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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 193. Gwen: Silver Hair? Red Cloak? Let Me See! !


There was a loud noise, and the strong Shockwave directly submerged Green Goblin’s body, and even the big hole just made by Green Goblin became bigger again.


After taking care of the Green Goblin, Kelly took a deep breath and finally took care of this nasty mosquito!

Keli At the moment, my thoughts are clear and I am in a good mood!

Then Clee returns to the holy place.

“Um, Xia Ming, you won’t blame me for killing him, right?”

At this time, Kelly suddenly realized that her behavior just now seemed too violent!

It goes against her ladylike demeanor!!

“No, he should have died, but now Gwen will have a headache.” Xia Ming shook her head and smiled.

“Ah? Why?” Kelly was puzzled.

“Because you killed the Green Goblin, and Gwen regarded him as her opponent.

Xia Ming smiled and then flew out of the gap.

Now Xia Ming can fly freely even without a levitation cloak.

After he came outside, he activated magic to restore the buildings, cars, etc. that were damaged by the battle just now to their original state.

By the way, the Green Goblin’s broken body was also eliminated.

As for the audience who were attracted by the violent movement, Xia Ming thought for a while and erased her existence from their memories, leaving only the memory of Clea fighting the Green Goblin.

By the way, those who recorded videos and took photos were also dealt with.

Xia Ming is not worried about any problems if she shows up, but she is worried that revealing her address will attract many reporters and fans.

This is not what Xia Ming wants to see.

As for Keri, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, Green Goblin is very famous now. Keri solved Green Goblin, which can be regarded as a superhero act.

Xia Ming returned to the holy place and restored everything that had been destroyed to its original state.

“Xia Ming, do you think Gwen will blame me?”

Klee stepped forward and asked.

“Don’t worry, it won’t happen. You didn’t take the initiative to find Green Goblin.”

Xia Ming comforted.

At this time, the suspension cloak automatically left Kelly’s shoulders and returned to Xia Ming’s body.

“Huh? Xia Ming, you are so powerful, why don’t you give Xiaohong to me?”

Kelly experienced the feeling of flying and instantly fell in love with Xiaohong!

Upon hearing this, the floating cloak quickly stretched out his clothes and waved his hand to Kelly, expressing his rejection.

“Look, Xiao Hong doesn’t want to, but if you want to fly, as long as you learn elemental magic and master the power of the wind element, you can also fly with the help of magic.

Xia Ming couldn’t bear to give away the levitation cloak to anyone, not even Kelly.

You must know that the suspension cloak was of great help to Xia Ming in his early days.

“Ah…Okay!” Kelly was a little sad, but she didn’t ask again.

It’s still not good to take what others like.

But Keli said that she had to learn one more thing.

I haven’t finished learning the previous ones yet!!

“Is the problem solved?”

Amora asked, leaning against the bedroom door.

“nailed it.”

“Well, then go to bed early~” Amora winked at Xia Ming and Keri and closed the door.

“!!!” Kelly’s face turned red and she suddenly remembered what happened before!

This time, Kelly was even more shy.

The courage I finally mustered up was gone.

“Well…I’m going back to sleep too…”

Kelly pinched her fingers and walked to her bedroom.

“Where are you going?”

Xia Ming reached out and yanked Keli back and into her room.

“No… Wait! I’m not ready yet!” Kelly exclaimed!

“I’m ready.”

“Wait! Let me change my clothes first…”

“No need, this is just fine!”

The next day, a piece of news appeared on the headlines of major newspapers in New York.

“The mysterious silver-haired girl fights the Green Goblin! The scene is tragic!!”

“Green Goblin dies! Another superhero is born!!”

“Who is she? How does she relate to you!? Why does she have the same cloak!?”

“Shocked! The identity of Green Goblin is actually…”

“The Green Goblin is dead? Killed by a superhero?”

In the morning, at Gwen’s house, George was eating breakfast while reading the newspaper.

“What? Green Goblin is dead!? Who killed him!?”

Gwen walked downstairs and was shocked when she heard George’s words as soon as she sat down.

“What are you so excited about? Do you still care about this?”

George looked at his daughter in confusion.

“Ah? I think the big bad guy Green Goblin is too dangerous and powerful, so it’s better to catch him as soon as possible to prevent dad from getting hurt!”

Gwen replied immediately.

“You can rest assured now, but don’t delay your studies because you care too much about me. These things are not worth the distraction.”

When George heard Gwen’s words, his heart felt warm. It was indeed his little cotton-padded jacket!

“So was Spider-Woman the one who killed the Green Goblin?”

Gwen’s mother, Helen, placed breakfast in front of Gwen and asked curiously.


Just when Gwen was about to refute that Spider-Woman wouldn’t kill anyone, George spoke up.

“It’s not Spider-Woman, it’s another person who has never been seen, and now many people are speculating that she may be related to the Magician.

*་”Why do you say that?” Gwen was puzzled.

“Because someone took a photo, this silver-haired girl was wearing a red cloak that was suspiciously identical to the magical one.

“Silver hair? Red cloak? Let me see!!”

Gwen muttered, feeling that this person seemed familiar, then she pulled the newspaper from George’s hand and looked down.



Gwen covered her mouth, trying not to shout out loudly!

Who else could this person be if it wasn’t Clea!?

But how could she kill the Green Goblin!?

Isn’t this her goal!?

Moreover, according to the photos or videos taken by many people, the Green Goblin lying on the ground without his mask is obviously Norman Osborn, the chairman of Osborn Industries!!

Now, Gwen no longer has to look for evidence from Norman to prove that he is the Green Goblin.

“Gwen? What’s wrong with you? Are you scared?!”

Helen asked worriedly when she saw Gwen’s surprised expression.

“I (Nuo Zhao’s)…I just saw Mr. Osborn…I am still an intern in his company.

Gwen said, pointing to Norman’s picture.

“Osborn? It’s really him!” George was surprised.

He was just concerned about who this silver-haired girl was, but he forgot to read the following content.

“How could the chairman of such a large company be a super criminal? Gwen, why don’t you stop going to Osborn for an internship? Who knows if there are any dangerous people there?”

Now Helen was even more worried.

“Yes, Gwen, and you are about to graduate from high school, so it’s time to focus on your studies.”

George also echoed.

The Osborn family had a big business, but the water was very deep. Now that Norman’s identity was exposed, the stock price of Osborn Industries plummeted in just one morning.

Therefore, George felt that Gwen should stay away from this vortex.

“I know… I will think about it carefully.”

Gwen nodded in agreement.


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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