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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 149. The Consciousness Of The Universe Is None Other Than Xia Ming Who Was Promoted To Level Single

Xia Ming didn’t know if Dormammu was aware of his thief behavior. Anyway, he had absorbed all the mysterious energy and Dormammu didn’t even show up.

“Comfortable! Dormammu is better!”

Xia Ming sighed.

Xia Ming feels that the person who has improved her strength the most in the early stage is none other than Dormammu!

Without Dormammu, he would not have been able to open up the world of eternal night and obtain the lord-level strength bonus.

Without Dormammu, Xia Ming would not have several powerful magics.

Without Dormammu and Xia Ming’s practical ability, progress would not have been so rapid!!

Xia Ming said that all this is due to Dormammu! It allows Xia Ming to keep harvesting wool!

Moreover, because Dormammu is so powerful, it can be said that even the wool can’t be plucked clean!

Here, Xia Ming is very grateful to Dormammu for her efforts!!

Dormammu: Thank you so much!!

After absorbing the energy, Xia Ming looked at the vast world and was reluctant to leave.

This is a rare opportunity when Dormammu is not at home!

If you don’t take this opportunity to have sex for nothing, wouldn’t you be really sorry for yourself!?

So Xia Ming started hanging out in the dark dimension.

But he soon discovered that it seemed that in the entire dark dimension, except for the ubiquitous dark energy that made Xia Ming050 very envious, there was nothing that interested Xia Ming.

Thinking of this, Xia Ming sat cross-legged in the deep sky and began to absorb the power of darkness.

It means you can suck as much as you can!

With the absorption of Xia Ming, the Yongye World is slowly expanding bit by bit, but the speed is not fast. If it were not for Xia Ming being the master of the Yongye World, it would almost be impossible to perceive it!

The God of Black Magic at the center of the Evernight World has become more solidified by absorbing a large wave of mysterious energy just now.

I believe that if this improvement continues, in the future, Xia Ming may be able to rely on the God of Black Magic, the God of White Magic, and herself to combine to become a trinity-like Weishan Emperor!!

And by that time, Xia Ming might be able to step into the multi-universe level and sit with many big guys!!

I feel excited just thinking about it!!

“However, it seems that this speed is still too slow.”

After a while, Feng Ming opened his eyes dissatisfied.

He felt that if he continued to absorb it like this, for the Evernight World, the expansion boundary would be almost negligible.

After all, Xia Ming can only stay here for one night.

The earth still has things waiting for him to do.

Although Xia Ming is not around, the Avengers can still prevent the alien invasion, but what if an accident happens?

So Xia Ming is very worried.

But what he didn’t know was that he had guessed it right. Because of his existence, an accident had indeed occurred.

In order to deal with him, Loki specially returned to Asgard and released the enchantress Amora, just waiting to find Xia Ming and control him!

Especially now that Tony has become Amora’s slave. If Xia Ming does not go back, it is estimated that once the Avengers gather, another person will be controlled.

After all, Loki is very smart and knows how to disrupt the Avengers and how to attract their attention so that his plan can go smoothly.

Xia Ming silently Energy Absorbing, while thinking about how to maximize benefits.

After thinking about it, Xia Ming had an idea.

“In other words, Dormammu made himself extremely powerful by invading other dimensions and devouring other powers, and eventually became the eternal existence he is now. What about me?

Can I also increase my strength by devouring other dimensions!?”

Xia Ming’s eyes gradually light up!

Although as an Asgardian on Earth, he cannot do such things that destroy other people’s homes, but in the dark dimension, maybe he can?

And right now, Dormammu is not at home, giving Xia Ming the opportunity to operate!!

Moreover, there are not many indigenous people in the dark dimension, and many places are untouched. As long as Xia Ming chooses the edge of the dark dimension and starts her own dimensional invasion, she can occupy some of the places!

Don’t worry about the impact on the indigenous people!

Definitely, as for whether it will affect Dormammu, that’s not something Xia Ming should worry about. (aibg)

Anyway, Xia Ming said that since Dormammu is so strong, he shouldn’t mind if he gives something to himself, right?

Dormammu: Do you want to listen to what you are saying!?

With this thought, Xia Ming immediately ended Energy Absorption, stood up, and teleported towards the edge of the dark dimension.

After several more teleportations, Xia Ming stopped.

It was pitch black here, and there wasn’t even a single luminous stone. Xia Ming perceived that this location was no longer close to the center, “It’s just right for Chongming to play.”

But this is not the edge of the dark dimension. As for where the edge is, Xia Ming doesn’t know.

This shows how big the dark dimension is.

As far as Xia Ming knows, the dark dimension is located in the split realm among the four major planes of the Marvel universe: the inner plane, the outer plane, the split realm, and the distant kingdom.

The Split Realm was once a huge amount of planes. A long time ago, conflicts between realms caused it to be shattered and split into many planes.

The Dark Dimension is the largest part of it, now ruled by Dormammu.

Moreover, because Dormammu is extremely aggressive, it has successfully conquered and assimilated many smaller parts of the divided realm, completely becoming a realistic complex of a single territory.

Dormammu also used this to become the strongest among the many lords, and until now, Dormammu’s invasion of other dimensions has not ended.

In the darkness, he continues to covet those worlds that lack strength.

Xia Ming stood in the deep sky, raised her right hand, opened her eternal night world, and continued to expand, beginning to invade the surrounding space and absorb power.

Because the power of the Eternal Night World and the Dark Dimension come from the same source, they are not resisted by the Dark Dimension.

As the Evernight World unfolds, its energy absorption has exceeded the amount of energy that Xia Ming had just absorbed by a single person.

Just as Dormammu invaded the earth world and began to assimilate the earth, Xia Ming also began to assimilate the space of the dark dimension.

As long as Dormammu doesn’t come back, Xia Ming won’t stop!

Xia Ming sat cross-legged in the air, waiting quietly.

He can clearly feel that his strength is improving, his spirit is expanding, and his garden knowledge is constantly taking office.

Suddenly, Xia Ming opened her eyes.

In the dark and vast universe, Xia Ming saw a black spot.

Then a suction force pulled his consciousness into the black spot. When Xia Ming reacted again, Xia Ming’s consciousness had completely enveloped the entire dark dimension.

At this moment, he is like the only god in the dark dimension!

If the guess is correct, Xia Ming’s consciousness is now connected to the dark dimension.

He also gained some of the authority that Dormammu had, and gained some of his dominating power.

At the same time, Xia Ming realized that she seemed to have cosmic consciousness and could sweep across the entire universe and see everything that happened in it.

Now Xia Ming is promoted to Level Single Universe!!


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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