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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 69. But I Am The Great Lord Dormammu! !

(There will be typos in the reading, that is the anti-theft setting, please forgive me, thank you!)

“Angry? Aren’t you always angry?”

“But what’s the use? If you can, just kill me!”

Xia Ming said with a smile, and then punched him again.

“You tm…”


Dormammu seemed to be really angry, with violent black magic flames emitting from his body.

Facing Xia Ming’s fist, he no longer resisted, but let Xia Ming swing it.

But soon, Xia Ming discovered something was wrong, because she came up short.

The fist seemed to hit the air, and Xia Ming herself flew far away due to the strong inertia.

“What’s going on?” Xia Ming looked back.

I saw where Dormammu originally stood, a ball of flame burning and turning into nothingness.

“Where are the people?”

“Xia Ming!”

Dormammu appeared not far away and formally called out Xia Ming’s name for the first time.

He began to change his thinking about fighting, and decided to use magic to teach Xia Ming a lesson, so that he would understand what it means to be outside the world!

What is the real Mephista!

Dormammu wants Xia Ming to understand how big the gap is between him and herself!

There is no way he will be punched in the face by this little bug again!

Perhaps this is what makes Thomas the most angry.

In his opinion, this kid is simply too much!

Just stare at his face and beat him. Is there anyone who fights like this?!

“What’s your ability?” Xia Ming asked curiously.

Why does this look so elemental?

But that’s right, Dormammu’s body is originally made of energy, so it’s normal to be able to dodge his physical attacks.

“Oh, this is the power of your great Mephista-sama Dormammu!!”


Dormammu sneered, but without seeing any movement from him, Xia Ming saw the gravel floating in the air around her suddenly turned into spikes and flew towards Xia Ming at high speed.

Bang bang bang!

Xia Ming crossed her hands to protect her face, letting those huge amounts of spikes hit her body.

“Hehehe, Dormammu, you didn’t expect that my magic can not only improve my strength, but also my defense!”

After Xia Ming stopped attacking, she put her hands on her hips and looked at Dormammu arrogantly.

When Dormammu heard the cheap laughter of “Hey hey hey”, he felt restless.

He frowned and thought about what Xia Ming’s magic was.

He also didn’t see Xia Ming reciting magic spells or using any special spell-casting movements, other than becoming as big as him.

But when Xia Ming finally fought him last time, she also used this magic. It was obviously not that strong!

How can I still improve my defense?

Was the body enhanced with magic?

Dormammu came to a clear understanding with his vision and experience.

I have to say that Xia Ming’s idea is really great, even Dormammu had to praise it.

Looking at any enemy he has encountered, no one has been able to improve his body to this level with magic.

His physical strength is as strong as that of some dimension lords.

“You are very good, but not enough!”

Dormammu praised him without hesitation, then activated his magic again, raising his hand and aiming it at Xia Ming.

Xia Ming opened her perception to the maximum, carefully guarding the surrounding space and guarding against Dormammu’s attack.


The dark magic chains suddenly jumped out from the darkness and were about to wrap around Xia Ming’s body tightly.

“Oh, it’s useless!!”

Xia Ming activated teleportation and teleported away.

“Dormammu, punch me!!”

Xia Ming suddenly appeared behind Dormammu and punched him in the head.


Before the fist could reach his body, Dormammu’s body suddenly exploded like smoke, turning into dark energy and shrouding Xia Ming.

The dark energy circulated on Xia Ming’s body and gradually turned into a solid body, turning into black chains that tightly wrapped around him.

Moreover, the chains were still burning with terrible flames, constantly burning Xia Ming’s body.

“It’s useless, I am the incarnation of the entire black (abfb) dark dimension, I am everywhere, and you have nowhere to escape.

Dormammu appeared not far from Xia Ming and said to Xia Ming.

Xia Ming wanted to struggle, but he felt an extremely powerful force restricting his movements.

The chain stretched him into a big character, and the other end of the chain seemed to be connected to the world, with no end in sight.

And the black flame.

Although Xia Ming’s defense has not been broken yet, the rising temperature is telling Xia Ming that it will be a matter of time before the defense is broken.

“I have to say, your magic is really powerful. If others were caught by my chains, they would have been burned to ashes.”

“You are also very powerful. Seriously, you seem to be a bit scary.

Xia Ming sighed.

He thought that after his strength improved, he wouldn’t be instantly killed by Dormammu like last time.

Indeed, he managed to survive longer than last time, but the longer he persisted under Dormammu, the more Xia Ming could feel the horror of Dormammu.

His power seems to be infinite.

And Xia Ming, after jumping out of one circle, found that there was actually a bigger circle outside!

Fortunately, Xia Ming is not the kind of person who will start to be afraid the more she sees unknown things.

Instead, he became even more excited.

He believes that sooner or later, he will be able to see the limit of Dormammu’s strength!!

Even more than him!!

“Isn’t it obvious that I am powerful? If you don’t have time magic, how can you dare to scream in front of me?”

Dormammu looked at Xia Ming indifferently. At this moment, he looked a bit majestic as a Mephista.

Looking down at all living beings, from above.

“You should understand the gap between you and me. Even if we do it a thousand or ten thousand times, we will have the same result, so you should go back after it’s over.

Dormammu said such fighting was pointless.

“Indeed.” Xia Ming nodded.

Seeing that Xia Ming agreed, Dormammu opened his mouth and shot out a breath of energy.

If you have the ability, rely on your body to block it!

“But it’s not over yet!!”

“Don’t think you are the only one who knows this kind of attack magic! I can too!!”

Xia Ming said loudly. After speaking, he also opened his mouth and spit out an energy beam.

Now that Xia Ming’s hands are controlled, there is very little magic that can be used, but it is not impossible!


Two powerful energy beams collided in the air, resulting in a stalemate.

Dormammu: “???”

You kid, use my Ability against me, right?!

I learned quite quickly!!

But I am the great Dormammu-sama!!

As Dormammu’s power increased, his energy beam gradually gained the upper hand and began to swallow Xia Ming’s attacks.

The intense purple light became brighter and brighter in Yuan Ming’s eyes.

“Since ancient times, we have lost against the left. Am I on the left?!”


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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