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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 118. Do You Think You Will Go To Heaven?

Xia Ming saw that Tony had lost consciousness, and at the last moment, she activated the magic [Reincarnation].

He told Tony that the magic might fail, but he was lying to him. How could Xia Ming make such a mistake?

A white magic circle appeared in Xia Ming’s palm, aiming at Tony.

As Xia Ming’s magic was activated, Tony, who was slumped in the chair, gradually floated up.

The black death energy appeared and wrapped around Tony’s body, becoming more and more intense.

Xia Ming turned the magic ring in her hand, just like using time magic to go back in time, and the death energy on Tony’s body began to change.

Little by little it turned white.

The death energy turned into the power of life, began to transform Tony’s body, and began to heal and repair.

The most obvious thing was the big hole in Tony’s chest, which gradually recovered as it healed.

And those extremely fine metal shrapnel slowly floated out of Tony’s body, and then gathered into a ball under Xia Ming’s control.

When all the black death energy on Tony’s body was completely transformed into white, Tony was as good as ever.

Even some of the hidden wounds that Tony had accumulated over the years were healed together.

Xia Ming ended the magic and let Tony return to the chair.

Guessing that it would take some time for Tony to wake up, Xia Ming got up and left the study.

When Tony fell into darkness and opened his eyes again, Tony saw his parents and himself as a child.

He was like a bystander, watching everything in the past.

Only then did he realize that the eyes his parents looked at him were full of tenderness and love.

He also saw Potts, who always accompanied him silently behind his back and helped him solve any difficulties in life.

This was the first time that Tony saw from another perspective how others treated him, and how he treated the people around him who had been waiting for him.

He felt very sorry and guilty about it.

He now desperately hopes that he can turn back time, go back to when he was a child, and say goodbye to his parents seriously.

Take Potts’ every contribution seriously.

But does he still have a chance?

Tony was thinking about it and suddenly found himself flying up suddenly towards the sky.

Everything in front of me is moving away quickly.


Tony thought he was going to die and his soul went to heaven.


In reality, Tony opened his eyes suddenly and shouted.

Because of the violent movement, the person and the chair fell backwards.

“it hurts!”

“Huh?! It hurts? I’m not dead!?”

Tony rubbed the back of his head, reacted suddenly, and spoke out.

He looked at the familiar room in front of him and found that he was still in the study.

He quickly touched his chest and looked down.

“Fake! I’m ready!?”

Tony was surprised to find that the hole in his chest used to house the reactor had completely disappeared!

And it was only at this time that Tony felt that his body was full of energy!

It seems like I am several years younger!

Tony stood up excitedly, waved his fist, and jumped on the spot!


He is totally fine!!

He feels that this is the best health he has had in so many years!!

“Xia Ming!!”

Tony called Xia Ming and was about to go find him, then he noticed the reactor on the table, picked it up and rushed out!

From now on, he can finally stop wearing this damn reactor!

“Xia Ming!!”

“Why make any noise? Just be quiet.

Xia Ming appeared on the first floor carrying a bowl of noodles.

“Xia Ming! My best friend!! You made it! I’m fine!”

Tony rushed down the stairs and was so excited that he wanted to give Sanaki a hug.

Then there was a ‘bang’, and Tony hit an invisible wall and squatted down holding his nose.

“Um…what are you doing!?”

“What do you think? Don’t offend me.” Xia Ming rolled her eyes and walked back to the kitchen behind her.

“What are you eating? I’ll have a bowl too!” Tony stood up in a hurry and chased after him.

At the dinner table, Tony was eating hot noodles with a satisfied look on his face.

During this period, everything he ate tasted bitter and he had no appetite.

Now that he is in good health, Tony feels that his appetite has returned!

“Thank you so much this time!” Tony thanked him seriously.


“Fortunately your magic worked, otherwise I would have thought I was going to heaven.”

Tony looked sad as he recalled everything he saw.

“Do you think you’re going to heaven?”

“It doesn’t matter whether I go to hell or heaven, the important thing is that I didn’t die!”

Tony said nonchalantly.

“Well, as long as I’m here, you can’t die.” Xia Ming nodded.

“Didn’t you say there was only a 50% chance? I almost died, okay!” Tony looked at Xia Ming speechlessly.

“That’s a lie. My success rate is 100%. Moreover, even if you die, I can bring you back.”

Time magic is no joke.

“One hundred percent…you lied to me!?” Tony stood up suddenly and looked at Xia Ming in disbelief.

,yes. “

“What the hell…” Tony was speechless by Xia Ming’s confident look.

“You’ve gone too far!!”

“Okay, are you done eating? Go back after eating.”

“Can you use magic to send me back? I want to try it too!” Tony said expectantly.

“What, you don’t want the car anymore?”

“Give it to you!” Tony waved generously.

“Do you think I still need a ride?”


“Okay.” Xia Ming snapped her fingers, and a portal appeared at Tony’s feet.


Tony’s expression changed, indicating that he didn’t want to experience teleportation magic in this way!

Main street outside.

Tony fell to the ground with a bang.

“Hiss! Damn it!”

Tony stood up holding his butt.

Seeing this situation, Tony had no choice but to drive back.

Tony opened the car door, took one last deep look at the Holy Place door, and sat in.

Tony will remember Xia Ming’s kindness deeply in his heart.

A few days passed again, and Xia Ming spent a quiet and leisurely time.

The only regret is that Jane’s thesis is not finished yet!

This caused Xia Ming to get a little angry!

“I don’t know what to write.” Xia Ming complained speechlessly.

Then that night, there was chaos again in New York.

Xia Ming was bored and planned to take a look to see if he needed to take action.

When he came to the chaotic place and saw the robots wreaking havoc, he knew what was going on.

The decisive moment of Iron Man 2 has arrived.

Xia Ming looked at the missile-launching robots and was about to take action when an unexpected person appeared.

A figure wearing a black and white tights and a hood swung from a nearby building and kicked away a robot that was about to shoot a passerby.

“This is… Spider-Woman?!”


Xia Ming looked at that figure in confusion.

“So where’s little Spider-Man? Tons!”


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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