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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 168. He Did It! !

The black hole that appeared over New York surprised everyone, but they knew it was Xia Ming’s work, so they watched the aftermath nervously.

Many people are shocked when they know how powerful black holes are. Xia Ming can actually create and even control black holes!?

Especially the scientists, all exclaimed and said it was impossible!!

Others are more worried, worried about what if the black hole swallows the entire New York City!?

Just like that, under the gaze of countless people, countless giant beasts roared and were dragged into the black hole by gravity, and directly turned into powder and disappeared!

Moreover, the black hole’s scope of action, under Xia Ming’s control, did not affect anyone or any building on the ground in New York at all!

None of them felt the pull of gravity, but they could know from the roars of those giant beasts that the black hole was real and its power was File size!

Even the light pillar supporting the space transmission began to twist.

You know, a black hole is a celestial body whose curvature of space-time is so great that even light cannot escape from its event horizon!

Therefore, seeing that the portal was about to be closed due to the influence of the black hole, Xia Ming quickly controlled the black hole to pass through the portal, went to the opposite universe, and rushed straight towards the Chitauri Legion’s spaceship.

Then everyone saw a strange scene. The Chitauri and Leviathan beasts that had not had time to be swallowed flew upside down and rushed into the portal and flew away!

“Oh my god!”

“Is this magic? This is a miracle!!”

“No, Xia Ming is God!”

“Yes! He is invincible! The strongest existence!!”

“The strongest superhero!!”

“Magical magician! The only god!!”

“my faith!!”

So…we’re saved!?”

“We survived!!”

“Magical magician saves the world!!”

“Magical magician!!”

“Xia Ming!!”

Countless people saw those aliens flying backwards and returning the same way, and finally realized that they were saved!

They survived in Xia Ming’s hands!!

Xia Ming saved the world!!

Yes, for countless people, that giant beast that covers the sky is their doom and the doom of the entire world!

They can’t imagine what kind of world they would live in without Xia Ming!

How could they survive without Xia Ming!!

Although there are still many aliens on the ground, they are not afraid anymore! No more worries!

Because they have Xia Ming!

And those superheroes are here!

Their home was saved!!

Countless people looked at that figure in the sky and couldn’t help crying!

And those people who desperately begged God began to change God to Xia Ming and pray to Xia Ming!

Now for them, Xia Ming is the only true god!

He is the only savior who saved them!!

“Phew! Xia Ming…there are actually people like this in this world~.

Steve felt relieved and sat directly on the ground.

“What is impossible now.” Natasha Romanoff was also very tired and said from the side.

“Indeed, but luckily there is Xia Ming!” Steve sighed.

Before, he felt that he might die together with the monsters.

“Teacher, teacher! Xia Ming did it!!”

Kelly shouted excitedly!

“Yeah, he did.”

Ancient One looked up at Xia Ming who was like a god, with infinite emotion and complexity in his heart.

Ancient One remembers that when Xia Ming first started learning magic from her, she didn’t understand anything. But slowly, Xia Ming learned faster and faster, and it was almost to the point where Ancient One had nothing to teach her.

At that time, Ancient One just felt that Xia Ming’s ability was too evil and was favored by the God of Magic.

But all the subsequent events show that Xia Ming is not only a monster with ability, but also a miracle from the beginning!

Miraculously, Xia Ming has now surpassed her.

“Teacher, what kind of magic is this! It’s so powerful!!”

“I don’t know either. This should be Zhenming’s own invention.” Ancient One shook his head.

“Kelly, you have to study magic well. He is the most powerful among all magicians.”

“Yeah! I will!!”

“Xia Ming! You are not only the hero who saves the world, you are also my hero!”

Amora held her hands on her chest, her eyes shining brightly as she looked at Xia Ming’s figure.

In this life, being able to meet Xia Ming is the luckiest thing that has happened to Amora in her life!

Amora feels like she has found the meaning of life!

After waiting for six hundred years, she finally found a place to stay!

This made Amora couldn’t help but thank Loki. Fortunately, Loki rescued her from prison!

“He really did it!”

“Is there anyone else on this earth who can be Xia Ming’s opponent?”

“Is it true that as long as Xia Ming is willing, he can even rule the entire earth?!”

“We cannot control such people, we can only make friends with them!!”

The members of Congress started to discuss each other word by word. By the end of the discussion, they all expressed their desire to make good friends with Xia Ming. They would even agree to any request made by Xia Ming.


Rather than paying a little power, money, or other material things, they are more unwilling to offend Xia Ming and then force Xia Ming to be the opposite of human beings!

If one day Xia Ming had the idea of ​​becoming the King of Earth, they would probably have no place to cry!!

Fury watched their discussion plan from the side, shook his head, and walked out.

Fury said, I have warned you a long time ago that people like Xia Ming cannot be easily offended. Are you afraid now?

You deserve it!!

At the same time, Fury is also happy. With Xia Ming here, he no longer has to worry too much about crises from outside the earth!

At this moment, Fury’s eyes even became wet with excitement!

It’s great to have Xia Ming here!


“Xia Ming!!”


“We are saved!!”

As soon as Fury walked to the door of the control room, he heard cheers inside and couldn’t help but shake his head and smile.

He even saw his right-hand man, Hill, hugging and dancing with others in celebration, changing his usual calm style.

But what happened this time was enough to make them so excited.

“Xia Ming! He did it!!”

Gwen shouted!

“Yes! Mr. Xia Ming!”

Peter jumped up with joy as well!

This is the superhero he longs for!

“Really, it’s solved!?”

Loki knelt aside, looking up blankly at the fewer and fewer Chitauri in the sky, speechless.

The good news is that he (Mo Wang’s) did the right thing by considering Xia Ming as a bigger opponent.

The bad news is, he failed.

Xia Ming, as expected, cannot be defeated!

Opposite the portal, the Spaceship King.

“What is that?! Black hole!?”

“Where is Lord Ebony Maw!? Let’s run!”

“Quick, quick, quick, we have to leave quickly!!”

Chitauri, who stayed on the spacecraft, looked at the approaching black hole in the distance in horror, and shouted in horror!

“It’s too late, we won’t hold it.”

The inescapable gravity has long since pulled their battleships and spaceships over.

They could only watch helplessly as they were pulled and torn apart by the strong gravity, and then died together.

When the entire battleship and spaceship disappeared, many Chitauri still on the ground in New York suddenly lost their strength and fell down one after another.

Everyone who saw this scene knew that the war was over.

And they are the only victors!!

Countless people, as well as the entire earth, were saved by Xia Ming!!

They survived!!


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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