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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 176. Kelly: I Want To Learn! I Want To Learn! !

Xia Ming’s room.

Just when Xia Ming was about to hit base, Amora suddenly stopped.

“Would that sound… be heard…?”

Amora remembered that there was Kelly next door to Xia Ming’s room, and it was her first time, so if she couldn’t help but speak too loudly…

“I know, I will block it.”

Xia Ming also didn’t expect to use magic at this time…

But it was normal. After all, it was just him and Jane in the whole holy place before, so there was no need to worry about anyone hearing it.

Xia Ming opens up the realm of space and completely isolates her bedroom from the outside world.

After a long time, the spring night came to dawn.

Xia Ming kissed the sleeping Amora, got up and left the room.

Although Amora is an Asgardian and has stronger physical fitness than Earthlings, she is still a little unable to fight after a night of fighting.

However, Xia Ming said that Amora is still much stronger than Jian.

“Xia Ming, please teach me magic in the “three six three” style today!”

After Keli got up, she saw Xia Ming drinking coffee on the sofa and happily stepped forward.

Kelly is very excited about Xia Ming’s powerful magic!

In her heart, she also wants to become as powerful as Xia Ming!

Only in this way can she return to the dark world and drive Dormammu out!

“Okay, first tell me what magic you know?” Xia Ming nodded in agreement.

“Um… Actually I don’t know much. I can simply use magic energy to deal with enemies and teleport magic.”

Kelly spoke sheepishly.

“By the way, there’s also the red ring of Raggador that Teacher Ancient One taught me yesterday!”

Klee said and started to demonstrate.

“And the magic whip!”

Yesterday, Keli used these two magics to repel many Chitauri, and the actual combat effect was pretty good.

“Well, what about your teleportation magic?”

“My teleportation magic consumes too much, and it is mainly used to open large dimensions or carry out large-scale teleportation.”

Klee explained.

“Okay, I’ll teach you our Kamar-Taj’s teleportation magic first. After you learn it, I’ll teach you my unique magic.”

Xia Ming stood up and said.

“Okay!” Kelly was very happy.

“Let’s go to the first floor. There’s more space there.”

“Okay, but what about Amora? Why hasn’t she gotten up yet? She likes to sleep in so much. Do you want to call her?”

Klee asked doubtfully.

“Ahem, don’t worry about her, maybe she was too tired yesterday.”

Xia Ming said casually.

But it is true that the two of them didn’t sleep all night, and Amora was indeed very tired.

“All right!”

First floor.

Xia Ming explained the key points of teleportation magic to Kelly and gave a demonstration.

Theoretically, Kamar-Taj’s magician needs to borrow the Sling Ring when using this magic.

But it seems that Xia Ming has been using it directly since she learned it.

Therefore, when Kelly started practicing and things were not going so well, Xia Ming just told her to increase the output of magic energy!

As long as the magic energy is enough, the portal can be opened even without the Sling Ring.

And this is Xia Ming’s experience!

As for Kamar-Taj’s magician, because of insufficient magic energy, he can only use magic with the help of the Sling Ring.

But because the source of her magical energy is Xia Ming’s World of Eternal Night, the God of Black Magic, her starting line is higher than that of ordinary magicians, and her energy is endless, so she doesn’t have to worry about waste or insufficient energy!

Therefore, under the guidance of Xia Ming, Keli continued to increase the output of magic energy, and soon successfully used teleportation magic.


Kelly looked at the space opposite the portal in surprise, the location of the bookshelf on the third floor.

“This is much simpler than the teleportation magic I know!”

Kelly said that this kind of teleportation magic that only requires drawing circles is not too convenient!

“Yes, this is the first magic that every magician in our Kamar-Taj must learn.”

“And once you master it, you can open the portal with just a thought, just like this.”

Xia Ming demonstrated it herself and opened the portal to the main building without using any movements.

Awesome!” Kelly exclaimed.

“Anyway, you just need to practice this magic more.”

“I will!” Kelly nodded.

“What about your unique magic? What is it!? Is it powerful!?”

Kelly was looking forward to it.

“I will teach you the magic body refining flow first, starting from mastering the control of magic energy.”

Xia Ming thought for a while and decided to teach Keli this.

This magic is somewhat similar to internal strength. It spreads magical energy throughout the body to enhance physical fitness, strength, defense, and speed.

Moreover, this magic is really only known by Xia Ming, or in other words, only someone like Keli, who has obtained Xia Ming’s permission and can use Xia Ming’s dimensional world magic energy without restriction, can succeed.

If it were any other Magician, using magic energy so recklessly, I’m afraid he would be in deep debt, or even catch up with the Ancient One…

This is why until now, Mordo can only use a small part of the magic energy to concentrate on his fists, but cannot spread it throughout his body. It is for this reason.

After all, not everyone can use magic without paying the magic price like Xia Ming.

In fact, Keli didn’t quite understand the logic behind this. Anyway, she would do whatever Xia Ming taught her.

That’s why Ancient One asked Kelly to learn magic with Xia Ming.

Because of the conditions that Klee possesses, it’s so great that Ancient One can’t help but cry after watching it!

Ancient One is even thinking that if she also has a child, she will definitely let him become a disciple of Xia Ming at all costs!

Not for anything else, just for the benefit of unlimited use of magic energy!!

“Magic body refining flow? What is that?”

“Let’s change places.”

Xia Ming said and brought Keli to the rock world.

“Here, try to break this rock.”

Xia Ming tapped the stone in front of Keri’s eyes with her chin.

“Use magic?” Kelly asked doubtfully, while posing.

“No, use your physical strength.”

“Ah? How is this possible!? It can’t be broken at all!”

Kelly’s eyes widened and she looked at Xia Ming in disbelief.

I am a magician!

It’s not like aliens or other monsters!

Putting aside magic, she is no different from Earthlings, except that she is physically stronger!

And this one is definitely not as strong as Asgard Thor.

“I’ll let you experience my magic first.”

Xia Ming said, passing 2.7 the magic mark on Keri’s hand, pouring magic energy into Keri’s body, strengthening her body.

“Wow! Such a feeling!!”

Keri felt that the magical energy was like a warm current, flowing through her body, causing Keri to cry out in comfort.

“Here, try to break it,” Xia Ming said again.

“Is it really possible? It won’t hurt, right?” Kelly was a little worried.

“Believe me.”


Kelly nodded seriously, with a determined expression on her face, walked to the rock as high as her, clenched her fists, felt the power in her body, and punched fiercely.



The hard rock shattered with the sound.

“OMG!! It really works!!”

“Yes, this is the magic body refining flow. Do you want to learn it?”

“I want to learn! I want to learn!!”


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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