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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 64. What Is The Reincarnation Of The Devil? That Is The Reincarnation Of The God Of Magic! !

Hong Kong holy place.

“Daniel, why did you come here suddenly? Did the Ancient One magician arrange for you to come and pick up my shift?”

Kaecilius looked at Daniel who suddenly visited and asked curiously.

“Nothing, Ancient One Magician is very confident that you will protect the holy place. I just came here to hang out out of boredom.

Daniel explained a little awkwardly.

He didn’t dare to say that he came to Kaecilius to take refuge because he was afraid of seeing Xia Ming.

“Okay, come on, I’ll make you a pot of good tea. I’m telling you, there are a lot of delicacies here that we don’t usually eat. You must try them. 11

Kaecilius was noncommittal about Daniel’s words.

‘If you trust us so much, then why is the Ancient One so secretive about their disciples?

Kaecilius kept muttering in his mind.

When he discovered that Ancient One could live for so many years and could live forever, he began to doubt the source of One’s power.

He had read a lot of magic books and knew that Emperor Weishan had banned all Kamar-Taj magicians, including the Sorcerer Supreme, and used his power to fight death and achieve immortality.

But as the Sorcerer Supreme, the Ancient One did it.

So in the eyes of Kaecilius, Ancient One is an unqualified teacher because Ancient One hid her most powerful power from their disciples.

Therefore, Kaecilius began to cultivate cronies to serve as his informants in Kamar-Taj and began to explore the secrets of the Ancient One.

“Thank you very much, I won’t stay long.” Daniel smiled politely.

But Daniel was not happy for long, because Xia Ming came.


Xia Ming suddenly appeared, scaring Kaecilius into thinking that someone had invaded, and quickly assumed a fighting posture.

“Xia Ming!? How do you know I’m here!”

Daniel was also frightened by Xia Ming so much that his voice broke.

Oh my god!

He came all the way here, how did Xia Ming find him?!

“Are you Xia Ming? The reincarnation of the devil?”

Kaecilius looked at Xia Ming and blurted out in surprise.

Although this was the first time he met Xia Ming, Kaecilius also learned about the rumors about Xia Ming thanks to Kamar-Taj’s spy.

In particular, the so-called reincarnation of the devil aroused him great interest!

What? You said this is all fake?

I do not believe!!

Just look at Xia Ming’s experience after coming to Kamar-Taj.

How could a mere ordinary person who was rescued from the foot of the snow-capped mountains by Ancient One have such a high monster ability?!

Can even create huge amounts of magic?!

Rather than ability, Kaecilius is more willing to believe that this is Xia Ming’s innate power!

Although he secretly investigated Xia Minghou, he found nothing, not even a trace of his past existence.

It’s as if Xia Ming suddenly appeared in this world.

As a result, this situation made Kaecilius doubt Xia Ming’s identity and that he was not even human.

Judging from Ancient One’s attitude towards Xia Ming, it is also very special.

Not only had Kaecilius never seen the Ancient One treat someone he had just met like this, but neither had the other magicians of Kamar-Taj.

Then coupled with the sudden rumors, Kaecilius speculated through his mind that Xia Ming might be related to the source of the Ancient One’s powerful power.

It may even be a secret deal!!

“Kaecilius, don’t talk nonsense! What about the reincarnation of the devil? That is the reincarnation of the God of Law!”

Daniel was shocked when he heard Kaecilius’s words.

Aren’t you just adding fuel to the fire?!

Do you think I didn’t die quickly enough?

Daniel looked at Xia Ming’s suddenly darkened face and hurriedly began to clarify.

“The reincarnation of the God of Magic? Have you seen it with your own eyes?” Kaecilius asked.

“Yes! Wang and I saw with our own eyes that Xia Ming can summon the God of Magic!”

Daniel couldn’t be more certain.

He would even dream about that scene every night when he went to sleep.

Until now, his heart is still shocked.

“Are you sure you are Emperor Weishan?”

“This…is a bit different?”

Daniel recalled it and said hesitantly.

Every magician who studies magic will communicate with Emperor Weishan in the spiritual world to gain his power.

Therefore, in theory, every magician who can use magic has met Emperor Weishan.

If you don’t see it, it only proves that you don’t have the ability to learn magic.

But despite this, only those magicians with better abilities can get a glimpse of Wei Shandi’s true appearance through the huge and infinite magical power.

ability, even if he successfully established a connection with Emperor Weishan in the spiritual world, all he saw was a ball of light as dazzling as the sun, and he could not see what Emperor Weishan looked like at all.

So you want Daniel to say that he really saw Emperor Vishan?

Daniel couldn’t be sure because he didn’t know either.

I just feel that the God of Magic summoned by Xia Ming is almost the same as Emperor Weishan!

“Oh I got it.”

Kaecilius nodded understandingly.

The God of Magic is not just Emperor Weishan.

Besides the God of White Magic, isn’t there also the God of Black Magic?

Even those powerful dimensional lords, such as the Eight Mephistas and Dormammu, can also be called gods of magic!

So, it would be interesting if Xia Ming is indeed the reincarnation of the God of Magic, but not Emperor Weishan.

Kaecilius laughed.

Xia Ming’s hair stood up when she saw Kaecilius smiling at him.

Could this person be gay?

It is said that they both like young, handsome and good-looking guys.

And he is very handsome and young, so he is being targeted?

Can’t stay too long, have to leave quickly!

Daniel, time is running out, we should go!!”

Xia Ming grabbed Daniel and opened the portal.

“Won’t you stay a little longer?”

Kaecilius was very sorry, he wanted to know more about Xia Ming.

“I’m sorry, I only like beautiful women.” Xia Ming looked at him and said seriously.


“Xia Ming, don’t be so anxious…” Daniel was also reluctant to leave.

“Stop talking nonsense! Get away!!”

Xia Ming directly pulled Daniel into the portal.

Daniel wanted to struggle, but he couldn’t.

Because his strength is completely inferior to Xia Ming!!

I just hope that Xia Ming will be merciful and not beat him too hard.

Kaecilius looked at the disappearing portal, frowned and thought silently.

After a while, his expression suddenly changed.

“Fake! I only like beautiful women!!”

Kamar-Taj, Hall Fork.

Xia Ming floated in with her arms crossed.

Behind him, Daniel covered his face, lowered his head, and followed silently.

Wang turned his head and looked, and immediately panicked!

What the hell is this the only one left who hasn’t been beaten!?

You fucking don’t come over!!


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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