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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — 99. Loki: Why Is This Evil Guy Here Again! ?

Xia Ming’s voice echoed throughout Asgard.

The sudden sound made many people stop, or put down their work, and turned to look in the direction of Bifrost with doubts. They all said, who is so bold as to dare to make a noise here!

Even Loki, who was studying in the library where various books were stored in Asgard, heard the shouts.

Loki put down the book, frowned as well, and looked in that direction dissatisfied. He didn’t know how Heimdall did things, and let such a rude person come in.

But why does this voice sound so familiar to Loki?

Loki touched his chin and started thinking. As he listened, Loki’s expression suddenly changed.

“Xia Ming!?”

“Why is this evil guy here again!?”

When Loki heard that the person who came was actually Xia Ming, his body couldn’t help but tremble!

The painful memory of being teased by Xia Ming reappeared in my mind!

Obviously these days, he has managed to forget it through studying!!

It turned out to be okay now, but Loki was afraid that he would start having nightmares again when he went to sleep at night!!

“Is this Xia Ming? He is coming to Asgard?”

Frigga also recognized Xia Ming’s voice, put on a smile and walked outside the house.

Frigga didn’t mind Xia Ming’s rudeness, because she felt that Xia Ming was like Thor in terms of personality, carefree and informal, which was lovable.

And in terms of intelligence, he is not inferior to Loki, or even better. It is precisely because of Xia Ming that Loki, who has always been restless, locked himself in the library and began to study magic with concentration.

This made Frigga very happy and Odin very satisfied.

So Frigga felt that Xia Ming was like the aggregation of her two sons, and she was treated as a whole child.

Not to mention that Frigga has a good relationship with Ancient One, so she naturally won’t care about these trivial matters.

But Frigga doesn’t care, which doesn’t mean Odin is also happy.

He sat on the throne in the golden palace, his face dark.

“This kid, doesn’t he know how to come closer and say something? How unbecoming is it to yell!?”

If possible, Odin really wants to stab Xia Ming back to the earth with the spear of eternity!!

But when he thought about his approaching end and the countless chaos in the future, Odin couldn’t help but sigh.

For the sake of the Ancient One, Odin didn’t bother to care.

“Heimdall, open Bifrost.”

Odin sent a message to Heimdall who was looking at Xia Ming angrily.

“Yes, God King!”

“I told you, you could just open the door and it would be over.” Xia Ming shook her head.


Heimdall glared at Xia Ming, walked to the center, and held the hilt of the sword.

Seeing this, Xia Ming returned directly to Earth.

“Be prepared.” Xia Ming held Jane’s slim waist and said softly.

“Eh? What do I need to do?!”

“You don’t have to do anything, just look up.”

“Yeah!” Jane looked up obediently.

Then she saw a rainbow falling from the sky, covering the two of them.


Jane, who suddenly lost weight, hugged Xia Ming tightly and closed her eyes in fear.

“Don’t be nervous, look, this is Bifrost.”

Xia Ming’s comfort made Jane open her eyes and saw this radiant and magical scene in front of her.

“Are we in a wormhole now?” Jane asked in shock!

“That’s right, we are traveling through it now, look at the outside of those rainbows.”

“What’s out there!?” Jane asked loudly.

“Outside is the universe, or a strange planet, or some other place.”

“Are there really aliens?!”

“Not only are there aliens, but there are also gods~ What we are going to now is the Asgard in mythology.”

“Oh my God! I’m going to see the God King Odin!!” Jane shouted excitedly!

Time passed quickly, and before Jane had time to take a closer look, she had already appeared in a strange place and saw a figure wearing golden armor.

“Let me introduce to you, this is Heimdall, the patron saint of Asgard, who is responsible for guarding Bifrost.

“Hello!” Jane greeted cautiously.

But Heimdall was still very angry with Xia Ming, so he just nodded casually and ignored her.

This made Jane very nervous and embarrassed, feeling that the so-called God was really arrogant and indifferent.

“Ahem, oh…” Xia Ming looked at Heimdall dissatisfied (abbg) and opened her mouth.

“Hello hello! I’m Heimdall!”

Seeing that Xia Ming was causing trouble again, Heimdall was forced to open the business immediately, put on a stiff smile, and introduced himself to Jane.

“Hello, hello! I’m Jane!” Jane was startled and smiled quickly.

“Okay, let’s go inside and have a look.” Xia Ming took Jane and flew to Asgard’s Asgard.

“Xia Ming, are you familiar with this place? Come here often? Why is Heimdall so afraid of you?”

Jane couldn’t help but ask when she saw Heimdall who was completely different from the previous one.

And Heimdall was so angry when he heard Jane say that he was afraid of Xia Ming!

Damn it, is he afraid of Xia Ming?!

He didn’t want this kid to ruin Odin’s reputation!!

“I haven’t come here often, and this is only the second time. As for Heimdall being afraid of me, maybe it’s because I’m better than him.

Xia Ming explained casually.

“You are so awesome!” Jane looked at Xia Ming with eyes full of admiration!

“Okay, don’t look at me. Look at Asgard. This long one is Bifrost, and the one in the distance is Asgard. All the gods of Asgard live here.

“Hmm! So beautiful!!”

“I’ll take you to see Odin and Queen Frigga. I don’t know if Thor is at home this time.”

“Thor? The Thor with the hammer?!”

“Yes, it’s him!”

“I can actually see God!”

Jane still feels like she is having an extremely wonderful dream!

Especially when she saw the beautiful Asgard, “the feeling was even stronger!

If this is a dream, Jane hopes she will never wake up in her life!!

Xia Ming took Jane all the way over Bifrost, and then he saw Frigga who had been waiting here.

“Queen of Gods? Why are you here?”

“I’m waiting for you~” The Goddess smiled.

“Jane, this is Queen Frigga, a very good person!” Xia Ming introduced from the bottom of her heart.

“Hello! I am Jane Foster!” Jane was extremely cautious and felt at a loss.

She, a mortal, actually met the God Queen in mythology. Who would believe it!!

Moreover, in the mythical story, Jane is the extremely lucky person at this moment, and got the opportunity to meet God!!

“You are Xia Ming’s girlfriend, nice to meet you!” Frigga came over and took Jane’s hand cordially.

“I’m glad too……….”

“Xia Ming, go find Odin. He has something to do with you, so leave your girlfriend to me. I will take her around.”

“Okay.” Xia Ming nodded.

“Xia Ming…” Jane looked at him nervously for help.

“It’s okay, the Queen is fine, don’t be nervous.”

Xia Ming comforted Jane and watched Frigga leave with Jane.

He felt reassured about Frigga and believed that they would get along very well before long.

Then Xia Ming flew towards the Golden Palace.

Xia Ming was confused, does Asgard also have meetings every day? Why does Odin like sitting in that chair so much.


American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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