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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 186. The Heart Of The Universe Is Omnipotent.

When Xia Ming began to absorb the power of the gods, Tiamat, who had just woken up from a deep sleep and whose consciousness was still thousands of years ago, felt the existence of Xia Ming.

He sped up his movements, trying to free more of his body from the depths of the ground.

His struggle caused the originally unquiet sea to shake even more violently. The God’s small movements turned the sea upside down, and even the rocks and cliffs on the coast next to it began to collapse.

The whole scene is like the end of the world.

This makes Cersei and others very worried about whether Xia Ming can defeat the gods.

“If even Mr. Xia Ming fails, the memory of our thousands of years of living on earth will be erased.

Fastos said with an ugly expression.

Among them, the one who least wants to be reset, least wants the earth to be destroyed, and least wants the gods to wake up is Phastos.

Because he has a family and a lover in “Zero Seventy”.

This bond made him reluctant to leave.

“Now I just have to believe him.”

Cersei has no good solution at the moment. She can do nothing except trust Xia Ming.


The god, sensing the loss of his power, let out a loud roar.

The strong sound stirred up wind and waves, deafening.

“It’s so noisy, please be quiet.

Xia Ming frowned, activated her spiritual magic, and entered the spirit of the god.

Deep in the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the huge god looked at Xia Ming who suddenly broke in, and slapped him.

Xia Ming relied on her strong mental power to block him easily.

Even though Xia Ming is now as small as an ant standing in front of the gods, her power cannot be easily shaken by the gods.

“Who are you?”

The voice of the god echoed throughout the entire sea of ​​consciousness.


“Earth…is there intelligent life on this planet?”

Tiamat thought for a moment.

“That’s right.”

“Why are you here?”

“Prevent your birth and protect the earth.” Xia Ming explained.

“My birth should not be stopped by you, but should be judged by the judge!”

Tiamat said loudly.

Indeed, as Tiamat said, whether a newly born god is qualified to join the group of gods and become one of them is judged by the judge.

Only by passing the judge’s judgment can they put on the armor of the God Group and officially become Gods.

Otherwise, they will be destroyed together with the planet that gave birth to them.

“I am your judge, because your existence will cause a crisis on the earth, so I decided that you cannot continue to wake up.

“It’s just you?!”

Tiamat raised her hand and punched Xia Ming.

As soon as Xia Ming’s thoughts moved, Tiamat’s consciousness was completely frozen.

“It’s up to me, so just stay calm for now.”

“Even if you stop me, you can’t stop the Judge! From the moment I woke up, the Judge received my signal and will be coming to Earth soon!”

“I know that at that time, I will stop him.”

After Xia Ming finished speaking, he left his spiritual world.

After Xia Ming controlled the god’s consciousness, his body stopped moving, and the sea slowly returned to calm.

“Success… Success!?” Fastos’s eyes widened.

“He succeeded!!” Cersei cried happily when she saw this scene!

“He really did it. If I had gone to him for help earlier…”

Tina stared blankly at the huge amounts of palms of the gods in the distance, and thought of Gilgamesh again.

Now that Tina has recovered her memory, Tina is in pain when she thinks of Gilgamesh taking care of her for thousands of years.

Just when he returned to normal, he lost his lover.

Who can bear this?

Now only Cersei, Tina, Phastos, Druid, and Macari are left in the entire Eternal Family.

As long as Xia Ming is willing, he can now easily master the power of Thor and control thunder and storms.

After the last entry into the dark dimension, the boundary of the world of eternal night has become extremely huge and wide, more than twice that of the world of extreme day.

[Cosmic Heart 1%: Omnipotent. 】

Without the Heart of the Universe, there would be nothing like Marvel 5.0.

It is a ball of pure energy, and everything in the universe seems to have evolved from this ball of energy.

Xia Ming was shocked.

In the end, Thanos directly destroyed the entire Marvel universe out of anger!

In the comics, Thanos obtained the Heart of the Universe, and then relied on it to fight against the five gods and the gods on his own, and won victory.

In addition, the power of the Supreme Ming Dynasty is also rising rapidly. Compared with Odin’s power of Odin, the power of the Supreme Ming Dynasty has completely surpassed the power of Odin.

From the four words ‘omnipotent’ we can see just how powerful the Heart of the Universe is.

And the Heart of the Universe is one of its secrets.

And what exactly is the heart of the universe?

As Xia Ming’s strength increases, the secrets of the entire Marvel universe begin to be opened to Xia Ming, waiting for him to discover.

Especially if this is only 1%, what if it is 100%? Will it be able to destroy the entire universe? Or even multi-universe!?

Here, Xia Ming continues to absorb the cosmic energy from the gods to enhance her own strength.

Achieved true omnipotence!

By the way, also strengthen the God of White Magic.

As the saying goes, the shorter the remark, the more powerful it is.

Looking at Cersei who has lost half of her companions, she doesn’t know whether to be grateful that she is alive or to envy them for ending their reincarnation.

It is related to the entire Marvel universe. It can even be said that the entire multi-universe and the five gods of creation are all related to the heart of the universe.

It represents everything, it represents omnipotence, it represents invincibility!

But later Thanos used the Heart of the Universe to reshape the Marvel Universe.

Ajak and Gilgamesh died at the hands of the mutants.

Xia Ming suddenly had an epiphany and became confused.

Ikaris and the water elf died in Xia Ming’s hands.

At the moment, Xia Ming has gained a trace of the power of the heart of the universe. It can be said that it is easy to destroy a single universe. It can even be destroyed and restored again.

Xia Ming is already heading towards becoming the only god in this universe and becoming the strongest existence.

In order to maintain balance, Xia Ming simply stopped the expansion of the eternal night world and transferred all the cosmic energy to the extreme day world.

Moreover, the power of the Supreme Light can also create various magics and even resurrect life.

[By deeply understanding and mastering the energy of the universe, you suddenly understand the nature of the energy of the universe and realize a hint of the power of the heart of the universe. 】

But this also proves that the things Xia Ming comes into contact with are becoming more and more mysterious and powerful.

“Huh? Heart of the Universe? What is this?”

Ginger, that Indian star has left.

This shows how powerful his cosmic heart is.

To be honest, at the stage of Xia Ming’s strength, there are very few things that can shock Xia Ming.


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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