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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 192. Kelly: Let’S Talk In Hell! Asshole! !

“Green Goblin?”

When Xia Ming saw that it was the Green Goblin who was wreaking havoc, she was stunned for a moment.

He remembered that he seemed to have no interaction with the Green Goblin, so why did he come to blow up his house?

“Jie hahaha! It turns out you are a pretty boy, no wonder Spider-Woman came to your place!!”

“If you die, that little Spider-Man will be very sad!”

After Green Goblin saw Xia Ming, he thought he had caught Gwen’s hand and regarded Zhenming as Gwen’s boyfriend.

“Gwen? So you came here with Gwen, but don’t you know me?”

Xia Ming heard Green Goblin’s words and quickly guessed the truth.

Thinking about what Gwen said, he has been trying to capture the Green Goblin these days, so it is not surprising that the Green Goblin hates him.

And Green Goblin is not a superhero, so he naturally has no bottom line when doing things.

Kidnapping, threatening, and killing are all completely normal.

But what surprised Xia Ming was that Green Goblin didn’t seem to recognize him?

Although Xia Ming’s face rarely appears on the Internet or in the news, she has probably appeared.

Especially when dealing with hatred, it has been broadcast live on the news.

Therefore, Green 08 does not recognize himself. Xia Ming guessed that Norman was more and more affected by his negative personality and became a little insane.

“Know you? Aren’t you little Spider-Man’s boyfriend?”

Green Goblin was confused for a moment and said casually.

Now that Xia Ming was dressed in pajamas, and with the dim light around her, Green Goblin really didn’t recognize Xia Ming.

“Okay.” Xia Ming was speechless.

“Hahaha! Come with me obediently! With you this time, I will definitely be able to take down that damn spider!”

Green Goblin gritted his teeth at Gwen.

He lowered the aircraft and slowly came to Xia Ming. When he was about to take him away, suddenly there was a roar from behind Xia Ming!

“go to hell!”

Kelly was extremely fast, and her long silver hair dragged out an afterimage, making her like a ray of light. She punched to the side of Xia Ming, punching the Green Goblin who didn’t react and flew away!

Huge amounts of force even broke through the entire holy place wall, directly knocking the Green Goblin against the wall of the building across the street.


Green Goblin couldn’t help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and his internal organs were in severe pain!

If the potion hadn’t been powerful enough to strengthen the Green Goblin’s physical fitness, Kelly’s punch could not have killed the Green Goblin!

Green Goblin raised his head fiercely, flew into the sky, and threw several bombs at the gap he had just made.

Here, Kelly suddenly appeared, which also surprised Xia Ming for a while. She couldn’t figure out why Kelly’s temper was so bad suddenly.

“What are you…” Xia Ming said hesitantly.

“Leave him to me! Dare to ruin my good deeds? You are seeking death!!”

Kelly replied quickly, and with the help of magic power, she rushed out in front of the bomb!

The explosion of several bombs did not cause any harm to Kelly.

After being blessed with magical energy, Kelly’s physical fitness can resist ordinary bombs and missiles without any problem!

Therefore, Keli’s appearance of being unscathed made Lu Wai extremely surprised.

‘This is a tough and powerful opponent. ’ Green Goblin silently evaluated Kelly in his mind.

But the good news is that although the opponent seems to be able to jump very high, he can’t fly.

Green Goblin arrogantly tossed back and forth in the air, dodging Clee’s attacks, even using bombs to make a fuss, or even provoking words.

This made Kelly blush with anger! The murderous intention towards Green Goblin surged in her heart!

“Xiaohong, help.

When Xia Ming saw that Keli was at such a disadvantage, she reached out and patted her shoulder. The levitating cloak immediately appeared and flew out.

Xia Ming can’t let the Green Goblin bully Kelly.

Originally, Xia Ming planned to crush him to death, but after seeing Keli take action, she felt that Green Goblin, as Keli’s first opponent, would be a good sparring partner.

Here, Clea missed the target again and landed on the ground. She was angry and annoyed at the Green Goblin above, thinking that she wished she could fly!

Where is the chance to laugh at this damn monster!!

At this moment, when Kelly was about to take action again, the floating cloak flew over and landed on Kelly’s shoulders.

“Huh? Xia Ming?”

Kelly unexpectedly glanced at Xia Ming, who was watching a show at the gap on the second floor of Holy Place.

Kelly was overjoyed that Xia Ming actually lent him his magic cloak, so she would never lose!

“Xiao Hong, you are here!”

For Green Goblin, no matter how high you jump, you are just a living target for a good opponent.

As for the bomb, he has blown it up so many times. If it had worked, he would have won long ago.

Keri clenched her fists and looked down at Green Goblin fiercely.

Kelly roared angrily, stomped hard on the ground, and rushed towards the Green Goblin who was still laughing wantonly in the air like a rocket.

In his eyes, the red cloak fluttering in the wind was particularly conspicuous.

Kelly’s depressed mood was swept away, and she became extremely confident.

After Green Goblin threw the bomb, he was ready to taunt Clee again.

This punch also shattered his mask, revealing his extremely surprised and puzzled face.

“You can fly, right? I want you to fly!”

“Well… maybe we can talk??”

Green Goblin easily dodged and threw a few more bombs.

Therefore, Norman’s eyes moved.

What can you do if you are strong?

Now Norman was completely speechless.

Isn’t it useless if you can’t hit it!?

But that’s Spider-Woman, so what does this in front of me mean!?

“It’s useless! Idiot!!”

“Can you fly on it!?” Green Goblin exclaimed.

“Now, try flying again!”

This resulted in the Green Goblin’s advantages disappearing, and it suffered defeat in the hands of Gwen time and time again.

Green Goblin is very disdainful.

“Go talk to hell! Bastard!!”

But what he didn’t expect this time was that a white and tender fist stretched out from the smoke of the bomb and hit him hard in the face before he could react.

Kelly stepped forward angrily, unleashed all her strength, and smashed down the Japanese wolf.

Without the advantage of the Flight Machine, he was no match for Clee.

Kelly landed in front of the Green Goblin and stepped on the Flight machine that fell next to it in half.

If he hadn’t used Spider-Woman’s weakness to protect citizens every time, throwing bombs into the crowd, luring Spider-Woman away and quickly escaping, he would have been caught long ago.

Green Goblin was beaten and fell to the ground, making a big crater.

Indeed, Norman was very puzzled as to why this opponent who could not fly could actually stay in the air and hit him so accurately!

Then, Green Goblin looked at Clee slowly falling from the air as if he had seen a ghost.

This is also the reason why he hates Spider-Woman very much, because although she can’t fly, she can swing back and forth between various buildings with the help of cobweb!


Because he realized that he had completely failed this time.




American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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