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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 183. Are You Arrogant? Is It Because You've Lived Too Long?

Xia Ming didn’t know that Tony was secretly making trouble again.

He knew that Thor had come to Earth because he could perceive space fluctuations.

But after finding out it was Thor, Xia Ming ignored it.

He is more concerned about the actions of Cersei, the Eternals.

Previously, Xia Ming marked Cersei and Ikaris, so no matter where they are on the earth, Xia Ming can find them at any time.

A week later, the Eternal clan members had all arrived, and Xia Ming felt that it was time for her to take action.

Near a deserted ocean.

All Eternals gather here.

Because this is where the gods sleep.

But at this time, they had divided into two teams.

One is headed by Cersei, and their purpose is to implement Phastos’ plan and integrate the consciousness of several people with the god Tiamat through the device they built to control his awakening.

The other side is Ikaris and the water elves. If Ikaris wants to prevent the appearance of God, he means to kill all the Eternal people.

The water elf also joined him because he had always had a crush on the powerful Ikaris.

However, because the water elf was just a child when she gained her ability, her appearance limited the emotions she wanted to express. Therefore, she has always hated others treating her like a child and over-protecting her.

A great war broke out.

Cersei, the Druid, and the Speedster Macari are preparing to use Phastos’ device to connect them to the gods through the Druid’s psychic ability.

But Ikaris suddenly appeared and seriously injured the druid with heat, interrupting the three people’s movements.

At the same time, Ikaris flew to the spaceship in the sky, threw Tina out, and destroyed the spacecraft.

Makari saw his sweetheart Druid beaten to death by Ikaris, and took action angrily.

When Xia Ming came here, she saw this scene.

Xia Ming landed on a rock and shook her head as she watched their melee.

At the same time, perception magic was activated, completely covering this area.

Then Xia Ming felt a powerful spiritual consciousness under the distant ocean.


Xia Ming frowned. Through the energy fluctuations he felt, he could see the intensity and strength of the god.

This is just a god who has absorbed the life energy of the earth and is about to be born. Its strength is enough to easily destroy the entire earth.

Not to mention those Arissoms who are about to come to Earth.

Xia Ming felt that this fight seemed worth fighting.

The strength of the Celestial Team does not reach the level of Dormammu, but it exceeds the strength of Odin and Ancient One.

Xia Ming thinks this is a good opponent.

While Xia Ming was thinking, his arrival was also discovered by several people.

The particularly eye-catching red cloak made them guess Xia Ming’s identity.

After all, Xia Ming is now a world-class star. Apart from Cersei, the Druids, and Tina, who live in seclusion, they all watch the news.

“Is that magician?”

Cersei did not participate in the battle with Ikaris, because only her ability to change the physical structure here may be able to change the gods with mechanical bodies into other structures and kill the gods.

Definitely, Cersei’s energy alone is probably not enough.

Therefore, when Cersei saw Xia Ming, hope suddenly arose in her heart. Maybe Xia Ming could help them!?

After all, everyone has seen Xia Ming’s strength, not inferior to the Eternals at all!

Just when Cersei was about to run over and ask Xia Ming for help, a figure suddenly appeared not far from her.

“Ajak? Or Spike? Is this really you?”

Cersei was not deceived by the illusion and called out the water elf’s name.


Just when Cersei was about to continue saying something, a dagger was inserted into her lower back.

“I’m sorry, Cersei.” The water elf showed his true form and looked at Cersei apologetically.

“I envy you, Cersei, that you get to live a normal life like everyone else, which I could never do.

“Do you know why I hate living with humans? Because they have what I want, love, family, and they know they have lived!”

“It’s all over now, we can start our lives again somewhere else!”

“No one can stop the awakening of the gods!”

The water elf said and activated the illusion, and at the same time it also enveloped Xia Ming’s location.

Because the water elf also saw Xia Ming, she thought that as long as the existence of Xia Ming was hidden, no one would stop Ikaris from defeating others.

After the illusion was activated, the water elf gradually disappeared into the air, hiding itself.

“No! Spike!?”

But this doesn’t make Xia Ming show mercy to them.

Xia Ming was originally enjoying the show, but suddenly the whole scene in front of her changed.

Tony on the other side was about to speak when Xia Ming dodged and suddenly appeared in front of the water elf, grabbing the water elf’s neck out of thin air with her right hand.

“Are you very arrogant? Is it because you have lived too long?”

A look of panic appeared on the water elf’s face.

Xia Ming’s tyrannical mental power swept through here and she discovered the water elf sneaking up from behind.



Cersei fell to the ground, filled with despair.

A condescending and questioning tone made Xia Ming very unhappy.

Not really a bad guy.

Xia Ming watched all this speechlessly.

In the final analysis, it is just a tool used by the gods.

Therefore, Ikaris saw the scene on Xia Ming’s side and quickly spoke out to stop it.

Another ugly-looking Chitauri appeared and roared at Xia Ming.

She didn’t expect that at the critical moment, her good roommate who had been with her for more than a thousand years would stab her behind her back!

Because the water elf was under control, the illusion she had just created also disappeared.

This person is very strong! Very strong!!

“Hmm? Illusion magic?”

This is the shortcoming of insufficient intelligence. With just two people, Xia Ming can’t feel anything.

So Tony and Chitauri appear, is it because the water elf only knows that they have been in contact with Xia Ming?

“Tell me why you’re here! magician!!”

He thought that this illusory ability activated by cosmic energy was so powerful, but this is what happened?

Tony, wearing a battle suit, suddenly appeared not far from Xia Ming and asked him.

The water elf, who was suddenly controlled, slowly revealed his figure.

At least, the Eternals, who have different stances, should go.

There are other companions who are now in complete chaos. If this situation continues, no one can stop the god from awakening.

To be honest, Xia Ming has no feelings for the Eternals.

She found that it seemed that her estimate of Xia Ming was wrong!

Cersei watched Xia Ming’s figure gradually disappear, not knowing what to do.


“`”Why are you here?”

“Speak! Magician!!” The water elf controlled Tony to roar at Xia Ming.

Xia Ming lifted the water elf and asked coldly.


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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