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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 174. Gwen Said She Wanted To Move In And Was Choosing A Room.

After the Ancient One left, Xia Ming looked at Gwen, Kelly, and Amora who were chatting enthusiastically.

“I said, when did you know each other?” Xia Ming asked doubtfully.

Or is this your ability?

Even if they meet for the first time, can they quickly become good friends?

“I came to see you when the aliens first invaded, but when you weren’t here, I got to know Sister Kelly and Amora, ah, by the way, and your teacher!”

Gwen explained.

“Sister Amora….

Xia Ming twitched the corner of her mouth, you have such a good relationship.

“Yes, after all, I am the oldest here.”

Amora smiled coquettishly.

He does not shy away from the fact that he has lived for more than two thousand years.

“As long as you are happy.”

Xia Ming shook her head.

At this moment, Xia Ming’s cell phone rang, and it was a call from Jane.

“Jane, are you okay?”

Xia Ming picked up her phone and left the sofa silently.

The three beauties, each with their own unique looks, lowered their voices at the same time and silently watched Xia Ming’s leaving figure.

Their eyes sent chills down Xia Ming’s back.

He obviously didn’t do anything!?

“Gwen, you said Xia Ming has a girlfriend? In the UK?”

Amora suddenly asked.

“Well, yes, he seems to be an astronomer.” Gwen nodded.

During this time, Gwen came to Xia Ming’s place to play when he had nothing to do, so he knew about Jane’s affairs. 607

As for Keli, she came when Loki came to Earth and just snatched the Tesseract, so she had not met Gwen before.

It wasn’t until earlier today that Gwen knew that two girls actually lived in Xia Ming’s home!

So very surprised.

You know, she has been here so many times and has never thought about living here!

As a result, someone came from behind!

This caused Gwen to also think about whether she should book a room here.

There are a lot of rooms here anyway!

“So, that Jane Foster is just an ordinary person? She doesn’t have any super abilities?”

Amora asked.


“That’s right.” Amora narrowed her eyes and smiled.

Just an ordinary person, how can he compete with her?

Amora is a powerful witch and one of the gods of Asgard!

Therefore, in Amora’s heart, perhaps only the two in front of her are worthy of vigilance.

After all, Gwen can surpass Ability and her strength is pretty good.

As for Keli, although her current magic level is insufficient, Amora can feel that the magic energy in Keli’s body is extremely huge. As long as she learns the corresponding magic spells, she can become (aifh) a powerful magician!

The magical energy Amora felt from Keli came from Xia Ming.

When Gwen saw Amora squinting her eyes and looking at her and Kelly, she felt a sense of crisis in her heart. She also squinted her eyes silently and looked at Amora.

The two of them noticed each other’s defensiveness at the same time.

Only Kelly looked left and right, puzzled.

“Speaking of which, have you picked a room?” Gwen asked suddenly.

“Hmm? Miss Gwen, do you want to live in too?” Amora said with a smile.

“I remember Miss Gwen said that she is still in high school, so she can live outside alone? Do her parents allow it?”

“…” Gwen was silent.

Yes, she is only a high school student now and has no chance to live alone!

“I usually have a lot of time.”

Gwen said something harsh while walking towards the living area on the second floor.

Although she can’t live here forever, she can still choose a bedroom first!

First impression!

In this way, when she can move out in the future, she can live here directly!

It even saves time when looking for a house!!

“We have chosen the bedrooms on the left and right of Xia Ming~”

Amora said with a smile.

He paused his steps and clenched his fist.

Damn it! You’re late! If I had known better, I would have asked Xia Ming to stay in a room!”

“Huh? Is there anyone living across from Xia Ming’s room?” Gwen suddenly asked.

“No, but there are a lot of things in it. Someone must have lived there before.” Kelly said.

“Who lives there?”

Gwen opened the door and walked in.

The room was fairly clean and tidy, with not many personal items except for some books.

Gwen picked up a book and opened it, and saw a name written on the title page: Daniel.

“Who is this?”

“Huh? Could it be Kamar-Taj’s magician? Teacher Ancient One introduced me to the holy place before. I remember that Daniel was the magician who was on duty at the holy place.

Klee recalled.

“What about others?”

“Back to Kamar-Taj.”

“Then why are his things still there?” Gwen became confused.

“But never mind! I want this one!!” Gwen clapped her hands and confirmed.

As for these personal belongings, just talk to Xia Ming when the time comes and let Daniel take care of it himself.

When Xia Ming walked out, she saw Gwen and the other three opposite her room.

“As long as you like it.”

Xia Ming scratched his head.

In Xia Ming’s bedroom.

“I’ll pick you up.

Xia Ming welcomes this.

“Well, sure! Let me know anytime.”

The two talked for a while and then hung up the phone.

He thought he heard it wrong before, but he didn’t expect Gwen to be serious?

“Xia Ming, I want to go to New York.” Jane said suddenly.

“I don’t come here every day, just come here occasionally!”

“Okay, wouldn’t we be closer this way? When do you plan to come over?”

“Gwen said she wanted to move in and was choosing a room.” Kelly explained.

“Ah? Are you serious?” Xia Ming looked at Gwen in surprise.

Xia Ming can appear next to Jane immediately, but because Jane’s work is very busy and troublesome, Xia Ming rarely disturbs her.

“No, I mean, I want to stay and work in New York in the future, what do you think?”

“Then…just be happy.”

“Don’t you welcome me?”

Jane said happily.

But Jane didn’t know what Xia Ming was thinking, so she could only express it in a roundabout way.

“I’m fine! Xia Ming, I saw you on the news! You are so awesome!”

Therefore, Xia Ming really welcomes Jane to New York.

“Xia Ming, you are the savior now, do you know it?”

Xia Ming said that these so-called titles are just like this, and no one will remember them after a while.

“It will take a while. I will go there when I finish handling the project in hand!” Jane became happy.

Jian Jian wanted to live with you in the future.

“Savior and other things are only boasted by others.”


“I don’t care! You are the savior! superhero!!”

“Jane, are you okay?”

“Yes, yes! I am your superhero~” Xia Ming smiled.

“No…you’re still in school, so your family can agree?”

“What are you doing?”

Gwen tensed.

Amora was fine with that.


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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