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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 195. You Want To Stop Me From Taking Away My People?

On Xia Ming’s side, after finishing the meal, Gwen was not in a hurry to leave.

Although Gwen is about to graduate from high school, their classes are still not stressful.

A top academic like Gwen can almost be said to have been admitted to a prestigious university long ago.

Then Gwen looked at Kelly, who suddenly became close to Xia Ming, and frowned.

Gwen followed Keli helplessly, watching her naturally hold Xia Ming’s hand, and then seeing her naturally sit next to Xia Ming, like a lover in love.

Gwen felt something was wrong.

Thinking about Kelly’s abnormal behavior at the dinner table just now, Gwen realized the problem.

Then Kelly turned her head inadvertently, met Gwen’s gaze, and her heart skipped a beat!

Kelly’s face turned a little red and she stood up.

“I’ll go back to my room and take a rest.”

Kelly quickly ran away.

But she felt the meaning in Gwen’s eyes.

It was very similar to the way she looked at Amora before, full of doubts.

Is this also someone who likes Xia Ming?

Kelly gradually realized Gwen’s feelings for Xia Ming.

“What are you…” Gwen turned her suspicious eyes to Xia Ming.

“What’s wrong?”


Regarding this kind of question, it was difficult for Gwen to ask directly.

Although she always knew that Xia Ming had a girlfriend in the UK, who was also a scientist.

After Gwen stayed for a while, she got up and left.

“Gwen must like you too.”

Amora came over, sat next to Xia Ming, and rested her head on Xia Ming’s arms.

“I don’t know either.” Xia Ming shook her head.

“Then do you like her?” Amora suddenly smiled.


Even though this kind of question is as difficult to answer as your girlfriend asking you who did you save if she and your mother fell into the river, Xia Ming said it directly.

Because Amora is different.

She doesn’t care how many women are around Xia Ming, as long as she can always be by Xia Ming’s side.

Amora was used to seeing women dependent on powerful men, so she didn’t feel anything was wrong.

“Then do you want my help? Help you take her down?” Amora said with a bad smile.

Amora is familiar with this kind of thing.

You see, under her guidance, didn’t Keli also take that step?

“No.” Xia Ming shook her head.

It is difficult for him to cope with three women now. If he adds one more, he will probably die from a headache!

Especially since Jane will come to New York soon, he won’t know how to explain Amora and Keli to Jane then.

He can’t say he wants to break up with Jane, can he?

It’s not that Xia Ming doesn’t like Jane.

“Okay then.” Amora was a little disappointed.

She thought it was quite fun to do this kind of thing.

“Huh?” Xia Ming suddenly felt something.

“What’s wrong?”

“A friend is here, I’ll go meet him.”

Xia Ming stood up with a smile. Under the surge of magic, she changed back into the crescent moon suit, and the levitating cloak appeared automatically.

“Be careful!”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.” Xia Ming kissed Amora’s forehead and left.

Amora sighed.

She guessed that the friend Xia Ming mentioned should be the God Group.


The moment Alitham appeared, Gu Yi noticed it.

After all, the huge energy fluctuations were transmitted to the interior of the earth, and it was difficult not to let the Ancient One pay attention.

“The God Group?”

The Ancient One stood up and walked out of the hall, looked at the universe, and looked at the huge amounts of figure.

Just when she was about to go out and ask what was going on with the God Group, she stopped again.

“Forget it, let’s leave it to Xia Ming, it’s time for him to take on the heavy responsibility.

Ancient One said that Xia Ming’s strength now exceeds her anyway, so there seems to be no need for her to take action.

Moreover, Xia Ming is still young, so he needs to be more experienced.


Odin sat alone on the throne, recalling the past.

After Loki’s incident, it seems that the powerful Father of God has become much older.

The future he encountered was happening step by step, and Odin could not change it all.

It’s like he can’t change Ragnarök, who has been reincarnated several times.

This is his destiny.

All he can do is believe that everyone in Asgard “believes in Thor.

Suddenly, Odin, who had his eyes closed as if sleeping, suddenly opened his eyes!

The divine light in his eyes disappeared in a flash.

He felt an extremely strong and somewhat familiar energy wave from the Nine Realms.

Odin took a moment and discovered that a member of the Celestial God Group appeared outside the earth.



Odin stood up suddenly, and the Eternal Spear made a loud sound on the floor tiles of the Golden Palace.

He didn’t expect that there would be gods who dared to run into his kingdom while he was alive!

This is simply a provocation!!

Are you trying to bully me so I can’t take action easily again!?

Don’t you know that people in Asgard become more powerful as they get older?

Odin said, try your best to enter the Soul castle in advance, and let your group of gods know how powerful the Asgardians are!

Odin said that he was going to activate the Destroyer!

Then he jerked.

Broken! The Destroyer was killed by Loki!

“Whose hands is the destroyer…oh! It’s Xia Ming!”

Odin remembered.

Yes! And Xia Ming!

As a Level Single Universe now, Xia Ming is an existence that exceeds the Level God Father. She should be enough to deal with a god, right?!

And the destroyer is still in Xia Ming’s hands.

Big deal, if Xia Ming can’t stop him, he can just take action again.

“Look at Ancient One’s actions.

Odin sat down silently and concentrated on perception.

in space.

“Xia Ming! Save us!!”

Seeing that Alitham was about to take them away, Cersei couldn’t help praying in her heart, hoping that Xia Ming could come to rescue him!

I hope Xia Ming can detect Alitham’s arrival!

And here, after Alitham finished speaking, he was about to teleport away from here.

After all, this is the Nine Realms. There is a powerful Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One on Earth, and the God King Odin is alive in Asgard. He cannot stay here for long.

This is why he came here just to take away Cersei and the others, instead of directly destroying the earth.

In addition to the reason for going to trial, not daring to take action was also the main reason why Alitham left in a hurry.

But before he could teleport away, a strange figure appeared in front of him.

“God, Alitham.” Xia Ming said.

“Who are you?” Alitham stopped transmitting and asked in confusion.

“Someone who’s here to stop you.”

“You want to stop me from taking away my people?” Alitham was extremely surprised.

If he remembers correctly, it seems that all the Eternals were created by him, right?

You can’t say that they are Earthlings just because they have been on Earth for thousands of years.

“No, I’m here to stop you from judging the earth.”



American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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