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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 189. Green Goblin’S Identity.

After Xia Ming handed the body of the god to Tony, she went home.

He believed Tony would make good use of it.

After all, in the comics, didn’t Tony obtain the corpse of a god and make it into a mecha?

Therefore, even though Tony originally did not have super abilities and was just an ordinary person, his intelligence is enough to make him comparable to many heroes with super abilities.

Think about it, once Tony makes the Celestial Mecha, there will be very few people on earth who can beat him.

New York holy place.

“You’re back?! Has God solved it?”

Amora saw Xia Ming coming back and stepped forward quickly.

“Definitely, just a god who has just awakened.”

“That means the crisis has been resolved? There won’t be gods coming in the future, right!?” Amora breathed a sigh of relief.

“Not yet, the newly awakened god has already sent out the energy information, and the judge god team will come by then.

Although she doesn’t know when it will be, Xia Ming guesses that it won’t be too late.

“Ah!?” Amora was shocked again.

Why is it endless!?

“Don’t worry, I’m confident to stop him, don’t worry too much. Where is Keli?” Xia Ming comforted.

“Kelly went to practice magic.”

“Oh, that’s alright.”

Xia Ming nodded.

Although Keli was weakened by the earth’s environment after she came to the earth, because of Xia Ming’s eternal night dimension world, Keli no longer lacked magical energy.

Moreover, Keli has good abilities and studies seriously. Therefore, Keli has basically learned several mainstream magics of Kamar-Taj, and can also master several magics taught by Xia Ming.

Therefore, Keli’s current strength has almost surpassed that of Kamar-Taj’s Wang, Mordo and others.

In particular, Klee relies on the magic body refining flow, which is equivalent to a Superman. Even if she encounters the Eternals like Ikaris, she is not at a disadvantage.

It can be seen that the strength of the Eternals is indeed not good.

“I am coming!!”

A figure suddenly flashed in from the window.

It’s Gwen.

Now Gwen almost never leaves the door, and the window is basically unlocked, which is very convenient.

“Are you busy these days? I haven’t seen you here for any reason.” Amora asked as she brought a glass of water.

“Forget it, there is another big bad guy in New York who is wreaking havoc everywhere. I have been catching him these days.

Gwen said angrily.

“Who?” Xia Ming asked curiously.

“It’s a guy who calls himself Green Goblin. He has a flight machine that can fly, and he also likes to throw bombs everywhere! I haven’t caught him several times! It’s really annoying!”

Gwen gets very unhappy when she talks about Green Goblin!

Because this Green Goblin ruined her show!!

When the Green Goblin first showed up to wreak havoc, Gwen was performing at a concert. She and her friends Mary Jane, Betty Brant, and Glory Grant formed a band called “Maria”. Leigh Jeans,” in which Gwen was the drummer.

As a result, the entire concert was suddenly stopped because of the Green Goblin. Gwen transformed into Spider-Woman on the spot and fought with the Green Goblin, and even brought Gwen’s father [New York Police Department] to the police station.


But it is a pity that Green Goblin directly escaped from Gwen’s hands by virtue of having the Flight Machine.

For the next few days, Gwen kept an eye on the Green Goblin and cracked down on his crimes.

To be honest, Green Goblin also regards Spider-Woman as his mortal enemy. After all, Spider-Woman is so annoying!

Every time he appears, Spider-Woman appears!

This resulted in Green Goblin trying to kill Spider-Woman who was getting in his way several times, but he was helpless because of her Spider-Ability.

Now the Green Goblin, also known as Norman Osborn, has begun to find Spider-Woman’s true identity.

“Green Goblin, it’s him.” Xia Ming nodded clearly.

“Do you know who he is?!” Gwen asked suddenly, listening to Xia Ming’s tone of voice that seemed to understand her very well.

“I know, do you want me to tell you?”

“tell me!”

(aidb) Gwen nodded seriously.

Although Gwen didn’t want to ask for Xia Ming’s help, Gwen decided to ask the Green Goblin’s true identity rather than innocent citizens who were in danger.

Anyway, I have to catch him with my own hands!

It’s not that Gwen wants to prove anything to Xia Ming, but if Gwen wants to grow, she must have the ability to stand alone. If she goes to Xia Ming every time she encounters a bad guy, then she might as well stop being this superhero. .

This is what Xia Ming once told her.

“Green Goblin’s true identity is the chairman of Osborn Industries, Norman Osborn.” Xia Ming said.

“Is it him!?” Gwen’s eyes suddenly widened.

She never expected that this big bad guy would be her boss!

After all, Gwen and Peter are still interning at Osborn Industries.

“Why…why did he ignore the good chairman and become a bad guy and commit crimes everywhere!?”

Gwen was puzzled.

You want to say that he learned from Stark and became a superhero or something, but Gwen didn’t have such a big reaction.

Because Stark Enterprises and Osborn Industries have always been in a competitive relationship before.

It wasn’t until Tony was kidnapped and returned alive from Afghanistan that he closed the weapons department and withdrew from the market. Osborn was able to grow and receive a large number of military orders.

Similarly, Hankmer Industries is also a profiteer.

The reason why Osborn became Green Goblin was also because of a major scientific experiment accident.

Because of this accident, Norman discovered a mysterious formula that could improve his IQ and enhance his strength.

Then his ambition gradually overflowed and he began to transform into the Green Goblin and engage in criminal activities.

However, because this potion has flaws, it will amplify Norman’s negative emotions, and he was defeated by Spider-man many times, so an evil personality was born.

During the day, Norman is still the chairman of Osborn, and at night, he is the terrifying Green Goblin.

Xia Ming told Gwen this information.

“I know, I will catch him!” Gwen said seriously.

“Do you need my help?”

“No need! I can handle it!”

Gwen stood up and left as she spoke. Now that she knew the true identity of Green Goblin, she had to go back and plan carefully, and collect evidence of Norman’s crime [so that he could be put in jail!

“Well, please be safe.”

Since Gwen didn’t want his help, Xia Ming didn’t say much.

Anyway, Gwen still has some strength, so she doesn’t need to care so much.

“Don’t worry! I’m leaving first!!” Gwen said and left from the window.

“Gwen is so serious. She seems to like being a superhero?”

Amora watched Gwen leave and laughed.

“Yes, because Gwen feels that if she doesn’t do anything, she will live up to her super ability.”

Just like Xia Ming himself, who has great strength, if he doesn’t do something, he will feel sorry for the Ancient One who took care of him in the beginning.


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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