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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 120. Thor Arrives.

The robot that wreaked havoc suddenly disappeared, leaving the fleeing crowd at a loss. They turned their heads to observe to confirm whether the crisis had been resolved.

Soon, they discovered that the robot had really been solved!

They cheered excitedly as if they were surviving a disaster!

“Look! Isn’t that a magician!?”

“It’s really him! Red cloak!!”

“It was the magician who saved us! Great-!!”

“Where is the magician? Where is the magician!?”

“Is it the magical superhero Iron Man said!?”

“It was him! It was he who stopped the monster!”

“Huh? Who is that next to him?”

On Xia Ming’s side, when they saw that the person who saved them was not far away and was a magician, they all cheered again!

Many people even ran towards this side after hearing it, completely forgetting how dangerous it was just now.

“I’m leaving first.” Xia Ming said and jumped into the air.

He didn’t want to be pestered with questions, and he wasn’t a big star like Tony.

“Eh!? Are you about to leave!? Wait!”

Gwen was about to fly away when she saw Xia Ming and shouted quickly.

She also wants to have a good chat with her idol and learn from it!

However, Xia Ming said that she wanted to go to the theater, and then prepared to teleport away.

“Wait for me!”

In desperation, Gwen fired cobweb at Xia Ming and wrapped it around Xia Ming’s feet.


“What are you doing?”

Xia Ming looked down speechlessly.

“Where are you going, take me with you!” Gwen shouted, pulling cobweb.

Xia Ming glanced at the crowd below that was getting closer and closer, canceled the teleportation, silently raised the altitude, and flew into the sky with Gwen below.


“Hey! Did anyone take a photo?! Share it!”

“I took it, I took it!!”

“Isn’t it clear?”

“It is absolutely clear that I am a reporter!”

“Take a step to speak!!”

“What a pity. Why did you leave so quickly?!”

“By the way, who is the one who left together?”

Gwen never imagined that the photo of her just hanging under Xia Ming and leaving together would appear on the newspaper headlines the next day.


“Does this Spider-Woman know Xia Ming?”

Fury felt a headache as he looked at Xia Ming and Spider-Woman disappearing from the screen.

How come everyone who is suspected of being a superhero knows Xia Ming?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

“You don’t know…?” Hill couldn’t be sure.

Just from looking at the screen, it’s hard to guess the relationship between the two without knowing exactly what was said.

“Forget it, at least you don’t have to worry about Xia Ming’s position.”

Fury said that as long as Xia Ming’s position is on the side of mankind and the earth, he will not disturb Xia Ming for the time being.

It would be great if both parties continue to maintain such a harmonious relationship.

After all, they are magicians, and Fury is not sure what the character of people like them is.

Anyway, most of the stories and myths in the past were about evil witches and dark demons.

It’s better not to provoke him easily.


At this moment, an agent discovered that the computer screen used by S.H.I.E.L.D to monitor energy fluctuations suddenly turned red.

“What’s wrong?”

Fury looked down at the agent who stood up among the rows of computers.

“Sir! The energy display is abnormal! A supernatural event is suspected to have occurred!”

“Location!” Fury’s expression condensed.

“In…the southwest! The specific location is suspected to be in New Mexico!”

The agent glanced at the screen and replied quickly.

“Where’s Phil Coulson?” Fury looked at Hill.

“Dealing with a major accident caused by Hankmer Industries.”

“Tell him to go to New Mexico and leave things there to Natasha Romanoff.

Fury rubbed his temples.

Why are there so many supernatural events happening recently?

It seems that since Tony announced that he is Iron Man, the world has not been at peace.

Xia Ming, who was flying towards Tony’s position, suddenly stopped and looked in a certain direction.

During the magic perception, a strong energy wave suddenly came from that direction. Someone or something came to the earth.

At the moment Xia Ming’s spiritual power, which can cover the whole world, found the source of energy.

It’s a hammer.

And a guy who fell from the sky, was sent to Earth by Bifrost, and was exiled here.

“Thor still hasn’t changed, but that’s normal.”

Xia Ming thought that after he attacked Thor in Asgard last time, Thor should change and maybe not act so recklessly.

But now it seems that the blow is not harsh enough.

0.Please give me flowers…

Only by letting Thor lose his divine power and experience what it feels like to be a mortal can he know how to become a true hero.

There is also Loki, although he seems to have changed a bit, his ambition over the years still drove him to take over the rights of the God Lord of Asgard when Odin fell into sleep.

But this is Asgard’s housework. Xia Ming only needs to ensure that Thor’s life will not be in danger on Earth.

And although Odin is asleep, he has always been paying attention to Thor. At the critical moment, he will still restore Thor’s power and let him survive the danger.

Don’t worry too much.

“Huh? Mr. Magic, what’s wrong with you?”

Gwen, who was controlled by Xia Ming’s magic and flew beside Xia Ming, looked at Xia Ming in confusion.

“It’s okay, I just found some interesting things.


Xia Ming shook her head and brought Gwen above Tony.

At the moment, the weapons of war system was deactivated by Natasha Romanoff.

“Mr. Magic, what are we doing here?”

Gwen and Xia Ming sat on the supports in the park and looked down.

“Look at Tony being beaten.” Xia Ming said casually.

“Eh? Isn’t Stark a friend of Mr. Magic?”

“Yes, so we should watch more.” Xia Ming said firmly.

“Oh…” Gwen said she didn’t quite understand the friendship between you men.

“What about you? What’s the matter with following me here?” Xia Ming asked, looking at Gwen’s white hood.

“Um…I want to ask Mr. Magic how to be a real superhero!”

Gwen thought for a moment and said quickly.

“It’s very simple, what you are doing now is what a superhero should do, just keep it up.”

“Mr. Magic also thinks what I did is right!?” Gwen asked in surprise.

“Well, just stick to being yourself.” Xia Ming nodded.

Xia Ming doesn’t need to say too much about Gwen’s future and behavior. Anyway, Gwen will do well.

“I will!”

Gwen nodded happily.

At this time, a meteor-like flame flashed through the air, flying straight towards this side.

“Shh! Someone is coming! Huh? Another robot?”

Gwen raised her finger and said softly.

“Don’t worry, he can’t see us, and the show is about to begin.”

Xia Ming said it was quite interesting to watch Tony get beaten.



American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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