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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 191. A Good Thing Was Interrupted, And Kelly Went Berserk!


The sound of the doorknob turning sounded, and Xia Ming looked away from the book in her hand.

“Didn’t you mean…Kelly!?”

Xia Ming was just about to say, Amora, why don’t you go back to your room to sleep tonight? When she saw Kelly with silver hair, wearing black silk pajamas, and two bare white legs, walked in, she was immediately frightened. Everyone was shocked!

“What…are you doing?!”

Xia Ming seemed to understand a little bit what Amora’s meaningful smile meant before.

In this regard, Xia Ming calls him a good guy!

What a good guy!

Keli and Amora have only known each other for a long time, and Amora led them astray!?

So what did these two people secretly chat about while he was away!?

Judging from Clea’s posture, she must have learned it from Amora, right?

Xia Ming is really convinced.

If you don’t learn Amora’s good magic knowledge, why are you so interested in these “660” things!?

He is truly a man who dares to teach and a man who dares to learn!

“I, I…I’m going to sleep…”

Keli rubbed the corners of her clothes with her hands and lowered her head to speak. Yuan Ming, who spoke in a low voice, almost didn’t hear her.

“Kelly, you…this…”

Xia Ming didn’t even know what to say.

He warmly invites Kelly to sleep with him, which seems a bit like a scumbag.

But refuse it. Kelly must be very sad if she takes such initiative.

After all, Keli is thin-skinned and Xia Ming also knows it.

This shows the difference between Clee and Amora.

Amora not only attacked at night, but also threw herself directly into the quilt after coming in, leaving Xia Ming with no time to say any words of rejection.

And Kelly just stood at the door blankly, extremely nervous, not knowing what to do next.

So, can what Amora teaches be taught thoroughly in one go?

Xia Ming kept complaining in her heart.

Xia Ming lifted up the quilt and walked over.

“Kelly.” Xia Ming held Keli’s hand.

The moment Keli was grabbed by Xia Ming’s hand, she almost jumped up in shock!

This kind of scene is still too unaccustomed to Kelly…

In particular, she was asked to be alone and in contact with Xia Ming at this time and place. Keli was so nervous that she almost fainted!

Even if Keli likes Xia Ming very much, even if she is willing to give everything for Xia Ming, even after these days of getting along, Keli still wants to be by Xia Ming’s side all the time!

But this kind of close contact left Kelly completely at a loss!

She now regrets that she was too anxious!

If…if I had asked Amora for more advice, I wouldn’t be so embarrassed now, right!?

Keli kept calling Amora’s name in her heart, recalling in her mind how Amora got along with Xia Ming.

Then Kelly followed Amora’s example, moved her steps, and leaned tightly against Xia Ming.

When Xia Ming saw that Keri didn’t speak and was holding his hand tightly with brute force, Xia Ming knew that Keri was very nervous.

But when she saw Kelly lowering her head and leaning over, she was also very surprised.

Xia Ming raised her hand and hugged Keri’s slender waist, making Keri stiff again.

“Don’t be nervous, I’m here.”

Xia Ming pulled Keri into her arms and whispered in her ear.

This look is like comforting someone who has had a nightmare.


Kelly leaned on Xia Ming’s chest and gradually relaxed.

At this time, Kelly remembered the first time she saw Xia Ming in the dark world.

At that time, Xia Ming gave Keri an extremely powerful feeling, which made her yearn for her.

And the first time she came to Earth, she saw Xia Ming falling from the sky. At that moment, Keli was indescribably excited!

Later, the scene of Xia Ming flying into the sky alone and fighting countless giant beasts made Keri so moved that she cried when she saw this scene!

This is Xia Ming, this is the Xia Ming that Kelly has always longed for and wanted to chase!

Keli thought about every detail of her relationship with Xia Ming, and suddenly she felt less nervous. This is her sweetheart!

So why should you be nervous?

Shouldn’t we be happy and rejoicing!?

As Kelly’s mood relaxed, her body gradually softened.

“Xia Ming…I like you!”

Kelly finally spoke.

“Yeah, I like it.” Xia Ming lowered her head.

Kelly closed her eyes, her long eyelashes trembling, and slowly raised her head.

Xia Ming looked at the face in front of her and raised her hand to stroke Kelly’s cheek.

Keli is very beautiful, her appearance is not inferior to that of Amora, and she also has her own charm.

Whether it is Kelly, Amora, or Gwen, the three of them each have their own style, energy, charm, and youth, and each exudes their own light.

Xia Ming lowered her head when she saw the red lips so close.

Kelly noticed her breathing coming close to her, and couldn’t help but tighten her hands on Xia Ming’s clothes, and her heartbeat began to beat rapidly.

Just when the two were about to kiss, the window to the world on the third floor suddenly opened with a bang.

It was accompanied by a strange laugh.


The Green Goblin driving the Flight Machine broke the window from the outside, broke into the holy place, and flew all the way to the first floor.

And during the flight, pumpkin bombs continued to be thrown, blowing the floor, walls, memory bookshelf, sofa, etc. to pieces.

Xia Ming opened her eyes when she heard the explosion, her eyes full of confusion.

His holy place was invaded?

Moreover, someone actually dared to throw a bomb in his holy place!?

Simply looking for death!!

Xia Ming’s eyes narrowed and murderous intent suddenly arose.

“I’m going to take care of the trouble.”

Xia Ming ruffled Kelly’s hair and walked over.

Kelly: “???”

No, why did it stop!?

Kelly looked confused.

She suddenly reacted when she heard the exaggerated smiles and explosions echoing in the holy place.

The enemy is coming!!

Then Kelly suddenly clenched her fists and her eyes became dangerous.

God knows she has been mentally preparing for this moment for several days!

For this moment, she personally went out to pick out clothes for a long time!!

How determined she has just been for now!!

As a result, someone actually broke in and interrupted her on 5.9?!

This Keri can’t bear it anymore!!

Kelly raised her hand and waved her body, and her pajamas suddenly turned into the dark blue tight-fitting uniform she wore when she came to Earth.

“Kelly? What’s wrong with you outside?”

Amora heard the noise and opened the door, and then she saw Keri’s long silver hair flying, and she exuded a violent aura.

This violent and terrifying momentum made Amora take a step back in fright.

This is the first time she has seen Keli like this!

Is this still the stupid, docile little sheep!?

Also, what kind of dark aura is this on her body?

Oh, she seems to say that she comes from the dark world.

“I’m going to kill people!!”

Kelly said coldly.

At the same time, the magic mark linking Xia Ming’s eternal night world is constantly shining.

The magic body refining flow is activated!!


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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