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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 151. Dormammu: Xia Ming! I'm Sorry, You#¥%¥#%! ! !

Ancient One is all numb. I don’t know how this guy Xia Ming did it.

Doesn’t the improvement in strength accumulate slowly bit by bit?

Why is Xia Ming’s progress such a leap?

Or is it that Xia Ming ate something in the dark dimension and immediately received an upgrade?!

“You can feel at ease now that you have such a disciple. I’ll wait for you.”

After Eternal said that, he immediately cut off contact.

Ancient One could only smile bitterly at this.

She should feel relieved and happy, but why is she so sad?

Sometimes, there is an outstanding junior, who is also Alexander.

Especially… She is no longer a match for Xia Ming!!

The world of the supreme dimension, Emperor Weishan.

Ohit suddenly noticed something and suddenly opened his eyes.


“What’s wrong?”

Hogs “850” heard the sound and opened his eyes suddenly.

This kind of reaction speed made Ouhit very doubtful whether Hogs was meditating seriously.

“It looks like our investment will pay off soon.”

Ohit smiled.

“Investment? You mean Xia Ming? What happened to him?”

Hoggs was confused.

“You are also one of the Weishan Emperors.” After Ohit finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

Xia Ming’s progress surprised Ouchite. This kind of ability has already exceeded the level of a magician.

But considering that the tear she gave to Xia Ming had an accident, it’s not surprising.

If Xia Ming had not reached the level of Agamotto, Ou Xit would have doubted whether Xia Ming had failed on purpose and had not practiced seriously.

Thinking of this, she looked forward to her next meeting with Xia Ming.

“What do you mean?” Hoggs looked at Ouhit dissatisfied.

Just say it clearly, why do you say it half-heartedly!?

“See for yourself.” Agamotto reminded with his eyes closed.

“See for yourself…didn’t I know that you should go see it for yourself…shit!!”

Hogs activated the power of Emperor Weishan, sensed Xia Ming, and then suddenly uttered a curse word.

“How did he do it!?”

“Wait! What is he doing?! Why can he swallow the dark power!?”

“Wait a minute! This aura on his body… Ohit! Please explain it to me! Didn’t you say that those tears can’t give birth to life?!”

“And Agamotto, you guys are talking!!”

Hogs was the only one shouting in the entire space.

Ohit was smart enough to turn off his perception in advance, but Agamotto ignored it, saying he was used to it.

Split field, a certain narrow dimension.

Dormammu showed his figure, opened his hands, violently tore open the space crack in front of him, and stepped into this dimension.

The powerful magic power around him began to affect the reality of this dimension, and the violent dark power began to assimilate everything in front of him.

Below him were the fleeing natives of the dimension. They watched in horror as the god-like Dormammu tore the sky apart, broke into their homes, and destroyed everything wantonly.

Among them, there were many magical necromancers who tried to stop Dormammu’s progress and launched attacks on him.

But Dormammu just exhaled a breath at random and completely annihilated them.

Even those so-called magic attacks were neither painful nor itchy on his body, and were useless.

Dormammu looked at everything below proudly and happily.

He said that no matter how many times he saw this scene, he could still feel the pleasure of conquest!

“The tickle attack didn’t hurt me as much as Xia Ming did.”

Dormammu shook his head in great disappointment, took steps, and trampled to death the necromancers who stopped him with one kick.

At the same time, I thought of Xia Ming.

In such a comparison, the strength of these people below is simply extremely weak.

At least Xia Ming can make Dormammu spend some effort.

And I feel that without the annoying guy like Xia Ming, Dormammu even feels that the air has become extremely fresh!

Dormammu also proved once again that he is the invincible Mephista!!

Not something that a little magician like Xia Ming can easily compete with!

Dormammu said that the time loop made him less confident in his own strength.

“Weak dimensions should surrender!”


Dormammu roared, and the huge dark power instantly covered the sky and began to swallow everything!

Once he captures this dimension, his strength will increase by another point, and the dark dimension will become even larger.

For countless years, Dormammu has relied on this method to continue to become stronger!

As long as the dark dimension increases, Dormammu can become stronger!

And, as long as he is in the dark dimension, he is omnipotent!

No one can defeat him!!

“This weak existence will become a part of me and this world forever? Huh?”

Dormammu’s power has completely enveloped this dimensional world. As long as he completely assimilates it and turns it into a part of darkness, then he should go back…

But suddenly, Dormammu felt something was wrong, stopped his movements, and began to perceive.

The survivors below looked at the dark sky with fear, their faces full of despair.

They know that from this moment on, they will cease to exist.

Their only choice is to wait silently for death to come.

But suddenly, the extremely terrifying Mephista stopped moving for some reason.

As Dormammu paused, it seemed as if time in this world had stopped passing.

Then they discovered that the Mephista who had just occupied their world suddenly turned around and quickly left from the huge amounts of space cracks.

And with the disappearance of Dormammu, those dark forces also began to dissipate, and the space cracks slowly healed.

After a long time, when the light reappeared, they found that they had actually skipped a disaster!

That Mephista is really gone!!

Countless people prayed constantly and were glad that they survived in the end.

Xia Ming didn’t know that because of her actions, she saved a dimension.

Yes, Dormammu left suddenly and lost all dimensions, precisely because he realized that something was wrong with his dark dimension in 4.3!

He felt that part of his authority as the ruler of the entire dark world had been lost!!

Then after some perception, he was shocked to find that someone was actually invading his dark world!!

At that moment, Dormammu even wondered if his perception was wrong!

After all, which fool would have the courage and strength to invade the world ruled by his dark Mephista Dormammu!?

I’m afraid you don’t know how to write the word “death”!!

Dormammu also laughed angrily, he was a dark Mephista, how could he have his house stolen one day?!

Then Dormammu felt a familiar aura, which was not only familiar, but also disgusting.

Because he discovered that the person who stole his home was the shameless bastard he had tried so hard to avoid!

“Xia Ming! I’m sorry for you #¥%¥#%!!!”


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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