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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 198. What! ? You Didn't Take Him Down! !

“That’s it?”

“Admit defeat?”

“What about your strength as a member of the Celestial Team?”

“Even if you can’t beat me, you should be very resistant, right?”

Xia Ming stopped and looked at Alitham with suspicion, distrusting the strength he showed.

Alitham looked at Xia Ming with an innocent and resentful expression.

Do you want to listen to what you said?!

I’m so miserable, and you still don’t believe that you are better than me!?

My helmet is shattered and the armor on my body has cracks. If you continue to beat me like this, I will die sooner or later!

You are still not satisfied with the result!?

Should I apologize to you?

I’m sorry for not letting you enjoy yourself!?

Alitham felt extremely wronged!

Meeting such an opponent, it would be surprising if he could beat Xia Ming!!

That is to say, I don’t feel the aura of the same race from you, otherwise I would definitely regard you as a member of our Celestial Team!!

“Really, believe me, I am no match for you!”

“I will never come to Earth again!”

“I am not qualified to judge you!”

Faced with the powerful Xia Ming, Alitham had no choice but to compromise and beg for mercy in order to save his life.

He was afraid that if he gave up later, he might not be able to leave here!

Don’t say anything about retaliation, because he feels that Xia Ming has not yet exerted her full strength.

One or two gods may not be Xia Ming’s opponent!

He was really scared!

“Are you sure? You won’t come again?” Xia Ming asked seriously.

“I’m sure!!” Alitham nodded repeatedly.

Not to mention that Ancient One and Odin are still there, he doesn’t dare to enter the Nine Realms, let alone another Xia Ming.

“How many Eternals are there outside?”

“If they want to stay on Earth, then let’s stay on Earth!”

Alitham didn’t care about just a few tool men.

“Then… what do you think about the dead god?” Xia Ming asked again.

Xia Ming said that since you are here now, let’s solve the problem once and for all to avoid trouble in the future.

“This is his fate. Moreover, every newly born god will be judged by me whether he is qualified to become a member of the god group. Since he is dead, it means that he is not qualified~”.

This is Alitham’s truth, and it is also one of his jobs.

Before he came over, he noticed that Tiamat’s aura had disappeared.

Therefore, he told Cersei to use their memories to determine whether the earth has the value to continue to exist.

Now it seems that this value does exist, and it is still great.

Because of Xia Ming, Alitham no longer needs the memories of those Eternals.

He can’t beat Xia Ming, but he still has Mao’s qualifications for trial?

“Then we have an agreement? I will let you go this time, but you are not allowed to come near the earth again, otherwise I will not show mercy.”

Xia Ming said seriously.

“I see.”

“Well, I’ll let you out.”

Xia Ming saw that she and Alitham had agreed, so she let him go.

outside world.

When Cersei, Fastos, and Jinge were still speculating about who would win the battle between Xia Ming and Alitham, and what their next fate would be, the space suddenly shook.

Huge amounts of figures appeared again, but before Cersei and the others could react, Alitham teleported away from here.

“Did I see it wrong? Alitham seems to be injured?”

Cersei said uncertainly.

“It seems so…the helmet seems to be broken?”

Fastos also raised questions in the spiritual world.

“So, Alitham was defeated by Xia Ming and left?!”

Cersei suddenly said in disbelief.

“We’re saved!? It’s okay!?” Fastos exclaimed belatedly.

Suddenly, huge amounts of surprise emerged from the hearts of Cersei and Fastos.

As for Jin Ge, he was still too shocked and couldn’t believe that Xia Ming could actually defeat a god!

Or their creator, Alithem, the God of Judgment!

This is a god that none of them combined can match!

That Xia Ming actually won!?

Not only Ginger, but also Cersei and Phastos cannot easily accept this fact!

In the small universe.

Xia Ming came to Tony.

“Done?” Tony stepped forward and asked.


“Where are the corpses? Although one is enough for us to study for a long time, it doesn’t hurt to have another one.”

Tony said while rubbing his hands.

“…He’s gone.” Xia Ming looked at Tony speechlessly.

So, what do you take me for?

He is a god, should I act like a wolf?

Also, don’t you think you are too greedy!?

“Xia Ming!!” Cersei was extremely happy when she saw Xia Ming returned intact.

After Xia Ming finished speaking, she returned to her previous position.

Sure enough he did it!

This is enough.

At least Xia Ming didn’t have to tell the other members of the Celestial God Group one by one about her existence.

Jinge said that even Alitham was beaten away by Xia Ming. If he messed around again, wouldn’t he think that he would live longer?

“What!? You didn’t take him down!!” Tony exclaimed.

Tony framed Banner.

“But although Alithem will not come again, if any of you cause trouble on Earth, I will not show mercy. You can do it on your own.”

“Yes, we are free, let’s go tell Tina and the others the good news!”

I’d better go back to India honestly and continue to be a star!

“Although the other person is not kind, I have no reason to kill him, and if he comes back alive, he will be more useful than if he is dead.

He couldn’t believe it!

Fastos was so excited that he couldn’t speak!

“I’ll pay attention.”

At the same time, I also returned to the holy place.

Xia Ming waved his hand and set aside their restrictions.

“That’s right, Ginger, you’d better not mess around. Ikaris and the water elves died in his hands because they sided with the gods.”

“Arizom has left and will never come to Earth again. You are free.”


“`”Okay, you can continue your work, I’ll leave first. “

“But what does Xia Ming mean by that sentence? He wants to stare at us?”

Cersei said happily.

Xia Ming teleported the three of them back to Earth before they could speak.

“Cersei, we are free!!”

Wouldn’t it be better to let Alitham deliver the message?

“Not to keep an eye on us, but to keep us safe,” Cersei said.

At least, after being beaten by Xia Ming, Alitham felt pain and fear.

Fastos said seriously.

Ginger was very puzzled.

“Well, okay, by the way, next time you have something like this happen, can you move to a different place? I almost couldn’t help but transform just now.

“…..…I see.”

“Is it because the other party is too strong?”

He drove away the gods and protected the earth!

Protected them!!


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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