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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 74. You Can Only Stay In The Dark World Forever, And You Can Never Return To The Earth!

“Dormammu! I keep my word!”

“If I say I want you to regret it, I want you to regret it!!”

“Weren’t you very proud just now? Come on! Keep going!”

“I have plenty of time to spend with you!!”

Xia Ming endured the pain of having her strength taken away and shouted loudly to Dormammu, her tone full of excitement!

What the hell, he thought he was dead today and would not be able to escape the fate of being used as a battery by Dormammu.

But there’s a twist!

Xia Ming stood up again!

The initiative has returned to Xia Ming’s hands again!!

If you have the ability, Dormammu, you can use new methods to deal with me!


Dormammu’s hands that were just about to be put down were raised again.

Yes, if you stop like this, he will be attracted!!

Because he cannot close the energy channel with Xia Ming, this means that his power can be continuously taken away by Xia Ming!

But he could only watch blankly, unable to do anything!

The only way to recover the loss is to continue to devour Xia Ming’s power!!

But Dormammu doesn’t know that Zhenming has another dimension, and his power is being used by Xia Ming to expand the dimension space and strengthen the god of black magic.

Although he can swallow Xia Ming’s energy and get back his own share of 667, as a transfer station, Xia Ming should charge a handling fee, right?

As it happens, this handling fee is not painful for Dormammu, but for Xia Ming, it is very huge, enough to allow Xia Ming to move to the next level.

“Let’s do this. Let’s stop together. I’ll let you go and you close the passage.”

Dormammu still can’t understand how Xia Ming did it. He has tried to cut off the connection channel several times, but without success.

Now the situation on both sides seems to be back to the last time.

Dormammu couldn’t do anything with Xia Ming’s time magic, and was blackmailed by Xia Ming in the end.

He originally thought that he was sure of Xia Ming today, but Xia Ming did something like this again, and he was forced to compromise again.

Sure enough, when he met this shameless bastard, he didn’t feel better!!

He decided that after Xia Ming leaves this time, he will leave the dark dimension and go out for a walk!!

If I can’t offend you, why can’t I hide from you?

It just so happened that he had taken a long break, so it was time to resume his old business and go to other dimensions to see if there were any opportunities to occupy it!

I’m also looking for a way to break the magic of time or block others from entering the dark dimension!

Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a problem (abfb) for this kid to break in all the time.

“You want a truce?”


“I reject.

…Don’t go too far!!” Dormammu roared.

“You just went too far!” Xia Ming was not to be outdone.

“Okay, you can do it! Then we will continue to waste it. Anyway, I have nothing to lose!!”

Dormammu suddenly increased the power of devouring it, making Xia Ming instantly feel as if her soul was being sucked away, which was extremely painful.

“Well, if you stop now, you can be freed earlier!” Dormammu threatened.

“I can…bear it!” Xia Ming gritted her teeth!

This is a rare opportunity for him to obtain the power of Dormammu in an open and honest manner to upgrade his dimensional world. Xia Ming does not want to let it go.

Dormammu fell silent after hearing this.

He had seen with his own eyes how determined this boy was.

The level of trouble is something Dormammu can’t bear.

For a moment, both sides were silent and fell into a stalemate.

[Through in-depth experience and observation, you suddenly realize the essence of energy transfer, gain some understanding, and create a magical energy siphon. 】

[Energy Siphon: You can plunder and absorb other people’s magical energy, attack energy, life, souls, demons and many other things that exist in the form of energy. 】

[Through in-depth experience and observation, combined with the magic body refining flow, you gain some understanding and create the magic body of the Demon’s Flame. 】

[The Demon’s Flame body: A body formed by terrifying magical flames. After using it, you can withstand more powerful power and exert more powerful magic. 】


Just when Dormammu was thinking about how to end this farce, Xia Ming’s body was suddenly covered in a fierce black flame, and her human body was burned away.

“You gave up your body?” Dormammu was extremely surprised.

Dormammu is very familiar with the changes in Xia Ming’s body at this moment.

Because that’s what he was like at the beginning. In order to obtain more powerful dark power, he gave up his physical body, turned his body into magical flames, and became the master of the dark dimension, and that’s how he became today.

He looked at Xia Ming’s changes and suddenly became happy.

“Haha! Xia Ming, have you finally figured it out? Now, you can only stay in the dark world forever and never return to Earth!”

Dormammu come.

Seeing the human magician in front of him, the disciple of the Ancient One, the future Sorcerer Supreme, and the Asgardian of the earth, now like him, accepted the power of darkness and became a member of the devil, Dormammu was extremely happy!

He was even looking forward to what the Ancient One would look like when he learned about this.

Her most promising disciple and the heir to the Sorcerer Supreme turned out to be a dark demon!

Even one day in the future, the two of them will fight and stage a show of deep master-disciple love!

Dormammu feels very excited just thinking about it!

He originally saw Xia Ming rejecting his invitation, which was a pity, but in the end, Xia Ming actually chose his side, which surprised Dormammu.

However, Dormammu looked at herself as if she were a smaller size and felt a little uncomfortable.

This is so similar to him!

“Ha.” Hearing Dormammu’s gloating, Xia Ming was too lazy to speak.

Firstly, he wanted to experience the power of the Demon’s Flame body, and secondly, when he turned into magical flames, the power he obtained from Dormammu would become even more.

In the Evernight World, the current dimensional space has become twice as large as before after this improvement!

This also means that Xia Ming’s strength has increased step by step again!

Comparing the lords of certain dimensions, Xia Ming can already completely crush them.

Then there is the God of Magic, whose size has also increased a lot, allowing Xia Ming to control more magical energy.

“You kid, you actually came up with this idea!!”

Dormammu felt that the flow of his power suddenly accelerated, and his eyes suddenly widened.

“You are looking for death!!”

Dormammu was so angry that Xia Ming gave up his body just to steal more of his power?!

Dormammu couldn’t bear this anymore. He tried his best to kill Xia Ming even if he lost some energy!

I just hope that Xia Ming will not be like him. Even if time loops, what he gets will not disappear.

Otherwise, he will really suffer a big loss!

Worse than last time!!

But I can’t care about that much anymore!

“go to hell!”


The angry Dormammu directly crushed the frozen space where Xia Ming was.

Space turned into fragments, forming a black hole.

But in the blink of an eye, time began to flow backwards, and the time of Xia Ming and Dormammu returned to the original node.

“So cruel!”

“But run away quickly!!”


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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