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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 73. I Said You Would Regret It!

“Dormammu, you will regret it!!”

Xia Ming suddenly shouted.

“Come on, let me regret it!!”

Dormammu is not lying, saying that you can use whatever means you have, but you are afraid that he will lose!!

Dormammu said, raising his other hand and turning on the double devouring speed.

In Dormammu’s eyes, the tiny Xia Ming is just a toy that he can knead at will!!

“Uh huh…cough, Dormammu, I warned you.”

The pain of having her power taken away suddenly doubled, making Xia Ming groan and immediately activated the source of God Power.

Unknowingly, Yuan Ming had established an energy channel with Dormammu.

A powerful force began to emerge in Xia Ming’s body.

And began to pour into the small universe, because Dormammu’s power exceeds Xia Ming’s own, so when this power appears, Xia Ming can also use it to restore everything in the universe that is about to be destroyed.

Although Dormammu’s devouring speed is very fast, fortunately, Xia Ming’s ability to gain power is not slow either.

In this way, a cycle was successfully established between Xia Ming and Dormammu.

Dormammu swallows Xia Ming, and Xia Ming gains Dormammu’s power and converts it into his own energy.

To put it simply, Dormammu uses Xia Ming’s body as a transit point to swallow his own power.

Although Xia Ming was robbed of most of her energy by Dormammu before, once the cycle was established, Xia Ming began to use Dormammu’s power to recover.

Then Xia Ming also opened the energy channel between herself and Dormammu to the maximum in order to obtain more benefits for herself!

The effect is that Dormammu’s devouring speed cannot keep up with Xia Ming’s acquisition speed.

Slowly, relying on this power, Xia Ming’s universe that was about to collapse began to rebuild and quickly returned to its original state.

Then there is the God of Magic.

Xia Ming took advantage of this opportunity to directly control the God of Magic and place it in the world of eternal night.

The only difference is that the last time Xia Ming created the God of Magic, he created the God of White Magic based on the white magic energy of Emperor Wei Shan.

Now, Xia Ming was created using the dark power of Dormammu, which resulted in the emergence of a pure black magic god.

Although Xia Ming has mastered the method of energy conversion, firstly, she is not free now, and secondly, Xia Ming plans to borrow some white magic energy from Emperor Weishan to create the God of White Magic and then integrate it.

In this case, the speed will be faster.

The God of Black Magic quickly condensed, and this time his size was even much larger.

It can only be said that it is thanks to the power of Dormammu.

This time, Xia Ming was resurrected directly on the spot!!

Then, in order not to waste it, while maintaining the energy devoured by Dormammu, Xia Ming used all the acquired power to build her own eternal night world and expand its dimensions.

As for the small universe, Xia Ming did not rush to expand it first.

And Dormammu also felt strange at the moment.

“Why do you still have so much energy!々”?” Dormammu asked in surprise and confusion.

“My energy is endless!!” Xia Ming shouted pretending to hold on.

“Isn’t this what it should be?”

Dormammu became suspicious.

How much energy a pocket universe has, at least in Dormammu’s eyes, is not enough.

But why hasn’t this pocket universe collapsed after he devoured it for so long?!

Moreover, why does the energy attribute swallowed up from behind him seem a bit familiar to him, why does it look so much like his own?


This fucking thing is his own, okay!!

“What did you do?!” Dormammu asked angrily.

“I didn’t do anything, cough!” Xia Ming replied weakly.

“Something’s wrong!” Dormammu closed his eyes and began to perceive.

Suddenly his eyes opened suddenly and he looked at Xia Ming full of anger.

“You bastard, you are the one who establishes contact with me and summons your fighting power!!”

Dormammu just felt a power channel being established with him, but he didn’t take it seriously.

After all, he has countless followers, and there are even many humans and demons who have been bewitched by him. They have all obtained the power given by him, become stronger, or gained eternal life.

And Dormammu also allows them to establish a channel with him through the Dark Summoning Ritual so that they can use his power to realize their dreams.

Definitely, these come at a price.

But Dormammu is never anxious to recover the price these people should pay. Instead, he hopes that they will continue to spread the name of Dormammu’s Mephista to gain more believers.

So at first, even though the power output from this channel was a bit too much, he didn’t care about it. After all, he was a bit busy now.

If it were any other time, Dormammu might have taken a look at who was so bold.

Therefore, Dormammu did not discover the problem immediately, but continued to concentrate on devouring Xia Ming, happily looking at Xia Ming’s extremely painful expression.

Then at the moment, he discovered that the energy swallowed from Xia Ming’s body had something wrong.

After some perception, Dormammu found the target through the largest channel.

And this target is right in front of him!!

So when did Xia Ming become his follower?

Where did you learn about this summoning ceremony?

Damn it, why did I suck it for a long time and haven’t finished it yet? It turns out he was devouring his own energy!!

.How the hell did you do that!?” Dormammu gritted his teeth and looked at Xia Ming.

“Eh? You actually discovered it? What a pity.” Xia Ming shook his head regretfully. Seeing that he was exposed, he was too lazy to continue pretending.

“Hey, boy, do you think you can still threaten me? The initiative of any summoning ceremony is in my hands!!”

Dormammu said, don’t think you can blackmail him like last time!

As he spoke, Dormammu tried to close this energy channel.

Just like he said, any summoning ritual, any magic circle, even everyone who has obtained his power, Dormammu can extract it at any time if he wants!!

Except for the special situation of the Ancient One who is hiding on the earth and hiding in Kamar-Taj, Dormammu has no way to do it (money), everything else is just a matter of Dormammu’s thoughts!

But Dormammu miscalculated this time.

Because he found this energy channel connected to Xia Ming, and he couldn’t close it!!

As an energy supplier, he actually has no initiative!?

Everyone in Dormammu is stupid!

Why can’t he understand the situation again!!

This hateful guy is indeed the most annoying!!

‘Perhaps if I stop devouring this boy’s power, the passage will be closed?

Dormammu thought about it while putting down his hands.

And Xia Ming knew that Dormammu was going to stop after she felt that her power was slowing down.

“Dormammu, let me remind you, even if you stop, the passage will not be closed.”

“In other words, if you stop, you will suffer a lot!”

Xia Ming smiled.

Dormammu: “What the hell…”

Xia Ming: “I told you you would regret it!”


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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