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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 84. The Body Of The Spirit.

In the blazing golden flame, Xia Ming’s painful voice became lower and lower, and all parts of her body slowly disappeared and annihilated, turning into the nutrients of the flame.

Not long after, Xia Ming’s entire body was burned into nothingness by the flames.

Where Xia Ming disappeared, there was only a pure drop of water floating in the air.

Supreme dimension.

“Ohit! Agamotto!! What on earth are you doing!?”

Because Xia Ming had already left, Hogs did not communicate with the other two people in the spiritual world, but directly questioned him.

In the entire supreme dimension world, only Hogs’s voice is the loudest.

Perhaps Hoggs felt that this was the only way to express his anger.

“Ohit! Do you know what you are doing? You actually gave away your tears!? That is more precious than my flame and Agamotto’s amulet!

“And you! Agamotto! Even if you give away your own amulet, why would you use my flame as a gift!? I didn’t even agree!!”

When talking about this, Hogs gets so angry!!

Agamotto actually took advantage of his absence and took away his flame and gave it to Xia Ming!

Don’t even ask!

You should say something at least!

It’s not that I disagree!

As a result, he seemed to be stingy!

This made 290 Hogs very uncomfortable.

There were also Ouhit’s tears. Hogs didn’t know what she was thinking about giving such a thing away!

You must know that Ohit’s tears are the most precious and magical thing among them!!

Even the Book of Emperor Weishan is not as valuable as this tear!!

As for why this tear is precious, just look at Agamotto and you will know.

As one of the old gods, Ohit only shed one tear in his life.

And it was this tear that gave birth to Agamotto.

Yes, Atuo can also be regarded as Ohit’s son.

Therefore, Agamotto, who was born from tears, was born with extremely huge magical energy.

He is also the creator of the Eye of Agamotto, the first person to possess the Time Gem, and the first person to understand the mysteries of the universe. He is known as the all-seeing eye, an omniscient and omnipotent existence.

This shows how precious Ouhit’s tears are.

But such precious tears, Ouhit actually gave them to Xia Ming!!

If a new person is born from this tear, Hogs can’t even imagine the consequences!!

Calm down, Hogs. “

Ohit waited until Hogs had finished speaking (abab) before he began to speak.

His tone was as calm as ever, and his voice was as beautiful as ever.

“The tear I gave to Xia Ming is not the same as the original tear. It does not contain my feelings for the countless lives on earth, so it will not give birth to new life.

“The effect of these tears will only help Xia Ming better adapt to magical energy and enhance his affinity for magic.”

Ouchit explained.

“Even so, you don’t have to give such a precious gift.”

Hoggs received Ouhit’s explanation and felt relieved, but he still expressed his reluctance and heartache!

But the tears belonged to Ouhit personally, and he couldn’t comment too much, so he looked at Agamotto.

“Agamotto, I know you are also optimistic about Xia Ming. You gave him the amulet. I am too lazy to say it, but why do you want to take my flame? Don’t I know how to give it myself?”

Hoggs was furious.

Although his flames are not as magical as Ouhit’s tears, they still have the effect of improving physical fitness and increasing magic affinity.

It even allows the owner to gain fire magic to use in attacks.

You must know that although this is the flame of Hogs, it is actually the flame of Emperor Weishan.

How strong is this flame?

Just look at Kamar-Taj’s magic [Sacred Sword of Vishandi].

This sword is composed of Emperor Weishan and the flames of Hogs. It has full attack power, especially against dark forces, and has a miraculous effect!

“Seeing that you are busy, I will help you.” Agamotto always cherished his words like gold.

“You… Phew! Next time something like this happens again, you’d better let me do it myself!”

Hoggs wanted to curse, but he held back.

The three of them not only met when they looked up, but also when they looked down. Hogs also knew Agamotto’s character and knew that if he continued like this, he would be the one who would be angry in the end.

And Agamotto will just pretend that he didn’t hear anything and then dare to do it next time.

What made Hogs uneasy was most of all.

As for the amulet sent by Agamotto, also known as the Eye of Agamotto, it basically has the same function as the one left in Kamar-Taj.

They all have the same power of all-seeing, able to see through many illusions, decipher dark magic and even observe the past and future.

The difference is that the one sent by Agamotto this time does not have Time Gem embedded in it.

After taking a breath and about to start meditating, Ohit next to him suddenly let out an exclamation.

“Eh?! How could this happen?!”

In Ouxit’s perception, the tears he gave to Xia Ming seemed to have changed.

“What’s going on? What’s going on!?” Hoggs immediately opened his eyes and asked anxiously.

“Is there something wrong with your tears?”

Hogs is still worried about this.

I’m afraid another Agamotto will come out.

Although this is not a bad thing.


Ohit didn’t explain, he also closed his eyes and fell into meditation, leaving Hogs to gnash his teeth.

Hogs: So what kind of teammates do I have here?

Although Ohit was calm on the surface, he was very shaken in his heart, almost to the point where Agamotto was born.

Because Ouchite perceived that a life actually appeared in the weight of the tear.

If I guessed correctly, it should be Xia Ming.

As for why it became like this, Ouhit didn’t know, and he didn’t dare to tell Hogs for fear that Hogs couldn’t help but start a big fight again.

As for Agamotto, he probably wouldn’t care about this kind of thing.

So, I have it again?!

While Ohit was shocked, he was also looking forward to seeing Xia Ming in the supreme dimension next time.

You will know everything then.

In the meditation room.

Just as Ouhit perceived, the drop of water floating in the air suddenly bloomed with strong vitality.

As the light becomes stronger and stronger, a pure form like water is slowly forming.

Gradually, the shape became clearer and clearer, and through the light, it could be seen that it was a person.

As if something came from scratch, Xia Ming’s body was resurrected again based on this magical drop of water.

[You have an epiphany through in-depth experience of rebirth from the ashes and the constitution of the physical body. Combined with the body of the Demon’s Flame, you realize a special physique: the body of a spirit. 】

[The body of the gods: composed of pure magical energy and the pure divine power of Ohit, you have become one of many gods.

You have gained a long life, a strong body, natural magic affinity, and huge magical energy. 】


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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