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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 194. Xia Ming! Come And Save Us! !

When Kelly got up, it was already around ten o’clock in the morning.

This was the first time she had slept so late, especially since she couldn’t explain the reason for sleeping in.

Kelly thought to herself, no wonder Amora slept until noon last time, she was really too tired!!

“Xia…Xia Ming…”

Kelly walked out and saw Xia Ming on the sofa, her fair face turned red again.

She still couldn’t be as shameless as Amora and stood there without daring to go over.

Especially the way Amora looked over made Keli feel embarrassed and annoyed!

So when did things become like this!?

Kelly was confused.

“I’m going out to buy groceries~”

Amora stood up from Xia Ming and made an excuse.

But it’s not an excuse. Now Amora is a full-time housewife. She has nothing to do, so she has no choice but to learn cooking from Xia Ming to pass the time.

But Amora is quite satisfied with her current life.

“What are you doing standing here? Come over here, don’t worry, we are all a family~”

Amora came to Keri’s side, took Keri’s hand affectionately, and pulled her to Xia Ming.

“I…” Kelly pinched her fingers, at a loss.

“Come and sit.” Xia Ming pulled Keri into her arms.

“Are you very 107 afraid of me?”

“No! I’m not afraid of you…”

Kelly leaned on Xia Ming’s chest and closed her eyes.

“No wonder Amora likes to hold you so much.” Keli muttered.

She found that holding Xia Ming like this was really reassuring and happy.

“You can hug me if you like.”

Xia Ming touched Kelly’s hair.


Now Keli can also own Xia Ming openly!

At about twelve o’clock at noon, Gwen came over.

“Are you here to get some food? Are you so punctual?” Amora said with a smile.

“Yes!” Gwen nodded confidently.

In fact, she had wanted to come over for a long time, but she put it off because she had to go to class.

I happened to stop by here for lunch.

Not to mention, the food cooked by Xia Ming is quite delicious.

“Kelly.” Gwen turned to look at Kelly.

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

“Why did you kill the Green Goblin?” Gwen complained slightly.

When she was here before, didn’t she say that the Green Goblin was her target?

How could Green Goblin be dead in the blink of an eye?

“Ah? He came here by himself and disturbed my…ahem. (aiec)”

Keri whispered softly. Halfway through her words, she lowered her head and concentrated on eating.

Gwen: “???”

Gwen looked at Xia Ming and Amora, her eyes indicating what was wrong with Kelly?

Completely different from his usual personality!

When did Kelly become so soft-spoken?!

Amora smiled and shook her head silently.

She still thought not to lead Gwen astray.

“Green Goblin found this place through you.” Xia Ming said.

“Through me?”

“Yes, he found your whereabouts, and then wanted to kidnap me to blackmail you.


Gwen suddenly became speechless.

Is Green Goblin out of his mind?

Actually want to capture Xia Ming?

Gwen said that if you have the guts to catch Xia Ming, you might as well come to her directly for a head-on confrontation!

How stupid is this!

Green Goblin: I didn’t know your boyfriend was so awesome!

“He probably doesn’t know this is my home, and he doesn’t seem to recognize me.” Xia Ming said.

“Oh, okay. Although he is seeking death, he has finally solved a scourge.”

Gwen shook her head and sighed helplessly.

“It seems that Xia Ming has some use in hiding her address.” Amora said with a smile.

“Indeed.” Gwen nodded in agreement.

“But Gwen, you should also pay attention to this matter. The Green Goblin found the wrong place this time, but if there is a powerful guy who finds your home through your whereabouts next time, it will be very dangerous.”

Xia Ming reminded.

“Ah! Yes! It’s so dangerous!”

After realizing it, Gwen stood up suddenly. Xia Ming was right. This time, she was targeted by the Green Goblin because she did not hide her traces deliberately. But what about next time?!

This time we finally found Xia Ming, but if we find her home as Xia Ming said, her parents will be in danger!

“I remember! I won’t make such a mistake again!”

Gwen took this incident to heart and decided to avoid other people when she returned home as Spider-Woman.

London, England.

A park.

Cersei and her boyfriend Dane were walking arm in arm.

“What are you going to do next?”

“I don’t know, this planet is my home, but I can’t live pretending to be human anymore.

Cersei sighed.

“I love you, Cersei, no matter who you are.” Dann looked at Cersei and confessed sincerely.

“Dan…” Cersei hugged Dann moved.

When she was most confused at the moment, Dane could still love and trust her so deeply, which moved Cersei very much!

“Cersei, I said there should be no more secrets between us.” Dane suddenly spoke.

“That’s right.”

“Actually, I…” When Dan was about to talk about his family, Cersei suddenly paused.

“Cersei? What’s wrong?!”

As soon as Dan finished speaking, the clear sky suddenly changed and the whole sky turned dark.

Dark clouds gather, lightning thunders, and strong winds appear!

Everyone in the park was frightened by this strange change and backed away, and many people were directly knocked down by the wind!

Suddenly, the thick and dark sky was completely split into two by an unknown force!

Six bright rays of light lit up behind the clouds like stars!

Along with an inexplicable oppression, Dann suddenly fell to the ground, and then discovered that Cersei’s body had changed.

“Cersei!” Dane yelled.

Several golden rings suddenly appeared around Cersei’s body, holding her firmly in place.

And, pulled by an unknown force, Cersei was carried towards the six stars in the sky!


Beyond the earth, there is a vacuum in the universe.

An extremely huge group of gods, wearing armor that looked like red fiery magma, Alitham suddenly appeared here.

His head covered the sun, and his hands seemed to be able to hold up the entire earth!

His voice was like thunder, exploding in Cersei’s mind!

Cersei, Ginger, and Phastos were controlled by Alithem’s power and floated in the universe.

“You chose to sacrifice a Celestial Clan for the sake of this planet.”

“I will bypass them this time, but your memories will determine whether they are worth living.”

“I will return to judge everything!”


Cersei shouted in her heart!

Jinge looked at Alitham in horror.

Like Faustos, he was filled with despair!

Because they know that once they are taken away by Arissum, their memories will be completely erased, and then they will go to another planet and continue to repeat what they have done!

Infinite reincarnation!

This is extremely scary for the three of them!

“Xia Ming! Come and save us!!”


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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