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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 137. Xia Ming Stood By And Watched, Peter Succeeded In Revenge.


Large holes were directly knocked out of the walls of several rooms by the strange force. Peter sped up and rushed towards the innermost room.

He wants revenge.

He will make those who often bully him pay the price!

Whenever Peter thinks back to the bullying he has suffered, his anger surges to an infinite level!

He didn’t want to waste time with Spider-Woman, so even if he was hit several times, he ran without looking back.

“We must stop him!”

Gwen doesn’t know what the purpose of this lizard monster is, but as long as he is stopped here!

However, it is obvious that the strength of this lizard is not inferior to Gwen at all, especially because he is taller than Gwen. Once it gets violent, even Gwen will have difficulty subduing it.

call out!

Gwen suddenly passed Peter, rushed forward, and shot cobweb at the lizard’s legs. While moving around, Gwen used the cobweb and the surrounding environment to tightly wrap Peter!

“Mr. Magic! Can you come and help me?”

Gwen knew this method wouldn’t be able to trap the monster for long, because she had tried it before.

So he started calling Xia Ming and asked Xia Ming to help completely eliminate this monster.

But after Gwen shouted a few words, she received no response from Xia Ming.

This made Gwen frown, looking puzzled08.

‘Has Xia Ming already left?!”

Gwen muttered to herself.


However, before Gwen could think for too long, the lizard man suddenly broke out and broke free from the shackles of the cobweb. His sharp claws cut off the cobweb without any pause.

“It still doesn’t work!?”

Gwen felt very difficult to deal with, so she rushed forward again and stopped the lizard man.

Xia Ming watched all this silently.

He also heard Gwen’s call, but after Xia Ming knew that Dr. Lizard was Peter, he didn’t plan to take action.

This is Gwen’s battle, and it is also the life she needs to experience.


Peter didn’t know if it was because the person he wanted to take revenge on was so close, so he didn’t dodge again this time.

Peter suddenly grabbed the cobweb on his wrist, flicked it hard, and pulled Gwen over. The paw of his left hand was aimed at Gwen’s abdomen.


Gwen’s expression changed.

Xia Ming silently prepared to come to the rescue.

But when the critical moment came, Gwen saw the lizard man suddenly put away its sharp nails, clenched it into a fist, and hit Gwen in the abdomen, knocking him away.

Then he roared suddenly and smashed the entire wall in front of him with one punch.


Several young people turned pale with fright and kept exclaiming!

Some were so scared that they closed their eyes tightly, and some were frightened and fainted at this moment.


Peter glanced around and saw a face that was very familiar to him.

Peter reached out, grabbed Rose, and lifted her up.

“Don’t eat me! Don’t eat me!!”

Ross cried and shouted, and he was so scared that he peed because of this.


Peter looked at Rose, recalling scenes from the past in his mind.


Gwen Ninja was in pain, and with a flick of the cobweb, he flew over and tightly hugged the lizard man’s neck from behind.

“Let him go!!”

Gwen shouted.


Peter was pulled back by Gwen, but his right hand still pinched Rose’s body hard.

Suddenly, Peter’s eyes froze, and he exerted force with his right hand, directly pinching Rose in half.

Rose’s screams stopped abruptly.

The bloody scene made the two students who were still conscious couldn’t bear it anymore, rolled their eyes and collapsed to the ground.


Gwen’s heart trembled and she paused on the spot.

She didn’t save Ross!?

Yes, Gwen also recognized Rose and the basketball player.

Then he died in front of her at the hands of the lizard man!

She should obviously stop this!

She is obviously Spider-Woman!!

“You monster!!”

Gwen suddenly became furious and launched a fierce attack on Peter!

Every attack is filled with Gwen’s angry emotions!

Peter was defeated step by step.

Xia Ming witnessed all this happening and did not intervene.

He knew the reason why Peter wanted to kill Rose, so he didn’t stop him. In Xia Ming’s view, some people were better off sending them to hell. Who said that their sins would make him die?

After all, if it weren’t for Rose’s long-term bullying, Peter wouldn’t be like this, nor would he take risks and go to extremes.

Anyway, Xia Ming supports Peter’s revenge.

Moreover, if Xia Ming guessed correctly, Peter seems to have recognized Gwen’s identity.

Otherwise, Peter had just had the opportunity to seriously injure Gwen, but suddenly chose to stop.

Although Xia Ming didn’t know how Peter knew, it seemed that the battle between them was about to end.

After Peter finished dealing with Rose, he just wanted to leave here quickly.

But Gwen didn’t want to let him go.

At the moment, Gwen was so angry that she didn’t care whether she would be injured, she just wanted to defeat this lizard monster completely!

Moreover, Gwen clearly felt that the monster’s movements and strength seemed to be slowly weakening.

Yes, the genetic medicine injected by Peter was slowly losing its effect, which was one of the reasons why he wanted to leave quickly.

Peter didn’t want to reveal his identity.

Therefore, in order to seize the time to leave, Peter punched Gwen back with a punch, jumped off the third floor, used his claws to slow down on the wall, and then disappeared into the dark alley.

Seeing this, Gwen followed without hesitation.

She even forgot to call her Xia Ming.

Seeing this, Xia Ming also flew behind silently.


“How’s the situation?!” George finally arrived at the scene.

“It’s not clear yet, but the battle is not over yet.”

“Who’s fighting that monster?”

“It’s Spider-Woman! She stopped the monster and saved us!”

A police officer said excitedly.

“Spider-Woman…” George frowned.

“Look! That monster is running away!!”

Suddenly someone discovered that the lizard man jumped off the tall building and ran into the alley.

“Spider-Woman is after me!!” A flash of white flashed away.

“Director, what should we do?”

“Leave the monster to Spider-Woman, he is not something we can deal with.”

George sighed.

“Go in and save people first!” George shouted and quickly mobilized the police.

As they entered, they soon discovered several young people who had been scratched or killed by the lizard men.

This scene made everyone look solemn.

Finally, they also found survivors on the third floor, but unfortunately, one of them was dead and could no longer die, and his body was broken into two pieces.

This miserable scene made the police officers furious, and their hatred for the lizard people skyrocketed.

And because of the pervasive reporters, this scene was all caught on camera.

I believe this news will be printed on the newspaper headlines the next day.

But that’s not what Gwen worries about, because Gwen stops Peter again.


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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