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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 85. Could It Be That Xia Ming’S Previous Life Was Emperor Weishan! ?

Surprisingly, even Xia Ming did not expect that the things given by Emperor Weishan and the others would be so useful!

The most powerful one among them is the drop of water given by Ouhit.

Only after Xia Ming reorganized her body did she understand what this drop of water was.

It’s actually Ohit’s tears!!

Xia Ming knows about the function of Ouchite’s tears.

After all, Agamotto was born from these tears!

And in the end, he became an omniscient and omnipotent being. Together with Ohit and Hogs, he formed the trinity of Weishan Emperor and became an eternal existence.

“Does it mean that I am also Ohit’s child now?!”

Xia Ming was extremely shocked. It was the first time he discovered that something so outrageous had happened to him.

“No! No!”

“I have always existed, and although Agamotto was born from Ohit’s tears, I just rebuilt my body with these tears!”

Xia Ming thinks that she is Ouchite’s child, but this statement is not true.

After all, Xia Ming doesn’t want to suddenly have multiple mothers, even if she is the goddess Ou Xit.

“Phew! What the hell happened is too unexpected!”

With a thought, Xia Ming’s naked body appeared in a set of long white clothes, the same as the previous one.

“Xiaohong, come here.”

Then he put the levitation cloak on his back that had been used to avoid the flames on Xia Ming’s body again.

Fortunately, the cloak was not burned, otherwise he would have to go to Weishan Emperor for compensation.

“Burning the body with flames is similar to abandoning the human body, but because of the effect of Ohit’s tears and the pure divine power of light, it also allowed me to regain the body of a god. I made a lot of money.”

After Xia Ming opened up the eternal night world in the dimensional dimension, he obtained the identity of a lord, which caused his life level to evolve, but he still did not transcend the limitations of the human body.

Unless Xia Ming is really like Dormammu and completely abandons the physical body, it is not known how long it will take for Zhenming’s strength to improve.

What he never expected was that after he came back from the Supreme Dimension this time, due to some strange combination of circumstances, he was still forced to change his body.

Fortunately, Ohit is the goddess of light, and the divine power she possesses is also pure light power.

Otherwise, if it were another old god, such as Chthon, the god of black magic, the creator of the dark book, or a snake god like Seth, Xia Ming’s current body would probably become a god of dark power. Body.

Who knows what his reorganized body will look like by then?

After all, Xia Ming still likes the appearance of humans. He doesn’t want to turn himself into a human or a ghost, or be covered with tentacles just because of his strong power.

That’s too scary!

“Phew, my strength is finally back to normal.”

Xia Ming raised her right hand and grasped a ball of luminous white magic energy out of thin air. This is the power of the God of White Magic from the new dimensional world of Pole Star.

The left hand holds a ball of black magic energy, which is the power of the black magic god in the world of eternal night.

Then Xia Ming’s body suddenly fluttered, and black-gold flames appeared all over its body. It was so frightened that the floating cloak was about to fly away, but soon it realized that there was no danger, and moved the corners of its clothes suspiciously.

“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you.” Xia Ming comforted.

The black-golden flame is the magic flame from the dark dimension and the golden flame from the Supreme Dimension Weishan Emperor, which are upgraded after integrating each other.

Since integrate, it means that Xia Ming has all the abilities of the two flames at this moment.

Perhaps the name should be changed and called the Flame of the Gods.

In addition, the body of the spirit also gave Xia Ming Superman-like strength, speed, endurance and defense, and even immunity to viruses, radiation, poisonous gases, etc.

There is also the ability to resist normal magic attacks.

Now Xia Ming, even if he does not use the magic body refining flow, just stands still and lets all the Kamar-Taj magicians attack him, Xia Ming can still be unscathed.

Definitely, exclude the Ancient One here.

And this is the power of the divine body, and this power comes from Ohit, one of the four old gods of the earth.

In terms of physical fitness, even Thor probably can’t keep up with the current Xia Ming.

In contrast, in addition to a strong body, it is also magically friendly.

This new body has possessed huge magical energy since its birth, which not only allows Xia Ming to use various magics at will, but also allows him to control various elements at will.

This is without Xia Ming using the power of the God of Magic.

Now Xia Ming can be said to have been completely updated.

As long as there are no accidents, the lowest limit for Xia Ming is at least the multi-universe level of Agamotto.

As for the upper limit, Xia Ming cannot determine it.

It can only be said that the Guangming Avenue has been paved and is just waiting for Xia Ming to walk by.

0Please give me flowers…

“Huh? Is this Eye of Agamotto? Newly minted?”

Only then did Xia Ming discover that one of the three gifts sent by Emperor Weishan came from Agamotto.

From the looks of it, it should be the same as the Eye of Agamotto in Ancient One’s hand, except that the Time Gem is missing.

However, Xia Ming said that she does not need Time Gem.

For no other reason, he was afraid that he couldn’t help but go to Dormammu for some sparring again.

After all, Xia Ming has made progress now and is ready to cause trouble.

Xia Ming walked out of the meditation room while wearing the Eye of Agamotto on her chest.

After all, it is an artifact, and if you don’t use it, it will go to waste.

Then Xia Ming changed the settings of the magic circle in the holy place and opened a backdoor for Ancient One.

As for other people who want to come over, you should just go through the magic door honestly, this is his home!


Ancient One: My name is on the property deed.

Then Xia Ming thought that it would be better to choose the day than to hit it, so she also arranged the magic circles of the other two holy places together, so as not to forget it later.

London holy place Xia Ming ends soon.

Then when we got to Hong Kong holy place, it was a bit troublesome.

Because when Kaecilius saw Xia Ming, it was like meeting his long-lost brother, what a passion!

While Xia Ming didn’t leave, he pulled him to sit down and asked him to taste Chinese delicacies.

When Xia Ming saw it, her appetite aroused, so she had no choice but to deal with it with Kaecilius.

Kaecilius looked at Xia Ming who was just eating. He was not in a hurry and slowly obtained information about Xia Ming.

Then he also asked about the Eye of Agamotto on Xia Ming’s chest.

“Has the Ancient One magician passed the position of Sorcerer Supreme to Xia Ming magician?”

After all, in Kamar-Taj, the Eye of Agamotto is the symbol of the Supreme Master.

Since it is now here in Xia Ming, doesn’t it mean that Ancient One plans to retire?

“No? Why do you ask?”

Kaecilius pointed to Xia Ming’s chest.

“Oh, you said this, this is a gift from Emperor Weishan.” Xia Ming replied.

“Vishan Emperor!? But isn’t there only one Eye of Agamotto?”

Kaecilius asked in shock.

Could it be that Xia Ming is still related to Emperor Weishan!?

Could it be that he is really the reincarnation of the God of Magic, and the object of that reincarnation is Emperor Weishan!?



American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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