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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 133. Odin: Bastard! This Reward Has Been Given Long Ago! !

“Sorry Loki, I’m going to take action.”

As Xia Ming said this, she flicked her hand on her body, and the suspended cloak returned to its original shape, and Xia Ming entered combat mode.

“You want to regret it!?”

Loki looks excited!

It’s obviously been agreed upon!

Aren’t you going to stay out of it?!

Why change your mind suddenly!!

Loki looked at Xia Ming angrily.

“Don’t worry, I will let you see the result before I take action to solve everything.

Xia Ming said and flew out.

Loki: Thank you so much!!

After Xia Ming left, Tony turned his head and looked, then walked to Jane’s side and spoke in a low voice.

“Who was Xia Ming talking to just now?”

“And Thor’s brother, Loki.”

“Loki? Where is he? Why didn’t I see him?!”

“Because Loki used magic to block everyone except me and Xia Ming.”

Jane said and walked out.

“…I hate magic!!”

Tony followed closely behind and ran out to watch the show.

So, is this something Loki did?!”

Xia Ming’s appearance made everyone sigh in relief.

“Uncle Xia Ming! You are finally out!”

“Come and help me!!”

“Uncle Xia Ming!!”

When the three men from Fandal saw Xia Ming, they all cheered!

He also followed Thor and called him uncle.


Thor ran over.

“Please help stop Loki! They are innocent!”

Thor didn’t want to see his good friends and the inhabitants of Earth being persecuted by Loki.

“Thor, what are you waiting for?”

Xia Ming said with a move, she called Mjolnir over.


Thor looked at Xia Ming and the Mjolnir in his hand in confusion.

“Thor, prove your understanding to Mjolnir and your father.

Xia Ming loosened his hand and threw the hammer on the ground.

“Either pick it up, or watch Sif and the others die!”


Thor’s face was solemn, and he wanted to tell Xia Ming that he was not ready yet.

But the battle in the distance made Mu’er unable to ignore it.

As Xia Ming said, now it seems that he has no choice but to pick up Mjolnir, regain the power of Thor, stop the Destroyer, and stop Loki.

He can’t rely on Xia Ming!

Even if he can ask Xia Ming for help now, what about the future?

If Xia Ming is not here one day, who should Thor rely on!?

Therefore, the only way is to rely on yourself!!

Only believe in yourself! Believe in your own strength!!

“So, Mjolnir! Acknowledge me! Acknowledge my enlightenment!! I will stop this! “w!”

Thor put his hand on Mjolnir and shouted loudly.

Mjolnir trembled slightly, as if he was about to be lifted up by Thor.

Seeing this scene, Xia Ming stared at the sky speechlessly.

“Odin, if you keep playing like this, I won’t be responsible if Thor dies.”

Xia Ming said leisurely.


Thor heard Xia Ming’s words and raised his head in confusion.

Then before he could ask any questions, there was a bang and a bolt of thunder fell from the sky!

Thor began to transform.

A red cloak and silver scales appear.

The invincible Thor Thor is back!

“I am Thor Thor!!”

Thor raised Mjolnir and shouted.

Everyone who saw this scene was stunned.

Sif and others all cheered and cheered!!

“Thor Thor! So handsome!!”

Sig, who had been following Thor, covered his mouth and shouted!

“This is the power of Thor!? Thor’s true identity!?”

When Phil Coulson saw this magical scene, he murmured to himself and was shocked in his heart.

“Thor Thor!!”

“Thor Thor!!”


Sif and others left the Destroyer behind and came to Thor’s side.

Now is Thor’s time to shine.

“Loki! I’m coming!!”

Thor strode toward the Destroyer.

Then, he was stopped by Xia Ming.



“Leave the rest to me.”

“Ah?! Shouldn’t I be allowed to come?”

Thor asked confusedly.

He is ready!

I changed my clothes, prepared my momentum, and waited for him to appear on stage. But you said you don’t need me anymore!?

I am the protagonist!!

“You should take Sif and the others back to Asgard now and block the roadbed.

Xia Ming said, flying towards the Destroyer.

“Yes! I should go back and stop Loki right now!”

Thor reacted suddenly and glanced at Xia Ming gratefully!

Uncle is still thoughtful!!

“Sif! Fandral! Come here!” Thor greeted.

When the four of them arrived, Thor summoned Heimdall directly on the spot and asked him to open Bifrost.

Unfortunately, Heimdall did not respond.

This made Thor and others’ hearts sink, worrying that something bad had happened to Heimdall.

“It’s really troublesome.”

Xia Ming turned her head and impatiently opened a portal at the feet of Thor and others, sending them back to Asgard.

“Thanks uncle!” Thor shouted.

Then when they came to Bifrost, they saw Heimdall who had been turned into an ice sculpture.

“`” Sif, help me, I’ll go find Loki!”

Thor gave an order, waved his hammer, and flew towards Asgard.

Here, after seeing Thor instantly recover and regaining Thor’s power, Loki stood up and left the throne.

His plan was only halfway through, although it failed.

The other half of his plan is to get rid of the King of Jotunheim, Lauf, who he deliberately let in, and then completely destroy Jotonheim and become the hero of all Asgard.

Xia Ming no longer cares about Asgard. It is estimated that Li Ding will wake up soon.

His target is the Destroyer.

Although the Destroyer now lost Loki’s instructions, it still subconsciously attacked Xia Ming.

The strong attack hit Xia Ming’s palm like a small spark.

Thanks to the Destroyer’s automatic attacks, Xia Ming continues to absorb energy from the Destroyer.

And, because the Destroyer’s energy comes from Odin, it can be said that its energy is unlimited!

Boom! (Okay Zhao)

Another attack was absorbed by Xia Ming.

Then Xia Ming felt troubled, so she flew directly in front of the Destroyer, stretched her hand in, pinched his neck, and activated the energy siphon.


The violent energy light burst out instantly, extremely charming.

The Destroyer wants to destroy the guy who controls it!

But Xia Ming said, if you have the ability, be more ruthless!!

As more energy is absorbed, Xia Ming feels that her power of enlightenment begins to increase rapidly and continues to strengthen!

Then Odin perceived all this:…………

What the hell, what do you think I am?

A power bank?!

I am the Father of God!!

However, Xia Ming said, your Odin power is so much that even your body can’t bear it, why not give it to me?!

Consider it my reward for helping Thor!

Energy Siphon Spear!

Suck me!!

Odin: Bastard! This reward has been given long ago! You shameless guy!!


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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