and felt the wind blowing like a knife, causing his face to hurt.

In his sight, this dim space was filled with countless huge amounts of tornadoes, connecting heaven and earth!

“Fake! Fake! Xia Ming!”

Fury was in the air and was carried by the strong wind towards the tornado not far away.

It is conceivable that once Fury is involved, he will definitely die!

Fury felt that he was going to die and cursed Xia Ming loudly!

Shout out to all the magicians!

He hated so much in his heart, hated these damn magicians, why did they create so many dangerous things in his home!

I also regretted why I didn’t wait quietly outside the door and knock on the door politely!

I regret why I stupidly barged in!!

I regret that I still underestimated the power of magic and the various methods of magicians!!

Seeing the tornado approaching, Fury closed his eyes.

How hateful!

Before his career is completed, he will die here.

Fury is worried about what will happen to S.H.I.E.L.D after he dies.



The pain of being torn apart by the tornado did not come to him. Just as Fury felt happy, he found himself wrapped in ice-cold water.

The subconscious breathing prevented Fury from almost choking to death!

Fury pinched his neck and struggled hard in the cold and dark sea, his consciousness gradually drifting away.


The feeling of weightlessness hit, and in the next second, Fury fell to the ground.

“Cough cough cough!”

Fury coughed out the seawater and opened his eyes.


Water droplets evaporated on the hot ground.

“Hot, hot, hot!!”

Fury felt pain in his body, causing him to jump up quickly.

This is a world of magma, with red magma flowing everywhere.

There are only a few places to stand.

Fury had just experienced the pain of being flooded, and the next second he was in such a hot world. Even with Fury’s physical condition, he was a little unable to resist.

Even the boots under his feet began to slowly melt due to the high temperature.

“Farke! Farke!!”

Fury couldn’t help but jump on his feet, enduring all this in pain!

He felt that he might as well have been struck to death by lightning from before!

Save yourself from having to go through so much disaster and pain!!

After jumping for a few minutes, just when Fury felt like he was about to be roasted, the space changed again.

“Ah! My eyes!!”

A strong light struck, several times more powerful than a flash bomb, causing Fury’s only remaining eye to be severely damaged.

Tears flowed out uncontrollably and his eyes stung, making Fury wonder if he was going blind!!

0.Please give me flowers…

But fortunately, Fury didn’t feel any other danger except the bright light.

This made Fury feel like he could finally take a break.

However, he still dared not open his eyes for fear of being stimulated again.

Suddenly, a feeling of weightlessness came, and Fury was floating in the air again. At the same time, Fury also found that he couldn’t breathe, as if he was in a vacuum.

In addition, Fury can also feel a powerful suction force, which is countless times more terrifying than the suction force he just got sucked into the tornado!

Fury opened his eyes and vaguely saw an extremely huge amounts of black hole!


Fury’s face turned red and he was about to suffocate.

But he felt that he was afraid that before he could be suffocated to death, he would be pulled in by the terrifying suction force of the black hole!


Brick Street, outside the gate of Holy Place.

Fury was lying on the ground, waving his hands and feet, shouting desperately!

After shouting for a while, Fury suddenly realized something was wrong.

The ground? The air? The street light? The car next to it?

“Am I back?!”

Fury lay on the ground and still hadn’t come to his senses.

Several pedestrians passing by looked at Fury and avoided him with disgust.

Obviously, the way Fury was yelling on the ground just now was regarded as a lunatic.

Fury’s face was dark, he stood up silently, and quickly checked his body.

He found that the injuries he had just suffered, the clothes that were wet by the sea water, the boots that were almost melted by the high temperature, etc. were all intact.

It was as if everything he had just suffered was just the Phantom Emperor.

But is it really an illusion?

Fury looked at his watch, it was already ten minutes later.

How many minutes has it been since he entered the holy place to when he came out now?

But Fury felt like he’d been inside for hours!

So this is not an illusion!

Everything he just suffered is real!!

But since he is fine now, it means that the trap in this house is not fatal, it just allows some uninvited guests to learn a lesson.

Fury looked at the door and stopped.

He didn’t dare to go in or even knock on the door.

He was really frightened by the magic trap inside!!


Get Phil Coulson tomorrow!!

Fury shook off his windbreaker and left here without looking back.

Phil Coulson:???



American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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