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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 98. Odin! I'm Xia Ming, Come On And Help Open The Door! !

With the warm and fragrant nephrite in her arms, Xia Ming hugged Jane’s soft body in great surprise.

After experiencing it personally, Xia Ming felt that her chest was soft.

“Are you so excited?” Xia Ming joked.

“Well, I want to see you!”

Jane put her head in Xia Ming’s arms, her nose wrapped around the fragrance of Xia Ming’s body, and said in a muffled voice.

“Xia Ming, do you want to see me too?”

Jane suddenly raised her head and stared into Xia Ming’s eyes.

These eyes as deep as the universe still made Jane want to indulge in them.

“Well, I want to see you too.” Xia Ming looked at the face getting closer and closer, lowered her head and kissed her.

Since Jian Du took the initiative, Xia Ming did not refuse and directly launched an offensive.

The two hugged each other, getting tighter and tighter.

After a long time, Jane stopped with a blushing face and distanced herself.

“Xia Ming, I like you!”

Jane’s eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist, and she expressed her love seriously.

“I like you too, Jane.” Xia Ming stroked Jane’s hair.

On the sofa, the two of them clung to each other.

“Xia Ming, you said you are a magician? Are you the same as the witch in the movie? You know many spells?”

“Yes, but my magic is different from theirs.

Xia Ming waved her right hand as she spoke, and suddenly the desks, chairs, and the sofa under Xia Ming and Jian all floated in the room.

“Oh my god!!”

Jane was speechless looking at this extremely magical scene!

“and this.”

Xia Ming snapped her fingers, and a group of golden butterflies suddenly appeared in the room, circling and flying!

Xia Ming suddenly discovered that apart from being used for fighting and showing off, magic cannot capture the hearts of beauties!!


Xia Ming controls the sofa to fly slowly in the air.

“I can’t believe it! The legend actually exists!”

Jane was extremely amazed by Xia Ming’s magic!

“If magic also exists, then Xia Ming, does traveling through time and space also exist!~~!”

Jane suddenly looked at Xia Ming excitedly.

“Yes, so your wormhole theory is right. We can travel through time and space.”

“Oh my God! So how did they form? How did they do it!?”

“Would you like to experience it?”

“Can I!?” Jane said in surprise.


Xia Ming restored various items floating in the air to their original positions, then pulled Jane up and opened a portal.

“This is New York, my home.”

Xia Ming took Jane to New York’s holy place.

“It can really be done!! It’s amazing!!”

Jane pushed open the door and walked to the street outside. Looking at the face that was different from London, Jane even wondered if she was dreaming!

“I’ll take you up there to take a look.”

Xia Ming put her arms around Jane’s waist and teleported to the sky above New York.

“So lovely!”

New York below was so brightly lit and so beautiful that Jane was deeply intoxicated!

This is the first time in her history that she has looked at the city from this perspective!

It’s a completely different feeling when flying with her!

“Is there somewhere you want to go?”

“Anywhere is fine?”

“Yes, anywhere is fine.” Xia Ming nodded.

“I want to go to Santorini, the Amalfi Coast, Hawaii, Paris, Venice…is that too much?”

Jane excitedly said a series of place names, and then looked at Xia Ming sheepishly.

“No, as long as you want to go, we can always~”

As Xia Ming waved his hand, the portal flashed past.

“It’s so awesome!!”

Xia Ming took Jian through different countries and locations, and enjoyed countless scenery with Jian.

“What a pity. I can’t understand your magic, and I can’t prove it with theory.

Sitting on a cliff, waiting for the sunrise, Jane said regretfully.

The portal was too straightforward and simple for Jane to explain using rigorous science.

As for those dimensional energy and magic spells, they have nothing to do with Jane’s research!

If Jian Jian had written a thesis on teleportation magic, it would probably be on the theological side.

“Speaking of which, didn’t you record a lot of notes about this universe through the legend of Asgard?”

“Yeah, but that’s a myth and legend, it can’t really exist.

“What if I say they really exist?” Xia Ming chuckled.

“No way!? That’s a fairy tale!!”

Jane looked at Xia Ming in disbelief, wondering if Xia Ming was teasing her.

“When did I lie to you? And Bifrost can prove your wormhole theory, as well as the real existence of the Nine Realms and the World Tree.”

Xia Ming said, pulling up Jane and coming to an open space.

“Then how do we get there?” Jane held Xia Ming’s hand tightly.

“Simple, wait until I ask someone to open Bifrost, and I will show you with your own eyes.

Xia Ming explained, then looked up at the sky.

Heimdall, please open the door. “

After Xia Ming finished speaking, she waited quietly.

Then, half a minute passed and there was no movement at all.

“Is this… a failure?” Jane asked uncertainly.

“Ahem, maybe he didn’t hear it. Just wait for me.”

Xia Ming closed her eyes and activated soul projection.

Asgard, Bifrost.

Heimdall heard Xia Ming’s call, but he ignored it.

After all, Xia Ming is not familiar with him.

Besides, what do you think of me, the Great Cave of Heim, the patron saint of the divine world?

If you say you want to open the door, will it open the door for you?

And you don’t have any serious business using Bifrost!

Are you going too far by wasting their Asgard resources just to fall in love?

Anyway, Heimdall ignored it.

Then, Xia Ming came to the door.

“Heimdall, you have gone too far. You make me lose face.

Xia Ming suddenly appeared in front of Heimdall.

“Are you…(Qianhaohao)…spiritual projection?” Heimdall saw that Xia Ming’s body was still on the earth.

“Why don’t you open the door?”

“You are not from Asgard, and I cannot open Bifrost without the order of God King Odin.

Heimdall told the truth.

“So as long as Odin agrees?”

“That’s right.”

“That’s okay.” Xia Ming nodded and crossed Heimdall.

Heimdall thought Xia Ming was going to Odin to ask for permission, and silently closed his eyes in pain.

Then the next second, he opened his eyes suddenly and turned around.

Because Xia Ming…………

“Odin! I’m Xia Ming, come on, open the door!!”

“Shut up! Stop shouting!”

Heimdall was so shocked that he tried to stop Xia Ming.

But Xia Ming is just a soul projection and has no entity, so Heim and everyone failed.


“Shut up!!”


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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