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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 89. Xia Ming, Makes A Superman-Like Appearance! All Cheers! !

“Asshole! Damn it!!”

Rose’s face was red with anger. He originally thought Hulk could handle it, but unexpectedly something happened.

Now Rose is really angry, annoyed, and reluctant to give up!

How on earth did this damn Blonsky do it? Make him stronger than Hulk!?

Ross, who is also obsessed with this power, has no desire to kill Abomination.

But now that Hulk can’t be relied on, they can only do it.

As long as he beats Abomination half to death, and then carries out the previous plan to capture Hulk and catch Abomination, no matter how much damage is caused today, Ross will not panic at all!

Because he has a secret weapon in his hand that can comprehensively improve the physical fitness of soldiers!

Definitely, provided Abomination is caught behind the regiment.

“Give me the order! Fire!”

“Remember! I want to live!!”

Ross yelled the order.

But he seems to have forgotten that their weapons can’t even catch Hulk, so how can they be effective against Abomination?

The machine gun sprayed flames and hit a series of bullets on Abomination’s body, successfully attracting his attention.

Hatred raised his head, looked at the helicopter attacking him from above, and saw Rose’s face.


Hatred smiled fiercely, these 777 people were also the people he wanted to kill!

Abomination let the bullets hit him, running all the way towards the helicopter, and then jumped high.

“Turn quickly! No! Raise up quickly!!”

When Ross saw this scene, he was almost scared out of his wits and screamed quickly!!

But it didn’t work.

Hatred At the moment’s physical fitness was enough for him to easily jump to the same height as a helicopter and then pull it down.

Huge amounts of force exceeded the power of the helicopter engine, and he was thrown into the wall of a high-rise building by hatred.

With a bang, the entire helicopter crashed. Except for a few people who were only slightly injured, everyone else died.


The roar slowly approached.

The tall figure who hated them came to the few people who climbed out of the helicopter.

It happened that only Ross, Betty, and the lieutenant were left alive.

“Blonsky! What are you doing! I am your commander!!”

Ross shouted in horror, trying to awaken Bronski’s instinct to obey orders as a soldier.

But it is a pity that he is no longer the Blonsky he used to be.

Blonsky, who gained great power, is now an abomination, a monster that can destroy everything!

And Rose happens to be among the things that hate and want to destroy.

“Rose! I’m going to kill you!!”

Hatred raised his huge fist high and pointed it at the limp and embarrassed Ross below.

Betty and the adjutant were also so scared that their legs were weak and unable to escape!

They were extremely convinced that with this punch, not only Ross, but also the two of them would be killed!!

Because the power of this fist and hatred is too great!!

Just a little rub is enough for both of them to be shattered to pieces!!


The roar came from a distance, and Hulk, who was still impressed by Betty, ran quickly to try to stop it all.

And those who saw this scene through the live broadcast were too nervous to breathe!

“J.A.R.V.I.S! Put me in a battle suit!!”

Tony saw that Ross was actually about to die, so he had no choice but to take action.

As the known Iron Man, a big star in New York, and the only superhero, if he doesn’t show up at this time, he will probably receive a lot of condemnation.

Ross Tony can’t be saved, so at least we have to save the innocent people and soldiers.

“Yes, sir!!”

“Ah!!” Jane covered her eyes, not daring to watch the next scene!

Because Jane knows that the next scene will be extremely bloody!

Daisy also hugged Jane tightly and kept exclaiming in fear, but she still stared at the screen with big eyes!

“go to hell!!”

Seeing the movement of Hatred’s raised right hand, everyone exclaimed!

Ross, Betty, and the adjutant all closed their eyes in despair.


The expected picture did not appear, nor did the pain of being hammered to death occur.

“You went too far, (abba) you actually destroyed my beloved home like this.

A gentle and calm voice sounded in the ears of the three Roses.

They opened their eyes in confusion, but only saw the fiery red cloak.

Xia Ming stood in front of Hatred, holding the huge fist of Hatred on her head, shaking her head slightly.

The sudden scene shocked and cheered everyone!!

Especially Xia Ming didn’t do anything, she just stood there with her arms folded, leaning against her body to block the powerful fist of hatred!!

This extremely relaxing and freehand scene brought shivers to everyone’s body and a shocking sensory impact!

You know, the power of hatred is so powerful that it can destroy a tall building with just a wave of your hand!!

But Xia Ming is just a human being!!

“Sir! Something has changed. Someone stopped the monster!”

J.A.R.V.I.S said to Tony who was still wearing a battle suit.

“What happened, please tell me.”

The holographic projection came to Tony. Tony looked carefully and felt that the person under the hateful fist looked familiar.

“Red cloak…that magician! Xia Ming!!”

“Back up, back up! What did he do!!”

Tony yelled violently.

Then the holographic projection went backwards for a few seconds, allowing Tony to see the scene where Xia Ming appeared!


“Jane! Jane!! Come and see! Is this your boyfriend!!”

Daisy’s originally wide eyes seemed to have widened again because the picture on the screen was too shocking.

Daisy shook Jane’s body and urged Jane to look at the screen.

“Where did I get this man…Xia Ming!?”

Jane’s speechless words were suddenly interrupted when she saw Xia Ming’s familiar face.

Jane was so shocked that she stood up, put her face in front of the laptop screen, and stared at that face closely.

“Really… Xia Ming!?” Jane said in disbelief.

“Wow!! Jane, your boyfriend is actually a superhero!!”

“This is so cool!!”

“Oh oh oh! Honey! Look, my good friend!!”

In an apartment, Wade hugged his girlfriend Vanessa, pointed at Xia Ming who appeared in the news and shouted!

“It’s Xia Ming! He actually blocked the attack of this big monster!? Is he so powerful!?”

Vanessa covered her mouth and exclaimed watching this scene.

“Definitely! This is my good friend! Without him at that time, I would not have been able to successfully rescue you!!”

“Oh! By the way, there is also his one million!!”

“My bestie is so awesome!!”

“Check! Check it for me!!”

“Give me everyone to find out who this mysterious guy is!?”

“Five minutes…no, three minutes!! I want all his information!!”

When Nick Fury saw the person suddenly appearing on the screen, his remaining eye almost bulged out, and he immediately yelled!

“Fake! Why is there such a powerful guy that I don’t know about!!”


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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