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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 111. Thor, This Is The Uncle Xia Ming I Told You About! Come On, Call Uncle!

After settling Fury’s matter, Xia Ming returned to Asgard.

I believe that after this incident, Fury will no longer send people to try to sneak into his holy place.

Unless Fury doesn’t care about the lives of his men.

After all, Xia Ming showed mercy this time, otherwise Fury would have been wiped out by lightning just in the world of thunder.

And when Xia Ming returned directly to the library, Jane was no longer here.

Later, Xia Ming discovered that Asgard was holding a banquet.

Not the small banquet that welcomed him during the day, but a very large one.

When Xia Ming arrived at the banquet hall, she learned that Thor was back.

He once again calmed down the chaos of the Nine Realms and returned victorious.

Xia Ming said that he finally met Thor in person.

Good guy, no wonder Odin is so anxious and feels that his son is not living up to expectations.

Thor also “four-two-zero” likes fighting too much!

Especially since he is very strong, he basically doesn’t have to worry about his life being in danger, which makes him victorious in every battle and becomes even more conceited.

Just like facing the Giants of Jotunheim, because the Giants of Jotunheim ruined the ceremony for him to inherit the God King and attacked the Asgard treasure house, Thor was going to destroy the Giants of Jotunheim. He even dared to take Sif and Loki alone to break in. Enter Jotonheim.

Fortunately, Odin finally came and temporarily calmed the trouble.

This also resulted in Thor being stripped of his powers and exiled to Earth.

The beginning of Thor’s ever-losing life.

Losing parents, losing friends, losing sister, losing Asgard, losing Loki.

It’s simply a capital word for tragedy!

“Xia Ming!” Jane noticed Xia Ming walking in and hurried over.

Because of drinking, Jane’s cheeks were red and very cute.

“You’re finally here, the banquet is almost over!” Jane threw herself at Xia Mingbu, full of joy.

“It’s okay, as long as you’re here.”

“Hmm~” Jane was filled with joy when she heard Xia Ming’s words.

“God…cough, sister!”

Xia Ming subconsciously wanted to call Queen Frigga, but was stopped by her eyes.

“God King.”

“Well, come and sit down.

Odin nodded.

“Yeah, come on, come on.” Frigga waved and asked Xia Ming to sit next to her.

“Is the matter settled?” Frigga asked.

“Well, it’s solved.”

“Come, let me introduce to you my son, Thor. Thor! Stop drinking and come here to meet your uncle!!”

Frigga shouted to Thor who was drinking heavily with the four warriors of Asgard across the table.

“Haha! Thor, your uncle is here!”

“Yes, go and recognize your uncle!”

“Ha ha!”

They also heard Loki say this and were surprised.

After all, they have been in Asgard for so many years and have never seen Odin have any good brothers.

As a result, Loki said that Xia Ming was not only from the earth and the place of exile, but also that she was very young, so she was even more puzzled.

Especially Thor, who was reckless and went directly to Frigga to ask.

Finally got the answer in the affirmative.

Loki was secretly stirring up trouble behind his back and fanning the flames.

Because Loki was teased by Xia Ming last time and experienced the feeling of losing a close relative, he did not tease Thor during this period. In addition, Thor also heard that Loki suddenly loves to learn, so he felt relieved about Loki.

But how smart Loki is!

He knew he couldn’t beat Xia Ming, so he poured ecstasy soup into Thor, which made Thor, who was already very unhappy, silently fall in love with Jia Ming.

At the moment Loki was drinking quietly in the crowd, looking forward to Thor’s performance.

Loki doesn’t know if Thor can beat Xia Ming, but what if he can?

Then there will be a good show!!


Thor came over with a glass of wine.

I have to say that Thor drinks really well. Apart from his flushed face, his steps are still steady.

“Thor, this is the uncle Xia Ming I told you about! Come on, call me uncle!”

Frigga eagerly pulled Xia Ming and Thor to introduce them.

“Xia Ming? I heard that you are from the earth? Or are you a magician?”

Thor looked at Xia Ming suspiciously.

Looking at it this way, Xia Ming is indeed young.

According to the age of the earth, Xia Ming should be about twenty years old.

But he, Thor, is over two thousand years old.

Therefore, if Thor, who is now a little conceited, calls such a young Xia Ming his uncle, he will not be able to do so.

After all, unlike Loki, he has not been beaten by Xia Ming, so it is normal to be dissatisfied.

What made Thor start to put away his pride and become humble was also because of the experience when he lost his divine power on earth and became a mortal.

“Thor! What did I tell you?” Frigga’s face turned serious.

“Mother, I’m sorry! Unless Xia Ming can defeat me, I won’t admit it!”

“Xia Ming! I want to challenge you!!”

Thor first apologized to Frigga, and then extended an invitation to Xia Ming.

“Thor, you!”

“It’s okay, sister, we are all young people, it’s okay to compare notes. There happens to be a banquet right now, it’s lively~”

Xia Ming stood up and agreed to Thor’s request.

“Okay! I’ll wait for you outside!”

Thor stretched out his hand, summoned Mjolnir, then flew out and stood outside.

“Xia Ming, please show mercy.”

Frigga heard Odin say that Xia Ming seemed to have realized a new power, which was even as good as his Ding Li.

Therefore, Frigga never had any expectations about Thor’s chances of winning.

“Don’t worry, sister!”

Xia Ming nodded and flew out as well.

Loki picked up his glass and followed him out, his face full of anticipation.

The four Asgard warriors also gathered together and came outside, wanting to see how powerful this magician from Earth is!

“Jane, let’s go take a look too.”

Frigga pulled Jane away.

There were only some drunk and uninterested people in the entire hall.

Odin didn’t go, he just stood up and walked towards the bedroom.

He didn’t stop Thor, but instead said that if possible, Xia Ming could beat him harder.

Anyway, Thor is thick-skinned and can withstand beatings!

“Can you fly?” Thor asked in surprise as he watched Xia Ming3.6 fall lightly.

“How simple.”

“It’s really simple, but you can’t keep up with my Mjolnir!” Thor smiled confidently.

“Maybe, come!” Xia Ming made an inviting gesture.

“I’ll go first? Are you sure!?”

Thor said, if I make the first move and just throw a hammer, you will lose!

“Come on! What kind of man do you think you are?”

“I am the bravest warrior in Asgard!!”

Hearing Xia Ming’s words, Thor immediately burst out with momentum, saying that he is not only a man, but also the best fighter!!

To show his courtesy, Thor did not use Thor’s power, but threw the hammer at Xia Ming.

“How can this be!?”



American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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