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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning! — Chapter 27

“Don’t fight, don’t fight!”

Before being sprayed to death by Dormammu, Xia Ming called a halt to the fight.

If it had been before, Dormammu would certainly not have agreed.

But now, in order to quickly send this guy away, Dormammu honestly stopped moving.


Xia Ming, who had lifted the magic, returned to his normal size.

He didn’t expect that the consumption of this magic would be so great.

So big that Xia Ming’s body was a little unbearable.

Anyway, he decided to leave, and Dormammu would not leave him to eat, so Xia Ming was too lazy to die again.

“Are you leaving?”

At this time, Dormammu was like the host of Xia Ming going to the neighbor’s house, and he was calmly asking.

“Why, do you want to keep me for dinner?”

“I don’t have anything for you humans to eat here.”

Dormammu looked at Xia Ming speechlessly.

He is not a real human being, and he has long passed the stage of eating human food.

Now he feeds on pure dark energy.

“That’s fine, I’ll stay enough anyway.”

Xia Ming spread his hands.

Then Xia Ming was ready to use the dimensional shuttle and opened the dimensional door to leave, but stopped in the expectant eyes of Dormammu.

“By the way, what did you dimensional demon gods do to become lords? Is it because you are the strongest in this world and no one is your opponent? “

Xia Ming suddenly asked.

“Of course!”

Dormammu said proudly.

“This is gone?”

“Then if I defeat you, won’t I also become the master of this world?”

Xia Ming asked in disbelief.

“You will never be able to defeat me in this dark world!”

“Well, then what?”


Dormammu looked at Xia Ming’s posture as if he would not leave without asking clearly, and sighed.

“I can obtain pure and infinite mystical energy through the dark dimension, and turn this energy into any magic I have.”


Xia Ming understood.

In his memory, Dormammu was originally a wizard, accidentally discovered the dark space and entered here, and then in order to become the master of the dark space, Dormammu gave up his original physical body and obtained an incomparably powerful dark power.

Then Xia Ming looked at Dormammu with glowing eyes.


“Aren’t you leaving yet?”

Dormammu urged, faintly feeling that Xia Ming’s gaze was meaningful.

“That, that mysterious energy of yours, can you give me a little and let me keep it as a souvenir? After all, it’s not easy to come once. “

Xia Ming looked at Dormammu expectantly.


You’re special!

Are you a robber?

How can you be so shameless!

Forget if you trap me, forget if you don’t leave my house, and even ask for the most precious thing in my house?!

Can you be an individual!

Dormammu has lived for so many years, such a shameless mage, this is the first time he has seen it!

Especially this mage still came out of Karma Taj.

Thinking about it like this, Dormammu was even more angry!

First Gu Yi borrowed power from him, and until now he has not returned the price that belongs to her, and he even hides in the earth and does not dare to come out.

Unexpectedly, her disciples were even more excessive than her!

Dute came directly to the door to grab it!!

You all deserve to be in the same vein!!

Sure enough, shameless enough, not trustworthy enough!!


Dormammu also did not let Xia Ming and directly refused.

“In that case, then I won’t leave, it’s a big deal to continue to consume.”

Xia Ming said and sat down directly.

It’s not me who is in a hurry anyway.

Dormammu: “Are you special…”


Karma Taj.

“Ancient Mage, you… What are you going to do? “

Wang looked at Gu Yi, who had drunk cup after cup of tea, and finally spoke.

“I don’t know.”

Furuichi stood up, his right hand constantly fanning the fan, walking back and forth.

It can be seen that Gu Yi is very uncalm.

From the time Xia Ming disappeared, to now, it has been a while.

Wang met the most anxious Gu Yi in history anyway.

During this period, he also asked Gu Yi where Xia Ming went, but Gu Yi never told him.

But Wang could see that it was very dangerous there, and even Gu Yi did not dare to set foot easily, otherwise, Gu Yi would have set out to find Xia Ming in the morning.

“This kid!”

“Forget it, I’ll go for a walk!!”

“King, remember my words, if something happens to me and I don’t come back, the position of Supreme Mage will be handed over to Xia Ming!”

“Then Karma Taj will be handed over to you.”

Gu Yi made up his mind.

She still couldn’t ignore Xia Ming’s safety and decided to go to the dark dimension.

Even if she wants to face Dormammu, even if she will be buried there, she will bring Xia Ming back!!

In Gu Yi’s heart, Xia Ming is the future of Karma Taj, which is nothing compared to her own life!

And she has long been prepared, and now her only mission is to let the next Supreme Mage accept the mission of protecting the earth!

Whether it was Strange or Xia Ming, Gu Yi was willing to use his life to guide them to the right path.

Especially Xia Ming’s talent is much higher than Strange and herself than herself, such a talent should not fall into the dark dimension!

“Supreme Mage!”

When Wang heard Gu Yi’s last words, he immediately couldn’t help it.

The eyes were red.

No wonder Gu Yi hesitated for so long, it turned out that she knew that she might die this time!

What to do now?!

Wang couldn’t say anything to keep Gu Yi, because he couldn’t arbitrarily decide what Xia Ming’s life should be, and said that it was better to sacrifice Xia Ming to save Gu Yi himself.

This is contrary to the mission he has learned since joining Karma Taj.

He knew that Furuichi was doing the right thing, so he couldn’t stop it.

“I’m here waiting for your return!”

The king made an ancient courtesy to Gu Yi, which was the greatest respect for the Supreme Mage.


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American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: American comics: The understanding is incredible, and the universe is created at the beginning!

Xia Ming accidentally fell off the cliff while climbing Mount Everest and was rescued by Gu Yi. When he woke up, he found that he had arrived at the legendary magical secret land of Kama Taj.

And get the golden finger [God-level omnipotent system].

Incredible understanding and infinite creation:

[By traveling through the multiverse, you have a deep understanding of the nature of the multiverse and created a pocket universe. At this point, your energy is endless!】

[By using the magic of Weishan Emperor, you have analyzed Weishan Emperor and created your own God of White Magic. At this point, you don’t have to pay any more price!】

[You summoned Dormammu from the Dark Dimension. After understanding it deeply, you realized the meaning of the dimension, created a new dimension, and became the new Dimension Demon God!】

As time goes by, Xia Ming has mastered many abilities such as unlimited power, manipulating time and space, modifying or distorting reality, creating parallel universes, and resurrecting others.

At this point, Xia Ming became an almighty god, able to create everything in the universe and the entire multiverse at will.


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