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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 126. If Someone Wants To Kill Me, I Won’T Be Polite.

“So, Thor, the biggest mistake you make is that you don’t know how to be patient, you don’t understand the importance of being strong, and you don’t know what it means for a gentleman to take revenge. Ten years is never too late.

Xia Ming warned Thor.

“Uncle is right! I was too anxious! I should calm down first, and then wait until I have the strength to take revenge before looking for trouble with the Giants of Jotunheim!”

Thor’s hand on his knee clenched into a fist, indicating that he really did something wrong!

“Yes, you should stay humble and work hard! Until you become a strong man who can defeat all enemies, you will find that those enemies who are spying on Asgard are just Jokers!”

“I understand! I will do it!!” Thor became excited, as if full of blood.

“So what do you think we should do in the future?”

“I want to regain Mjolnir’s recognition! I want to return to Asgard! Inherit Odin’s will! Become the new God King!!”

Thor stood up suddenly and shouted!

“”860″ Even if it takes a long time, aren’t you afraid?”

“I’m not afraid! I won’t give up unless I die! I don’t want to let Odin down!”

Thor looked determined.

“But have you forgotten that Odin said he would banish you to Earth forever?”

“This…” Thor suddenly paused emotionally.


Odin’s order is that he never returns to Asgard!

Then…even if he works hard to regain his strength, he can’t go back!

“You are still too young, Thor.” Xia Ming stood up and patted Thor on the shoulder.

“What should I do? Uncle!”

“Thor, remember, even if you can’t return to Asgard, it can’t stop you from becoming the strongest in the nine realms and the new Father of God. If you can’t understand this truth, then give up the idea as soon as possible.”

Xia Ming said and walked out of the room, leaving Thor alone in his thoughts.

As for the news that Odin was not dead, he had no intention of telling Thor.

Only by experiencing complete despair can the strongest faith and strength be unleashed.

Xia Ming didn’t want Thor to have any luck.

Therefore, before the four warriors of Asgard come to Earth, it is the best time for Thor to settle down.

At that time, the news that Odin is not dead will also become part of Thor’s motivation.

Coupled with Loki’s actions, Thor can definitely return.

Loki, who had been watching Thor silently, suddenly burst out with strong murderous intent!

He finally relied on Odin’s news to blow Thor into losing his will.

As a result, after some persuasion by Xia Ming, Thor actually recovered!

This makes Loki’s calculations come to nothing!

“Sure enough, my biggest enemy is still Xia Ming.”

Loki pondered silently.

Originally, Loki was not so angry, eager to sit on the throne of God King, and even determined to kill Thor.

The root cause of all this was that Lu Ji discovered that he was not Li Ding’s biological son!

But the descendants of Jotonheim, Giants of Jotunheim!

Is the enemy of Asgard!

After Loki discovered the strangeness of his body from Jotonheim, he secretly entered the palace treasury and touched the Casket of Ancient Winters that only the Giants of Jotunheim could touch, thus confirming his bloodline.

Later, I also learned the original truth from Odin’s mouth.

This makes Loki unable to accept all this!

It also prompted Loki to make up his mind to solve Thor’s trouble after Odin fell into a deep sleep.

At the beginning, he thought that if Thor was willing to stay on Earth, live a peaceful life as an ordinary person, and completely abandon his identity as a god, Loki stopped.

But now it seems that something is wrong.

It was also at this time that Loki suddenly remembered that his uncle Xia Ming was here!

What if Xia Ming learns what happened in Asgard, learns his identity, and comes to Asgard? What should he do!?

He can’t beat Xia Ming!!

Loki paced back and forth anxiously, thinking hard about whether Xia Ming had any weaknesses or something.

It turned out that because he didn’t know much about Xia Ming, he couldn’t even imagine it!!

Xia Ming, who had just left the room and was about to go find Jane, suddenly felt something in her heart.

Xia Ming, who has the ability to predict the future, blessings, prophecies, powerful perception, and intuition, felt a trace of murderous intention directed at herself.

Xia Ming had a little foresight and found the source of the murderous intention.

It’s Loki of Asgard.

Xia Ming knew that Loki had been watching Thor, but Xia Ming ignored it.

But, you actually want to target me now?

This is a bit too much.

You are afraid that the beatings you received are not enough!

Xia Ming thought, activated teleportation magic, and came to the golden palace of Asgard.

At this time, Loki was walking back and forth, thinking about how to target Che Ming.

Then, Xia Ming appeared.

“Loki God King? You are so majestic.”

“Uncle Xia!” Loki’s heart trembled when he saw Xia Ming!

What should come will not come, and what should not come will always come the fastest!

What are you really afraid of?

Loki yelled in his mind!

“Why did uncle come here suddenly?” Loki said with a stiff smile.

“It’s nothing, I just felt like someone wanted to kill me, so I came over to take a look.”

Xia Ming said as she walked towards Loki.

“Uncle is joking, who dares to do something to you!”

Loki looked at Xia Ming walking over, holding the Eternal Spear firmly in his right hand, wondering if he could activate the power of the Eternal Spear to deal with Xia Ming.

Then, the Eternal Spear was captured by Xia Ming.

“Uncle, what are you doing?” Loki was extremely nervous.

“Nothing, I just heard from Thor that Odin died, and I was thinking, can I come and sit on the throne of the God King?”

Xia Ming fired thunder and lightning in his hand, which shocked Loki and let go of his hand.

Xia Ming held the Eternal Spear and sat on the throne in front of Loki.

“Indeed, the scenery from this seat is really good. Loki, do you think I am qualified to sit in this seat?”

Xia Ming looked down at Loki below.

“Yes, yes! Of course I have the qualifications!” Loki grabbed his right hand and nodded repeatedly.

At the moment, no matter how reluctant Loki was, he would not dare to refute in front of Xia Ming!

What if Xia Ming learns his true identity and knows that he is not an Asgardian, and shoots him to death?!

Loki doesn’t dare to gamble at all!!

“Loki, I am not interested in the battle between you and Thor, and I am too lazy to interfere with you or stop you.”

“What do you mean, uncle?” Loki raised his head suddenly and his eyes lit up.

“I wonder if Odin and Frigga have told you that although I am a god, I am not in Asgard.

“Said 13.1…” Loki nodded.

Regarding this, he was present when Sif told Thor.

“So, what happens to Asgard has nothing to do with me, and I don’t care who becomes the God King. But there is one thing…”


“If someone wants to kill me, I won’t be polite.” Xia Ming looked at Loki and said.

At this moment, Loki felt that the hall suddenly became extremely cold. When he looked into Xia Ming’s eyes, he seemed to have seen a black hole. He found that the entire surrounding scene had become distorted and blurred, and his soul was being sucked away.

Just when Loki thought he would be completely lost in the darkness, everything suddenly returned to normal.

Loki suddenly lost strength and fell to the ground, gasping for air.

At the moment, his body was covered with sweat and his heart felt cold.

He looked up and saw that the throne was empty.


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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