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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 88. You Are Going A Little Too Far. Don’T You Know That Manhattan Is My Home?

In northern Manhattan, a huge monster with a ferocious face and bone spurs on its back is rampaging here, destroying everything in front of him.

The entire neighborhood fell into chaos because of this sudden appearance of the monster.

Many people ran away in fear, and some who ran slowly were either killed by this monster or crushed by the destroyed buildings.

Fear spreads across Manhattan.

But fortunately, a large number of soldiers stopped the monster from raging, cleared the roads, and completely isolated the neighborhood.

However, the helicopters flying in the sky and those brave reporters began to broadcast live regardless of the military’s obstruction.

After Tony Stark announced that he was Iron Man, the entire New York and the entire world ushered in the second big news.

Only this time, what people see is not the so-called superhero who saves the world, but the super monster who destroys everything.

“Hulk! Come out!”


Bronski looked at a helicopter high in the sky, roaring constantly, and at the same time, he kept flying cars and other things around him, freely venting his inner emotions and destroying everything around him.

Incarnate as the hated Blonsky and indulge in this incredible, god-like power!

He roared and tried to challenge anyone who tried to stop him.

But what he wants to do more is to kill Hulk, who is also a monster, with his own hands!

He would never forget that when he first faced the monster, it threw a truck at him!

And he could only watch his comrades being killed by Hulk, and how scared he was at that time.

He was angry at his weakness. For this reason, he accepted Rose’s proposal and voluntarily became an experimental subject. He was injected with the super soldier’s serum for the first time to enhance the strength of the emperor.

When Blonsky successfully survived, he had gained Superman-like strength and speed.

As a result, when Hulk was captured for the second time, Blonsky became swollen and actually walked up to Hulk and laughed at him.

As you can imagine, Blonsky was ignored by Hulk, kicked him away with a casual kick, and broke most of the bones in his body.

Because of the effect of the super soldier serum, Blonsky did not die and was injected with the serum for the second time.

Because he wants revenge!

Because he wants to get as powerful as Hulk!

The two humiliations were brought to him by Hulk. For this reason, Blonsky swore that he would kill Hulk no matter what!

Finally, he seized this opportunity because he found that Banner actually wanted to give up such a powerful power and wanted to be an ordinary person!

In Blonsky’s opinion, Banner’s behavior was extremely stupid!

But he also knew that his chance for revenge had come!

He was injected with blood from Banner filled with massive amounts of gamma radiation.

The super soldier’s serum and Banner’s blood were combined to create a new monster – Abomination.

He is bigger than Hulk, and his appearance is stronger and more ferocious than Hulk.

Blonsky succeeded.

He ran out of the laboratory and started running around the streets of Manhattan, beginning to enjoy the omnipotent feeling that this power gave him.

“Let me go down, only Hulk can stop him!”

Banner stood in the helicopter looking at the mad hatred, and finally decided to stand up.

“No! You’ve already been injected with the serum, what if you can’t turn into Hulk!?”

Banner’s girlfriend, Betty Ross, stopped him.

General Ross looked uncertain.

He looked down at the abomination filled with rage.

He never expected that Bronsky would betray him!!

If possible, he really looks like killing him with one shot!

But he can’t.

One is that he didn’t kill the hated Ability.

Second, the success of hatred is also a very rare experimental material for him.

As long as he captures Abomination, Ross can study him and let the soldiers in the army gain this powerful power!!

“It’s too late. If he continues like this, he will hurt more people’s lives!”

Banner broke free from Betty’s hand and jumped out of the helicopter regardless of the obstruction.

Then there is the picture perceived by Xia Ming.

The two monsters broke out into a brutal battle, leaving an entire city block in ruins because of them.

Moreover, Abomination relied on its larger size and greater strength to completely suppress Hulk. The unstoppable Hulk, who was not yet completely angry, kicked him to the other side of the city.

“Hulk! I’ll give you this kick!!”

“You’re going a little too far. Don’t you know that Manhattan is my home?”

Xia Ming opened her eyes, stood up from the sofa, and disappeared into the holy place.

Xia Ming said that as an Asgardian who protects the earth, she should stand up and stop all this.

In a luxurious villa next to the sea.

“Sir, two monsters have appeared in Manhattan and are fighting. Do you want to stop them?”

The words of J.A.R.V.I.S interrupted Tony who was studying the battle suit.

Tony frowned and raised his head, looking at the news on the holographic projection. On the live broadcast screen, Hulk and the abominable figure appeared in Tony’s eyes.

Is the military here too?”

“Yes, the house is trying to stop it.”

“Then just wait. If the military can’t handle it, I’ll go again.”

Tony’s sense of the military was not very good, especially after he saw Rose there, he didn’t want to go.

Because Tony knew that this was probably another trap set up by the military. If that was the case, let them clean it up themselves.

If he still can’t get it done in the end, Tony will decide whether to take action.

“J.A.R.V.I.S, hurry up and research new elemental formulas! If you can’t find a way, I’m going to die.

“Yes, sir!”

London, England.

In a university laboratory.

“Jane! Jane!!”

Daisy burst in holding a notebook.

“What’s wrong with you?” Jane sighed weakly.

This new intern is a little too lively.

Can such a character really be studied calmly?

“Jane! Come and see! There is a monster war in New York!” (Hao Nuo Zhao) Daisy ran over excitedly and opened her notebook.

“What movie are you watching again?”

“It’s not a movie! This is a live broadcast! Look!”

Daisy pushed the screen in front of Jane.

Jane looked at it doubtfully and saw an extremely shocking side.

“It’s actually true!?”

“When have I ever told a lie! Zhu!”


Blonsky ran towards Hulk’s place, the tidy ground was messed up by the huge amounts of Hate’s body.

“General Ross! If we don’t stop it, the trouble will be even greater!!”

The adjutant next to Ross saw that someone as strong as Hulk was defeated by Hate’s hands, and hurriedly urged him.

The impact of this incident is getting bigger and bigger, especially since many news stations are broadcasting it live.

It is conceivable that once the truth of this matter is exposed and everyone finds out that Abomination is actually a member of the military, then they will all encounter huge trouble!!


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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