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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — Chapter 19

“We’ll leave first, there are many disturbances today.”

Furuichi felt that he should leave.

Although it is a fight between juniors, it seems that Xia Ming is a little too ruthless, and the rocky who hit has a psychological shadow, and now everyone is stunned, and he is receiving Friga’s psychological comfort on the side.

Gu Yi felt that if he didn’t go again, it would be rude.

“Okay, as for Thor, I’ll trouble you to take more care of it then.”

Odin didn’t say anything, things were discussed, and Furuichi couldn’t leave the earth for too long, so it was good.

The main thing is also worry, worried that Loki can’t stand it.

This disciple of Gu Yi is simply more evil than Loki!

Bai has such a good-looking face!

He couldn’t even imagine what a blow Loki had suffered when he found out that he had killed his mother and brother with his own hands!

“Gu Yi, come back next time~”

Frigga smiled goodbye to Gu.

“Xia Ming, you can also come often, but it’s a pity that Thor is not at home, otherwise you can still get to know each other.”

Hearing this, Loki’s body trembled slightly.

Please don’t come again!

I’m afraid!!

Loki’s self-confidence was really frightened by Xia Ming.

Not to mention magic, let’s say that his method is darker, crueler, and more evil than Loki’s own trickery of Thor!

In such a comparison, Loki even feels that he is a good person, and the means are extremely gentle! ! !

But fortunately, these are only fake.

He never wanted to experience the pain of losing his mother and losing Sol again!

Even if he wanted to sit on the throne, it was just Loki hoping to get Odin’s approval.

Facing Friga, who had taught him since childhood, Loki was full of respect from the bottom of his heart.

It feels good to be lost and recovered.

After this incident, Loki did not pretend to be indifferent when he faced Frigga again.

Even when Sol returned to Asgard a few days later, he gave Thor a hug for the first time.

Seeing Thor and Hill and the others, they were wondering if Loki was thinking about how to sneak Sol behind his back, and they were vigilant for a while.

However, for Thor’s doubts, Loki did not explain the reason, and also told Frigga and Odin not to talk about today’s events.

After all, this is simply humiliating for Loki!!

At the same time, Loki changed his usual style, no longer making trouble, but locked himself in his room and began to immerse himself in magic.

He swears!

The next time I see that hateful Xia Ming, I will definitely return the humiliation and pain I suffered today!!

“You wait! Xia Ming!! “


Xia Ming, who returned to Karma Taj, did not care about how Loki was, in his eyes, Loki was an unbeatable little strongman, and he was also very good at reading current affairs.

Except for being extremely tough once in the face of Thanos, the rest of the time, he can live well.

So don’t worry about Loki being played badly.

In the following days, Xia Ming continued to borrow books from the library and seriously studied all kinds of magic.


[By carefully studying and practicing out-of-body magic, you realized the power of the soul, entered the soul plane, and epiphany of the magic soul projection. 】

[Soul projection: You can use spiritual power at any time to project your soul and appear anywhere on the earth. ] 】

[By carefully studying and practicing dimensional mirror magic, you understand the essence of this magic and create realistic magic.] 】

[Reality magic: Just like controlling and manipulating the mirror world, it can distort reality and change the environment. 】

[By carefully studying and practicing the magic Seraphim Shield, you analyzed the structure of the magic, combined with the knowledge of space, and created the Magic Infinite Ring. 】

[Infinity Ring: A ring shield composed of nine rings, each ring represents a layer of spatial distance, which can absolutely defend against any attack, and the distance between its attack and the user is infinitely extended by space. 】

[By carefully studying and practicing the Magic Dimensional Emperor Divine Sword, you have mastered how to use the power of the God of Magic to transform weapons, combined with real magic, and created the Magic Divine Supreme Weapon. 】

[Divine Supreme Weapon: According to the user, the power of the God of Magic can be used at will, and any form of weapon can appear. 】


“Whew! Finally mastered a few of Karma Taj’s mainstream magic! “

“Now I should be able to compare with Strange Doctor Strange, who did not study the Dark God Book!”

“Finally out of the mountain!”

Xia Ming, who put down a magic book, was extremely happy in his heart.

He has finally become a master of one side!

It’s even the kind of top masters!

Except for Gu Yi, a Heavenly Father-level boss, everyone else may be able to touch it!

“I just don’t know what strength level I am now, the Heavenly Father level should not be comparable, and the universe level may be counted?”

In Xia Ming’s impression, according to the ranking of Marvel’s strength by some fans, it is generally divided into the following levels.

1. Surface level:

As the name suggests, the surface level is a character that can only occupy a place on the surface of the planet, and most of the earth heroes are in this level, such as the normal state of Iron Man, Captain America, Black Panther, Winter Soldier, Widow Sister, Hawkeye and so on.

2. Cosmic level:

Heroes at this level also have the ability to easily destroy a city, such as Captain Marvel is a typical cosmic hero, and Captain Marvel with full firepower is enough to destroy a city in a short period of time, or a space fleet.

Even as long as Captain Marvel’s head is iron enough, then it won’t be a problem for her to crash through a planet.

3. Heavenly Father:

Ru Yi and Odin are at this stage.

Another example is some dimensional lord demon gods, such as Hell Lord Mephisto.

4. Single cosmic level:

There is not much difference between the ordinary single universe level and the powerful point of the heavenly father level, and their normal state of strength performance is to easily destroy the planet, but the upper limit of the strength of the single universe level is much higher than that of the heavenly father level, and the powerful single universe level can affect the existence of a universe!

5. Multiverse level:

The existence at this level is already at the level of the big guy, after all, the most secondary multiverse level can also affect several parallel universes, and because Marvel is composed of countless parallel universes, it can be said that there are countless heroes below the single universe level.

But there are a number of multiverse-level bigwigs, after all, not every parallel universe can give birth to a multiverse-level existence, some powerful multiverse-level bigwigs are the only one, and there is only one him in countless parallel universes.

This is why when Gu Yi couldn’t find the other Xia Ming in the parallel universe, he wondered if Xia Ming was a multiverse-level figure.

But it’s a pity that the current Xia Ming is not.

And the multiverse-level boss, similar to Eternal, is one of the most powerful multiverse-level, his body is the multiverse, and we can only see his doppelganger in the multiverse.

Annihilation, infinity, and death with the birth of the multiverse along with eternity are also the only existence of the multiverse, and Thanos, who has the infinity glove in the comics, is also multiverse-level.

6. Almighty Cosmic Level:

The almighty universe level is already the strongest existence in the Marvel Universe, the Marvel Universe big butler Life Court is at this level, in the eyes of the Life Court, the Infinity Gauntlet is not worth mentioning, the power of the Life Court can affect the entire Marvel Universe.

Finally, there is the OAA, the supreme God in Marvel, the strongest existence.

And Xia Ming’s requirements are not high, and he must become a multiverse-level boss at the minimum.

And this road is still far away.


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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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