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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 180. If The Eternals Can’T Solve It, Let Xia Ming Come.

Xia Ming stood in the air, watching the battle below and hearing the names called by each other. After recalling for a while, she remembered who Cersei was.

Xia Ming muttered: “They are actually from the Eternal Clan.”

This is indeed something Xia Ming did not expect. When she first saw the monsters that caused earthquakes, Xia Ming was still confused. She even doubted whether these things were demons crawling out of the hell dimension.

It wasn’t until I saw Cersei that I realized that these monsters were mutants.

According to the background story, Arisem of the Celestial God group searched for a living planet in the universe, and then planted the seeds of the Celestial God, and continued to grow by continuously absorbing the intelligent life energy on the planet.

It will not be until a new member of the Celestial Group has completely absorbed the life energy of the planet that he will be born.

This way of birth of gods is called [divine appearance].

Then, in order to eliminate predators on the planet and protect intelligent life from decreasing, Alitham created a monster called the mutant race to reduce the existence of predators.

But he didn’t expect that the mutant race would actually mutate and begin to devour intelligent life.

This was something Alitham did not expect.

Therefore, in order to protect intelligent life and eliminate mutant races, Alitham created a new race, the Eternal Race.

The mission of the Eternals is to eliminate the mutants and protect the successful birth of the gods.

Therefore, every Eternal tribesman has the ability to manipulate the energy of the universe, or to manifest various weapons, or to change the structure of matter, or to have extreme speed, or to be able to communicate with nature…etc.

And they have eternal life, immortality and immortality.

They will not participate in any events or struggles on the planet, let them develop freely, or provide certain guidance.

Until the gods appear, their memories will be erased, they will go to another planet and repeat what they did before.

And Xia Ming met at the moment, the Eternals who are guarding the birth of new gods on earth.

Moreover, because some of these Eternals hid their identities and lived in the human world, they began to question their mission, and they began to want to protect mankind.

To this end, they divided into three factions.

The Eternals, headed by Cersei, want to protect humans and prevent the birth of the gods. Their members include Ajak, the speedster Macari, and Phastos.

Neutral ones include Tina, Gilgamesh, and Druid.

Those who want to continue to complete the mission and give birth to the gods are Ikaris, Water Elf, and Jinge.

And now, it seems that because of the reappearance of the mutant race, some members of the Eternal Race will also reveal their identities.

In Xia Ming’s memory, it seems that Ikaris’s purpose is not only to give birth to gods, but to protect the civilization and life of the entire planet and to kill all Eternals members.

In this way, without the Eternals, they will no longer emit energy signals to guide people from other groups of gods to judge the earth.

Especially the sleeper Tiamat deep in the earth has absorbed enough energy and may wake up at any time.

In that case, Judge Alitham will come at any time.

By then, the earth will be completely destroyed.

Therefore, as the strongest being among the Eternals, Ikaris believes that only by the death of all Eternals can he escape the fate of being controlled by the Gods and get rid of the endless struggle with the mutants.

Ikaris doesn’t want to have his memory erased again and again and fall into a new reincarnation.

But Xia Ming said that as long as the Tianshen group comes, he has the strength to drive them away.

Which one is stronger, Xia Ming or the God Group? Xia Ming also wants to know this.

“Dan! Run! I can’t hold it anymore!”

Cersei struggled to block this powerful mutant while loudly urging Dane to leave.

Cersei, who has not fought for a long time, is no match for the enhanced mutants!

In particular, Cersei discovered that the water surface not far away was constantly churning, and other mutant races were coming towards it!

Xia Ming looked at the battle below and was about to help when a laser suddenly shot at the mutant, knocking it back!


Cersei was pleasantly surprised. Looking at Ikaris, whom she hadn’t seen for a long time, a smile broke out on her face.

Seeing this, Xia Ming stopped moving and continued to remain invisible.


Ikaris responded and rushed towards the mutant race again.

As the most powerful being among the Eternals, Ikaris easily defeated the mutants.

But he soon discovered that these mutants were different.

The damage he caused was actually repaired!

Moreover, this mutant race can actually absorb the cosmic energy used by Ikaris to attack!


The mutants, who were severely injured and repulsed again, were thrown into the river.

“Ikaris? How about it?!”

0……Please give me flowers……

But Xia Ming ignored it, and quickly covered all the mutants with his spirit, and then activated teleportation magic to throw them all into the black hole space and crush them.

“In this case, let’s just wait until they all gather together before we discuss it.”

Xia Ming turned her head and looked into the river.

As long as there are thoughts about the earth, Xia Ming will stop them!

If he guessed correctly, they should be gathering all the Eternals.

Seeing this, Cersei knew that she would no longer be able to hide her identity.

If you don’t want to live a good life, just kill him.

After Xia Ming finished dealing with the mutants in the river, she went back to find Jane.

Because Xia Ming already has a clue on how to advance to the multi-level level.

In other words, now that the mutant race has evolved and possesses Ajak’s Ability, doesn’t that mean something happened to Ajak!?

Because Ajak can use cosmic energy to heal all injuries.


“Let’s talk somewhere else.”

At the moment, the mutant race deep underground had crawled out of nowhere and left in a certain direction.

Xia Ming thinks this is the best way to directly eliminate the sleeping gods in the earth.

If Xia Ming still can’t do it with her current strength, it doesn’t matter. Xia Ming doesn’t believe that she has reached the multi-level level and she still can’t handle you!

If you want to live a good life, just stay.

“Cersei… you?”

Xia Ming, who was above, looked at their backs thoughtfully.

Cersei ran over worriedly.

Letting these monsters run around is also a disaster.

Seeing that the danger was over, Dan also came over and looked at Cersei and Ikaris hesitantly.

As for these Eternals, Xia Ming thinks it will be up to them to see where they stand.


The repair ability of this mutant is very similar to the leader of their team, Ajak.

As for these mutant races.

If the Eternals can’t solve it, let Xia Ming come.

The rest is just waiting for all the Eternal clan members to assemble.

Moreover, he should also want to prevent the god from awakening.

The three of them agreed and turned around and left.

It seems that maybe there is a leader among them.

Cersei was momentarily worried.

“The mutant race has evolved.” Ikaris looked solemn.

Ikaris suggested.

Whether it’s a mutant race or a god.


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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