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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 142. Kelly? Doctor Strange's Future Wife! ?

Brooklyn, on a street.

A black portal suddenly appeared out of thin air, and a girl with silver hair and a good figure walked out of it.

As soon as she stepped through the portal, she immediately knelt on the ground, and the magic behind her dissipated due to lack of energy.

Kelly put her hands on the ground, breathing in the pure air that belonged to the earth, and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Finally here!”

Kelly was extremely emotional. After all the hardships, she finally successfully opened the portal to the earth. This made Kelly almost fainted with excitement!

“Now we just need to find Xia Ming!!”

Kelly climbed up from the ground with difficulty.

Because Klee doesn’t have much magic power now, and she is not the powerful magician who became the master of the dark world.

In addition, after she came to Earth, she actually found that her little magic power was further weakened by the Earth’s environment!

This caused her to almost run out of money after opening the portal.

The main reason is that she came from the dark world, which is a bit difficult.

But it is precisely because her magic power is weak that she was not blocked by the magic circle that enveloped the earth.

If you were to replace him with Dormammu, no matter how powerful he is, he would not be able to easily open the space crack.

“I heard you were looking for me?”

Xia Ming slowly fell from the air in front of Kelly, suspiciously poisoning this strange silver-haired young man who suddenly appeared on the earth.

Although it was the first time for Xia Ming to see Kelly, the strong dark dimension aura on her body also made Xia Ming know the origin of the girl in front of her.

But what puzzles Xia Ming is, how come there are still people who dare to come to the earth from the dark dimension?

Aren’t you afraid of death?

What about Dormammu?

Doesn’t he care about this?

“Xia Ming!?”

As soon as Keli raised her head, she saw Xia Ming falling from the sky and standing in front of her.

At this moment, Kelly was extremely surprised!

She felt that today was a day blessed by the goddess of luck!

Kelly didn’t expect that the person she was looking for would show up when she first came to Earth!

She thought she would be looking for it for a long time!!

Therefore, Keli was so excited that she rushed towards Xia Ming!

Xia Ming:???

Xia Ming is confused, why do you like to throw yourself into his arms now?

So proactive?

Also, why does this silver-haired girl know him?

Xia Ming doesn’t remember making friends in the dark dimension?

Then out of caution, Xia Ming avoided Kelly’s hug.


Keli was weak due to lack of magic power. She passed through Xia Ming with a bang and fell to the ground.

Fortunately, her physical fitness is better than that of people on Earth, otherwise her knees would be smashed.


Kelly raised her little face and looked at Xia Ming pitifully.

“How do you know me? What is your relationship with Dormammu?”

Xia Ming turned around and asked.

What if this is a spy planted by Dormammu?

After all, Xia Ming knew that Dormammu held a grudge against him.

But what Xia Ming didn’t know was that Dormammu really held a grudge against him, but because Xia Ming was on Earth, he had no way to deal with Xia Ming, so he left the dark dimension temporarily.

“I am a resident of the dark world. I know you because I saw the battle between you and Dormammu! And I want to come to you for help!”

Klee explained.

That day, Keri was attracted by the sudden battle in the dark world, so she sneaked closer and saw Xia Ming’s unparalleled heroic appearance, fighting on par with Dormammu!

Especially Xia Ming’s look like a god of war holding a thunder gun left an indelible impression on Kelly’s heart!

This is the first time that Klee has seen someone dare to challenge Dormammu in the dark world, and not lose!

Therefore, in order to become stronger, Keli wanted to find Xia Ming and learn magic from him!

Then, Kelly finally found her chance!

Dormammu has left the dark dimension!

Then, through the teleportation magic she learned, Kelly has been trying to open a passage to the earth during this period of time. Until today, she finally succeeded!!

And what she didn’t expect was that the first person she saw when she came out was actually Xia Ming, whom she had longed for!!

She was so happy!!

Xia Ming silently listened to Keri’s story about how she met him, and then listened, feeling very embarrassed by Keri’s extremely admiring tone.

If Xia Ming remembers correctly, it should be the first time Xia Ming went to the dark dimension and the first time she fought Dormammu.

And with the power of Time Gem, he made Dormammu extremely annoyed, and finally succeeded in blackmailing Dormammu.

Before the end, Xia Ming had died at the hands of Dormammu countless times. Anyway, by the end, both he and Dormammu were numb due to the time loop.

Therefore, in fact, in the scene that Keri saw, if Dormammu didn’t want to continue fighting and let Xia Ming do her best, she might not have seen Xia Ming unleash all her fighting power to suppress Dormammu.

Therefore, at the moment Xia Ming looked at Keli’s expectant eyes, she felt as if she was deceiving the ignorant little girl.

“To be honest, I am not Dormammu’s opponent.”

Xia Ming said seriously.

“Yeah!” Kelly nodded.

“…” Xia Ming was speechless.

“If you come to me to help you defeat Dormammu, I can’t do it, but if you come to me to learn magic, I can help you.

“Really?! Teacher! Please teach me magic!!”

When Keli heard that Xia Ming agreed to her request, she took a few steps forward and bowed seriously.

“…” Xia Ming was so frightened by Kelly’s actions that she quickly took a few steps back.

Why are you so lively and startled like Gwen?

Or is this a girlish trait?

“453 Speaking of which, how did you get here? Does Dormammu not care about the smuggling of your aborigines?”

Xia Ming asked curiously.

“I relied on the help of several friends. They are also witches and know a little magic. As for Dormammu, he is not in the dark dimension now.”

“Witch…wait! You said Dormammu is not in the dark dimension? Where did he go?”

Xia Ming was shocked. What was Dormammu going to do if he didn’t stay in his hometown?

“Probably going to invade other dimensions.”

Keli sighed, she was disgusted with this kind of invasion by Dormammu.

Just like Dormammu became the master of the dark world, he also relied on strong strength and betrayal to become the ruler.

Keli very much hopes that one day, Dormammu can be expelled from the dark world.

But Keli knew that she was not strong enough, so when she saw Xia Ming, she wanted to get Jia Ming’s help so much.

And because Xia Ming is from Earth, Dormammu’s natural enemy is her best ally!!

“Have you gone to other dimensions? Dormammu can’t wait any longer.” Xia Ming said with emotion.

“By the way, what’s your name?”

“My name is Klee!”

“Kelly? This name is so familiar. I seem to have heard it somewhere…

Xia Ming said as she recalled.

Called Klee, from the dark dimension, with silver hair… Wait, this isn’t…

“Doctor Strange’s future wife!?”


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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