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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 66. In Future Fights, Xia Ming Can Arrogantly Say That There Are Two Big Guys Standing Behind Her!

After Xia Ming borrowed the book, she was not in a hurry to return to the holy place.

Instead, he flew directly to the sky and looked down at the entire Kamar-Taj from the clouds.

The magicians below all raised their heads in confusion, not understanding what Xia Ming magician was going to do.

Some people even ran back and pulled their good friends over to watch together.

However, after they waited for a while, they found that there was no movement at all.

Xia Ming sat cross-legged in the sky and did nothing else. She just opened her all-seeing eyes to carefully observe and analyze Sister Kamatai’s magic circle.

Kamar-Taj seems to be in another dimension because of the magic.

If you don’t have the Ancient One’s permission, or you don’t have the opportunity, you won’t be able to enter, or even be discovered, even if he is standing outside the door.

This is why Kamar-Taj is called a magical secret place.

The “four-three-seven” magic that hides the secret realm is Asgard’s Heimdall. Even with his divine eyes, he cannot see anything inside Kamar-Taj.

In addition to the magic that hides the secret realm, the most fishy thing is the magic circle that resists the invasion of dimensional dimensions.

When it discovers that other dimensions are trying to invade Kamar-Taj, it will take the initiative to block the space.

Especially when Ancient One first became the Sorcerer Supreme, this place was often attacked.

It turned out that although the Ancient One had just succeeded the Sorcerer Supreme, their combat power was a bit too strong. They were beaten back and forth, and they were even chased across borders by the Ancient One and killed at home.

Therefore, after they found out that they could not defeat them, they began to hibernate and wait.

Waiting to see when the Ancient One will die.

Once the Ancient One dies and the Earth loses the protection of the Sorcerer Supreme, then they will feel that an opportunity has come.

Just like when Thanos, Ancient One and Odin were still there, even if he knew that the Infinite Gems were in Asgard and on Earth, he would not dare to come over. He would only send his subordinates or some betrayers to take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble.

That’s you, Loki.

And when the Ancient One left and Odin died, Thanos came.

He even dared to kill Asgard and snatch the Space gem from Thor.

Then send an army to attack the earth.

This shows how powerful the deterrent power of Ancient One and Odin is.

Furthermore, in addition to the Ancient One, the magic holy places distributed in three places on the earth are connected with each other and form a barrier, which is also an obstacle to those dimensional demons.

Dormammu is very smart and knows to let his tool men destroy the holy place, and then summon his true self to come and devour the earth.

Although it failed in the end.

Therefore, this kind of magic circle that can block space is very powerful.

And this magic circle is not a single type.

It is a large magic circle formed by combining many small magic circles.

It has the ability to perceive time and space anomalies.

If time travelers, dimensional invaders, or even aliens come to Earth, it will be able to perceive it.

There is also defensive Ability, which can withstand certain magic attacks and physical attacks.

The most powerful thing is the space blockade.

This is something that Xia Ming has experienced before. In the eternal night world of the dimension, the feeling of being extremely difficult to open the space channel is very unforgettable for Xia Ming.

And this is what Xia Ming wants most.

Once Xia Ming can use this magic in the holy place, even the Ancient One will not be able to use the portal to enter and exit at will.

I can only go through the magic door honestly.

Finally, there is the energy source of the core magic array.

Xia Ming discovered that this magic circle is connected to a certain dimension and can constantly obtain magic energy to maintain operation.

And that dimension is still familiar to Xia Ming.

It is Emperor Weishan in the supreme dimension.

Any magician who can unlimitedly use the power of Emperor Weishan is at least at the level of Sorcerer Supreme.

Like Ancient One, like Strange, like Xia Ming herself.

It’s just that Xia Ming is using the power of his own God of Magic without having to pay the price.

However, Xia Ming’s God of Magic cannot compare with the eternal Weishan Emperor.

His identity as the dimension lord of the Evernight World cannot be compared with Dormammu.

Equivalently, the software has achieved it, but the hardware is still not good enough, and Xia Ming needs to slowly upgrade and update it.

Until he becomes the God of Magic or the Dimensional Eternal Night World, and grows to the level of Emperor Weishan or Dormammu, Xia Ming will be a multi-universe level existence at least.

As time passed, Xia Ming’s incredible understanding began to show its effect.

[Through continuous in-depth observation, you have analyzed the basic structure of the magic circle, clearly understood its operating principles, learned to perceive the magic circle, and created magical space-time exploration. 】

[Space-time exploration: You can be keenly aware of any anomalies in time and space. You can perceive any visitors from outside the earth who enter the earth, and you can trace them back to their origins.

[Through continuous in-depth observation, you have analyzed the basic structure of the magic array, clearly understood its operating principles, learned the space sealing magic array, and created the magic space field. 】

[Space Domain: You can create a certain range of space domain around you. Within the domain, you can block, stop, control, and attack any enemy. 】

[You understand the magic element space by learning magic circles, creating space fields, and combining elemental magic. 】

[Elemental space: a storm world with wind elements, a magma world with fire elements, a rock world with earth elements, a deep sea world with water elements, a thunder world with thunder elements, a bright world with light elements, and a black hole world with dark elements.

Any target can be exiled into the elemental space, or the elemental space can be summoned to the real world. 】

[Through continuous in-depth observation, you have analyzed the basic structure of the magic array, clearly understood its operating principles, learned to construct the energy channel magic array, and created the source of God Power. 】

[the source of God Power: You can forcibly establish a channel through known magical energy and magical entities to obtain an endless stream of powerful power. 】

“The known magical energy… Weishan Emperor, Dormammu… are gone?”

Xia Ming counted on his fingers and found that the only magical energy he had come into contact with and obtained was Weishan Belt and Dormammu.

But if you think about it carefully, both of them seem to be very strong at 1.2!

They are all multi-universe level bosses!!

And note that it is [forcible], so even Emperor Weishan and Dormammu cannot refuse!!

In future fights, Xia Ming can arrogantly say that there are two big guys standing behind her!

Just asking you if you are afraid!!

Definitely, the endless supply of power does not mean that Xia Ming can now fight like Weishan Emperor and Dormammu, or even easily destroy a galaxy.

Just like Strange, in the future he will be the most powerful Sorcerer Supreme, and he can also obtain endless power from Emperor Weishan, but he has not become the God of Magic like Emperor Weishan.

So Xia Ming still needs to turn this power into her own.

Whether it is Weishan Emperor or Dormammu, they just point out the way forward for Xia Ming. To what extent it can ultimately reach depends on Xia Ming herself.


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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