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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 68. Damn It, I Am The God Of Black Magic, A Magician!

“I reject.

Dormammu directly rejected Xia Ming’s invitation to fight.

Is this kid using his great dark Mephista as a sparring partner?

Doesn’t he want to lose face?

If other Mephistas find out about this, how will he get around in the future?!

He said that Dormammu was not only used as a sparring partner by a small insect, but was even unable to kill him. In the end, he had to accept the consequences, and the other Mephistas would laugh to death!?

“It’s just a fight, and it won’t take you much time.” Xia Ming said helplessly.

“I’ll give you some energy, you go back.”

Dormammu said that it does not take much time to kill you, but time can cycle!

This is just like having a nightmare. After being awakened, you fall asleep again, and the nightmare starts to cycle again. Who can bear this?

“No need, I have it.” The mysterious energy seemed to belong to the person who didn’t have it.

“Huh? You have?” Dormammu looked at Xia Ming suspiciously.

“Ahem, I mean, you haven’t used up what you gave me last time.

“I won’t fight you then.”

Dormammu has no doubts about Xia Ming.

Originally, the energy he gave Xia Ming last time was indeed enough.

Even if it cannot fully exert its power, even if it is used for a lifetime, it will not be used up.

Even those mysterious energies are much higher level than what he gave to Ancient One.

And the Ancient One can achieve immortality with a little bit of his power, and Xia Ming can easily live for hundreds of years as long as he doesn’t seek death.

But what Dormammu didn’t know was that the mysterious energy had long been used up by Xia Ming.

What he has now is infinitely transmitted directly from the unknown to the world of eternal night.

“You really don’t want to fight me?”

“Do not hit!”

“Then I will commit suicide in front of you! Anyway, it can cycle and trap you!”

“You kid, don’t push yourself too far!!”

Dormammu widened his eyes angrily and stared at Xia Ming fiercely.

This kid is his nightmare!

Rely on the magic of time to show off your power in front of him!!


He has to find a way to knock down the earth quickly, and then torture this kid severely!

Time magic, right?

He doesn’t believe that Xia Ming has been maintaining time magic on earth!!

There is always time to relax!!

“Just tell me whether you’re afraid or not!” Xia Ming said nervously.

“Okay, I’ll fight you!”

What the hell, isn’t it okay if he’s scared?

“You kid, get out of here right after the beating! I’ll get annoyed when I see you!!”


Why is there no magic that prevents others from entering the dark dimension?

How about running away with the dark dimension?

But this is not realistic?

Xia Ming, who possesses teleportation magic, can teleport directly into the dark dimension.

“That’s why I hate Kamar-Taj’s magician the most!!”

Dormammu cursed fiercely.


Why does Kamar-Taj still have Earth to stop his invasion?

Dormammu began to think about the key and how to find a way to shield him in the dark dimension.

“To each other, we Kamar-Taj magicians hate you too.”


“Then it begins? Saint Dharma Appearance!”

Xia Ming activated magic and transformed herself into a huge size like Dormammu.

Dormammu looked at Xia Ming’s annoying, enlarged face and punched her in the face.

Beat you to death you bastard!!

go to hell!!


Xia Ming also made a fist and smashed it.

“Hey, you haven’t arrived yet! Physical attacks are useless to me! Eat my house!!”

Xia Ming hit him with a backhand punch.

Seeing that his attack was blocked, Dormammu subconsciously raised his hand to resist before he understood what was going on.

Then he was knocked back by the punch.

“Huh? How did your power become so great!?”

Everyone in Dormammu was shocked.

It was clear that this kid had to rely on magic to block his fist last time. How come now, he actually relied on his physical strength to fight as well as him?!

This is so unreasonable!!

How could this kid improve so quickly?!

Is he no longer a human being?

In Dormammu’s view, even the Ancient One, who is the Sorcerer Supreme, does not dare to compete with him in terms of physical strength.

Only those dimension lords or other Mephistas can do it.

Even though human magicians can become extremely powerful through magic, their bodies have limitations, are extremely fragile, and cannot carry more power.

This is why Dormammu abandoned his physical body.

And when he abandoned his original body and turned his body into terrifying magical flames, he also gained powerful dark power and became the master of the dark dimension.

But in his eyes, Xia Ming still has a human body?

So how did he do it!?

Dormammu was filled with doubts.

“I didn’t expect it, Dormammu! This is my new magic!!”

After enlarging her body, Xia Ming seemed to have opened the door to a new world.

Because he discovered that with this body type, after activating the magic body refining flow, his body could actually withstand greater magic energy output!!

As long as the energy is endless, he is the strongest!

And luckily, he has no shortage of energy!

Now in his eyes, killing Angel with one punch was just childish!

Compared to At the moment, Xia Ming feels like she can smash ten planets with one punch!

Even, his current size can become even bigger!

The improvement of the saint’s Dharma has not yet reached its limit!!

`No wonder you all like to transform your bodies into this. Enlarging your body can indeed improve your strength a lot!”

Xia Ming suddenly nodded with understanding.

“New magic? What is that?” Dormammu was extremely curious.

This boy is obviously a disciple of the Ancient One, shouldn’t he be learning the orthodox Kamar-Taj magic?

How come the magic produced by it looks so much like Mephista from their dimension?

Are you a Mephista who is working undercover on Earth?

How did the Ancient One teach his apprentice to be so perverted?!

Ancient One: It’s not me, I didn’t teach him, he taught himself!

It is estimated that even if the Ancient One comes, there is no way to answer Dormammu’s question (King Zhao’s).

Because she can’t see through Xia Ming either.

“Want to know? I won’t tell you! Punch me!!”

Xia Ming stopped beeping and launched a fierce attack on Dormammu’s face, experiencing the feeling of invincibility at the moment.

Dormammu was forced to defend.

But it is obvious that Dormammu’s close combat is not as good as the ancient martial arts Xia Ming learned from Kamar-Taj, and he has been forced to take beatings.

It is also possible that Dormammu is used to using magic to attack from a distance and has forgotten how to fight with his body.

So Dormammu continued to fight, and after receiving countless punches, he suddenly reacted.

Damn it, I am the god of black magic, a magician!

Why are you fighting with this kid with your fists?!


Dormammu felt that he had been led into a ditch, and he almost forgot what he was best at.

“Very good, you successfully aroused my anger!”

Dormammu said that he never did this last time!!


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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